Part 16: Episode 16: I Can't Think of a Joke about Microscopes
Hey, do you guys like cutscenes? Cutscenes where everyone stands in a room talking? No? Too bad!Episode 16: I Can't Think of a Joke about Microscopes

Last time, we hit the jackpot and made a grenade pistol. This time we're...
Hey, where are we going?

I dunno, I thought you knew!

What? Who said that?

Oh, this'll go well.

Like Maeda has any money.

Okay, this shouldn't take long.

We'll just drive halfway across the island.

Besides my patience? This grenade gun is burning a hole in my pocket!


Good God, I hope it's from Eve!

See? Look at this place! Fucking tiny! And what kind of lab doesn't have giant, easily broken glass tubes everywhere?

Maeda just kinda wandered over here and did a thing.

Yeah, he actually just trails off there and fiddles with the microscope.

Why, Aya, it's an FMV!
Take a look!



not how microscopes work at all!

Behold, a human cell.

Take a gooooood look.

Whoa, are...are those molecules? I think we zoomed-in too far. Back it up, Maeda.

That is a mitochondria. I don't think that's how they actually look, but this is still more realistic than the T-Virus.

I don't know why an organelle designed specifically to produce energy has grabby claws, but there ya go.

Mitochondria are basically just reeeeeeally small piranhas, when you think about it.

I like how Aya completely understood all that, even the cross fades. I expected a slightly different reaction.

Sigh. Why won't game developers hire me to write for them?

I mean, games would be way shorter, yeah. But there would be so much more suplexing. You don't even know.

I woulda had Daniel running through Central Park, completely engulfed in flame, dropkicking through polar bears and punching Eve right in the goddamn face. All while completely on fire.

Then, he'd grab Ben, and Aya would shoot a grenade at him. But the grenade is actually a big-ass water balloon, and puts out the fire.

Daniel and Aya would high-five while Eve blows up, and the screen freeze-frames. Roll credits, play theme song. Then, they fly off in an airplane to go fight Albert Wesker in a volcano.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Jesus, look at all those words.

Aya's completely drifted off again. Betcha she's thinking about playin' my super-awesome game.

Jesus, I just noticed how short Aya is.

Maeda does a thing: Part 2.

I wonder what kind of settings you need to make the microscope dramatically zoom and pan to exactly what you want to see.

Nope, just another FMV

This time, we start right at the cell. Not entirely sure what all that flappy shit before was about.



Everything looks to be in order here. A little less blue, but otherwise...

Oh no! It's the deadly velocichondria!

The nucleus writhes and pulses.

This does something to the mitochondria.

And they just drift off, lifelessly.
Music - Theme of Aya

Even Aya's cells carry guns at all times?

Here we go.

Is Aya wondering if she's still human after seeing this new evidence?

Or is she just super bored and thinking about shooting rat monsters?


Aya and Daniel spring into action, firing blindly in the direction of the loud noise until their guns run dry.

Upon seeing who it is, they reload and shoot some more.

Nah, they actually just put their guns away without firing a shot.

I bet he was just standing in the hallway for the last ten minutes, waiting to make a dramatic entrance. Probably even waved to Aya and the gang as they walked by.

I like how Daniel spends most of this cutscene absently glancing around the room.




Daniel spots something on the computer monitor. Is Dr. Klamp running Limewire?!

Whoa, that's...Dr. Klamp, why don't you have a seat over there?

Klamp runs over and clicks out of whatever Daniel was just looking at. I managed to miss this but still catch a slight dimming from the camera angle changing. Neat.

Haha, Aya's just like "Welp."

Reluctantly, Daniel releases the diabolical Doctor Klamp.

Daniel is the first to storm out.

Can't you just feel the sarcasm?

Maeda just kind of awkwardly shuffles out.

That sounds ominous. Should we pop back in a see what's up with that?
