Alright. Last time we were here, things didn't exactly go as planned. Hopefully the new plan works.

But, first things first, let's test out the Psycho Wand.

Incidentally, I'm not equipping Rune with the Psycho Wand. This is for convenience sake later.

Down we go!

The music shifts over to the standard 'technology base' affair.

As does the scenery, soon after.

Ooh, a terminal! That was easy!

Oh, well, okay then. Let's go left! (This always seems to be my first choice, I've noticed.)

No progress, but there is a spiffy new gun for Demi! Hits pretty darn hard, too. Now, back to the right!

Along the way, we fight spider robots with, you guessed it, machine guns! Hooray, robots!

Now, as I was saying, to the right!

Once you hit this point, just go north. Nothing to see on the left.

Going down!

From the elevator, head straight, then south at this fork.

Snag this and head back to the north path.

Along the way, say hi to Juza's cousin. He's all over the place down here, but luckily I only ran into him once. And surprised him. Phew.

Then I ran into another new robot. This one shoots fire! Neato!

Going down again!

They throw this multiple elevator crap at you twice in this place.

Fortunately, taking the next elevator right away gets us some nice dinnerware for Demi. Back up we go!

The Speards and Tech Users have gotten an upgrade. And those techmasters have Sar, the bastards. Luckily I dont run into more than one of them at a time, or else I'd hit them with Seals. As it is, they go down in two hits.

Now, back up at the two elevators, go south to continue.

I'm not certain why tsu turned into thu, or vice versa, but I assure you that it's more laser hands.

We won't be getting that for a while. A shame, too. I like what's in there. To the elevator!

The elevator drops us off at a path to a door.

More pseudo-side-scrolling!

Aww, it's over.

Eventually you'll hit this branch-off. Ignore it and follow the line to the elevator.

Here's that other dual-elevator. This time, ignore it for now.

You'll get an empty box and some new armor for Demi as a result. Now take the other elevator.

A new enemy!

And he paralyzed Rika, the bastard!

Now what'll I do? I'll have to waste the TP to cast Rimpa and then-

Oh, right. It wore off after ten steps. I told you Rimpa and Cure-Parals are jokes.

At any rate, the other elevator brings us down here. A simple stairway would've sufficed, but I guess the people of PS2's era were akin to WALL-E's Axiom inhabitants.

To the left: Treasure. To the lower-right: Vengeance. I think we all know the right choice.

Indeed! Treasure!


Now, really, who can argue with that?
Alright, back to the elevator.

It's a straight shot from here.

(Nothing I do can improve the video quality and fix the audio sync. I can only have one or the other, apparently. And, in some cases, neither! I should try doing the videos on an actual PC from now on. Ol' lappy here can't take it.)

Zio starts the fight the same way he did before: Magic Barrier and Nightmare. It's not going to do him a whole lot of good.

Zio has a few attacks up his sleeve. Corrosion and Hewn are both pretty nasty since they hit the whole party, but a few of our characters don't take much damage from them, being magical in nature. Still, definitely have Demi put up a Barrier.
He's also got the Black Energy Wave and a powerful normal attack in the form of a huge black beam that can easily wipe out a character.

However, Chaz has his own laser skills.

Rune can't hurt Zio too terribly much, so I relegate him to wood-cane duty.

Which doesn't last all that long.

There goes our only way to revive everyone but Demi! Hurrah!

Nevertheless, we still finish him off.

And, though I missed the screenshot, Gryz is right. He did finally kill Zio himself. Not in the video, though. Rika got that kill for some reason.

While that would've been rather useful BEFORE, Sar is still a wonderful little spell to have. Full-party Res!
Anywho, plot, resolutions, etc.

(Despite being in some horrible machine-tentacle-shoulder-rape scenario, she remains cheerful and adorable. Oh, that Demi!

And then we're unceremoniously dumped out in the desert short two members and hauling around a dead one.
Mission accomplished! Yay!
Needless errands that some other shmuck could easily do!

Sartak posted:
Purgatory Boss #6: Zio
I have Rika using two shields for this fight. It really helps; shields boost defense by a lot. She (along with Gryz) was mostly on healing duty, but whenever she needed to attack, Flare did plenty of damage.
I'm overleveled for this fight. If I'm not casting Rever or using Medic Pw every turn, then it's not worth recording. Then again, it's quite nice to be able to survive hits.
This song kicks ass live