Part 19: Day 6.5: Finale
Day 6.5: Finale
Last time on Parasite Eve...

Aya can't kill a simple Ultimate Being.

Time for a good old fashioned chase sequence!

Wait. Why am I running away from this thing? I still have some of Maeda's death cell bullets and a mouthful of sass. I should be able to kill him myself.

Come to mommy you gooey, sad-faced sucka duck

Son of a... All right, let's try that again.

The boiler! Time to sabotage shit.

Aya takes some time to savour her witty line.
A little too much time.

God damn it.

This time, Aya books it before she dies. Again.

The little bastard starts flying now. Why can't he just sit there and die?

Aya makes it out this time

Lucky for Aya she learned how to swim fast with PE power.

Danny: It's finally over...
Aya: ..... I don't understand... Why do "I" have this... "power"...?
Maeda: It's because... Maya is inside of you, too, Aya...
Aya: What?...
Danny: When your mother and your sister died, they transplanted a part of your sister into you.
Aya: Into me?
Danny: Yeah... When you were seven. You probably don't remember any of it... but... You were botn with a defect in your right eye. And so Maya's cornea was transplanted into your right eye...
What?! How can you not remember something like that?! Goddamnit I hate Aya.
Aya: My right eye?! Then, what I saw when I touched Eve was...
Maeda: It's said that when you have an extreme experience... what you see then is branded onto the cornea... But this hasn't been scientifically proven.
Aya: That was... Maya's last memory? That was the last thing she ever saw...?
Note how this in no way explains the ghosts that kept leading Aya around. And nothing ever will. It was a mitochondria hologram or something.
Maeda: As for the mitochondria that was in Aya's body... I think it underwent a different evolutionary change than Eve... By living symbiotically with Aya's mitochondria, it still possessed Eve's power. From there, it evolved to the point where it could... live symbiotically with the human nucleus...
Aya: Me and... Maya... our... mitochondrial power...
Maeda: Starting with the incident in Japan and now with this... I wonder if this is a message to all mankind... BLAH BLAH BLAH HUMANS BAD EARTH GOOD IT IS WE WHO ARE THE ONES WHO ARE THE PARASITES BE SURE TO RECYCLE. I am not transcribing that shit.

Happy happy sun

A fine time brooding was had by all.
Some magical time when everything in New York has been fixed later...

This looks familiar.

Huh. Just about everyone's here, except for-

oh there he is.

All the Whos in Whoville say, the scientist's balls grew 3 sizes that day.


Let's watch the show!

Oh, it's this one again.

Wait what the hell is that fire there for why did the screen go dark what's happening?!

Oh, they just added a burning prop to the production famous for its cast being burnt to death.

Everyone enjoys the show

Eve's dead. The Ultimate Being's dead. Time to relax and enjoy the show.

But there is something in Aya's eye...


The End.

...OR IS IT?
Next time: The motherfucking Chrysler Building