Part 43: Infernal Base

Hello everyone and welcome back. Strap yourselves in, because this update will not be a short one. Before we can go take on the Infernal Cult, it's time to take a gun off the mantle.

NATHAN is deathly allergic to both ground and fire, things the Infernal Cult has in spades. RHYDON also joins him on the bench because this is Fancy's last hurrah.

At the time

Not bad, not bad at all.

And because Golduck is no longer little, yellow, or different...

"Naproxen", I hear you ask, "what is that?"

He's big, he's blue, and he don't got a headache no more. So with the terrible jokes out of the way, here's the team that will take down Zenith!

Beeisel has a Lax Incense because she's my tank. She's also got all physical moves because of Shift Gear and how it buffs physical attack.

If Defiant triggers enough, or if he's allowed to Bulk Up enough, Centaurion's 217 Attack becomes 868! At which point I'm pretty sure he just transforms into Saitama.

It doesn't take Naproxen's supposed psychic powers to see why I'm bringing him. We already fought Primal Kyogre 16 updates ago, and there's no reason to believe that the game would get more merciful since then. A Cloud Nine Golduck is a hard counter to Primal Groudon.

Gateau is right behind Centaurion in the "will punch out God if she's given enough prep time" category.

Fancy has changed very little since we first started using her. Unlike her comrades, she can't buff her own attack stat to apocalyptic levels, so she has to "only" make do with Mega Evolution. Make no mistake, she can still kick ass just as hard as everyone else.

And finally we have Dracolich. He actually learned a new move at 77! Outrage is nice and powerful, though it does use his weaker Attack stat. Also for some reason, he can't learn Sludge Wave. Oh well.

So now that we're actually ready, let's go kick some ass!

First off, the Rose Crater is fucking gigantic. I more or less take the direct route through, but there's so much to see here. It's also got a really high encounter rate with fire type pokemon. On top of that it's also permanently hailing in battle.

That's either Double Team or Giga Impact.

I thought about going back and going to the left, but then I took a few steps and ran into a wild battle and stopped caring.

I see the caldera is full of adrenaline junkies.

There can be only one!

Amy don't give a fuck who these boys' daddy is.

There's the other of the two TMs!

Hm... maybe I want to go another direction.

Back past the EXP grinding Ace Trainer...

You didn't try to show me anything! You sicced your pet hydra on me. Jerk.

Well can't get past this pool of lava, so back the way we came...

That's just wrong.

Alright fine. Let's sneak in with the group. This is also a point of no return. Once we start this event, we can't leave the Infernal Base until we win. So be sure you're ready!

Calreath remains one of the few good people in this region.

Um, okay. Sure. Hopefully Diana and Cal brought their A-teams and not just whatever they use for challengers.

I somehow doubt he's still weaker than Diana.

Pas de problème. We got this.

Oh no.


Great Persphone, just great. Your ranting caught the attention of the wrong people.



We get control here and we have no choice but to walk to the back of the cell and put our hand on the wall.

An explosion shakes the base.

Ignoring the fact that Amy was not disarmed prior to being captured, she's also a child. What are children really good at?

Annoying the shit out of adults.

Really annoying them.

All it takes is just some sing-song taunting. Or just "Hey." "Hey." "Hey." "Hey." "Hey." "Hey."

This grunt is not a smart man.

I got some bad news for you, bucko. Amy isn't the one locked in here with you...

You just locked yourself in the cell with her.

Her and her demon elephant.


Welp, now we're free and we're disguised like a cultist. Let's go make mischief.

We can unlock any of the cells with our fingerprint. This one in particular is quite nice...

Corrode is an Insurgence-exclusive move. It's a poison-type move that hits Steel for super-effective damage! 70 power, 10pp, 100 accuracy.

According to the wiki, only 7 pokemon can learn it. We can't get Delta Tentacruel's line until postgame, and we can't get Delta Metagross until after we're done here. So we'll just hold onto this for a rainy day.

We're on the second row of cells on the right. Let's head up first.

This base is pretty much Fancy's playground. The list of things she can't one shot when mega evolved is vanishingly small.

"Permafrost sets an entry hazard around the target Pokemon, which will Freeze them upon switching in."
Cool. I asked about it in the Insurgence discord and one of the staff members said it has a 1/8 (12.5%) chance to freeze a target upon switching in. Doesn't seem like it's worth the move slot, honestly. Someone else recommended Livewire for an entry hazard, which they said always works unless the target is Electric, Ground, or Flying type.

This is the large room in the northwest of the map. It's locked and can't be opened.

Don't mind me, just your ordinary Infernal Cult grunt. Walking around with a Golduck. As you do.

Are you serious?

I like this guy. He's here just to troll the people rolling through with ground types. Both his pokemon were Whiscash and Quagsire.

That's rude Cal...

Sweet. Looks like a plan is coming together.

Done with this floor!

We're in the southeast. The main entrance is just to the west, while our objective is obviously in the northwest. There's also a Chansey just north of where we are because while the game can be mean, it's not outright cruel.

So let's head north first. A source of free healing is much appreciated.

Feeling a little better now that we aren't running on fumes.

Totally rifling through the boxes.

You heard it here first. Convection doesn't exist in the pokemon universe.

Back in the south to explore the front part of the base.

These two are fawning over Zenith and refuse to move. So we're stuck here for the duration.

We're quickly running out of places to go.

So now off to the west!

So looks like the only place we can go is straight to Zenith. Fair enough.

Saving here because you never know what's going to go wrong in these battles.

Calreath status: still fucking awesome.


This battle is going to be a bitch no matter how you look at it. I've tried to prepare my team but...

I'm giving the highlights for a reason. We all know how I present these major battles with play-by-play commentary. So if I'm giving highlights then that means it's a failure reel.

Chandelure one shots Mega Fancy.

Centaurion loses 3/4 of his HP from an already-nerfed Overheat.

Golduck vs Groudon.

Golduck vs. Primal Groudon.

Primal Groudon's weather effect activates.

Don't forget, this is a Cloud Nine Golduck. This is a super fucking major problem. The one hard counter to Primal Groudon just simply doesn't work.

So let's try that again. At the time I was thinking... y'know, maybe I swapped Golduck in too early and the Primal Reversion cancelled out Cloud Nine.

So we have to sit through the entire preamble again.

This time Mega Fancy is slower than Excadrill and takes a little damage.

Chandelure doesn't one shot Fancy with Overheat, but instead uses Shadow Ball.

Volcarona comes out third, which lets Centaurion introduce her to Stone Fist.

Centaurion vs. Primal Groudon

Centaurion, to his credit, manages to survive a Stone Edge.

But all he's doing is scratching Primal Groudon.

So here comes Naproxen again. This time Groudon has already undergone Primal Reversion, so Cloud Nine in theory should work.

NOPE. It's actually a legitimate bug in Insurgence. Cloud Nine just doesn't work. So now I've got big problems. I'm stuck in the Infernal Base in a fight that I can easily lose if I misplay. And on top of that, I'm stuck with a pokemon that practically nobody used until Gen VI because it just wasn't very good.

Naproxen, to his credit, managed to deal some damage to Groudon.

Dracolich hits Groudon hard with Outrage, but then takes most of his HP in retaliation.

Then Zenith undoes all the work that three pokemon combined did.

In short...

I'm screwed.

Gateau is one shot before she can even but out Shell Smash.

Beeisel chips away at Groudon, but even her defenses can't survive all of its super powered hits.

I lose, and now I'm mad.

I'm just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Naproxen goes out first to see if it makes any difference.

Surf hits extremely hard anyway, so Naproxen washes away Excadrill in a single hit.

Then he repeats the performance on Chandelure. While he may not neuter Groudon, he's still doing a number on the rest of Zenith's team.

Volcarona blasts Centaurion, with, well, Fire Blast. In return it eats a quadruple weakness from Stone Fist and does down like a sack of potatoes.

I can't wash away Groudon, but what if I just point my Death Elephant at it instead?

It can't one shot Mega Fancy with Precipice Blades.

And she can two-shot it with Earthquake.

Zenith seems to realize that because he panic withdraws Groudon. Slight problem, though... Fancy is strong to everything else he has.

I'm sure this would have been terrifying to face down but Fancy just one shot it.

Sure, whatever.

She's hurting, but...

Die you son of a bitch!

Mega Fancy rules.

While Fancy is strong against Blaziken, I'm not gonna underestimate it. It's a Speed Boost Blaziken with a mega stone.

Low Kick hurts quite a bit!

But in the end, Naproxen came through like a champ. That's a one hit KO from surf!

Excuse me?

Uh, this sounds really fucking bad.

I don't appreciate being made a pawn in some puppetmaster's game of 7th dimensional chess.

There's a lot to unpack there. So let's not worry about it just yet. As much of an asshole as he is, the Oracle is right about one thing... we can end the Infernal Cult now.

There's nothing I love more than dismantling something's power base completely.

I'll be taking that.

You know those Manaphy statues we've been seeing all over the game? We can now swap places with them!

Oh no. It's still looking for Cal? That's not good.

Groudon appears to be making its own escape.

Groudon sinks into the lava. Ouch.

The whole base shakes.


That hallway we couldn't access earlier is now open.

So yeah, Persephone not only is pathetic, she's also a terrible fucking person.

It's a pretty clever Heart Swap tutorial.

The base just collapsed.

Finally this marathon-length update comes to an end. I have bad news, though. Calreath is never mentioned again, and in the postgame when you can return to the Infernal Base and go lower, you find no traces of him. He's gone for good.

NEXT TIME: On to Narra Town, and then back to Midna Town and then to the Darkrai Base in Shade Forest. Diana is kidding herself if she thinks we'll let her do this alone.