Part 14: Exploring Folsense
Puzzles Remix
Alright, so I'll try to not complain too much about it this time. We've been through that already; suffice to say this is woefully simple and I can write up an explanation of how it's "supposed" to be done if need be. Instead, I just looked at it for a few seconds, got it and moved on.

Anyway, what we have left here is just the DLC puzzles so we'll get through these quickly.

Okay, now I'm going to admit outright that I do not get this one. Möbius strips are kind of confusing in general to me, really.

This one, on the other hand, is just a slight twist on a couple puzzles from the first game. Can you draw a pattern here with one single unbroken line? Yes? Probably, because everyone else knows the easy way to do it already.

I find the place unsettling too, but we mustn't let that keep us from our investigation.

Who knows what kind of valuable information we might find here about the Elysian Box?
Y'know, as much fun as this probably is going to be, let's head back to the train for a moment.
A Disquieting Atmosphere

Then it seems we have no choice but to remain in town.

All the more reason to proceed with our investigation of the area.

I suppose so. OK, let's keep looking.
So, yeah, we're stuck in Folsense and can't even reboard the train for anything we missed. Despite the doors being open. Sure, whatever.
The good news is that we have so many new hint coins to get! Puzzles to solve! Characters from Dropstone to talk to!
....wait hang on what?!

Hey, you're...

The postman, yep. I've got post to deliver here, but it's always dark when I come, so it takes forever.

No wonder the people here always seem so on edge.

Wow, you deliver letters all the way out here?

I certainly do, and I've a schedule to keep while doing it. So on that note, I'll be off. See you around!

But how can he cover Dropstone and Folsense every single day?

The two towns are so far apart, it would be simply impossible!

You may think so, Luke, but our world is full of inexplicable phenomena. This is but one of many.

I suppose so...
Nothing else to do here, so let's head further on in...

Are you all right there, Flora? You don't look well.

I'm not sure. I just started feeling sick all of a sudden.

You're as white as a sheet! We'll find a place for you to rest straight away.
Alright, so as bad as this looks it kind of isn't. There's just the one puzzle here; all three points (and I think there's a fourth on the building half-offscreen on the left but I don't remember) gives the exact same puzzle.

Despite the lack of advertising, I'd say one of those buildings over there is a hotel.
And, well, he is right of course because he is Layton.

A little bit... I think that with some rest, I'll be back to my old self.

Flora, Luke and I are going back out to learn more about this town. Why don't you stay here for a while and rest?

Yes, take it easy for a while, Flora. We'll be back before long.

Thanks, Luke. Be careful out there. You too, Professor.

I wouldn't fret too much, Luke. She may just be exhausted from our long journey.

I think our best course of action is to gather whatever information we can and hurry back to the hotel.

After all, a gentleman never keeps a lady waiting.
Sounds like a plan to me; we'll just get as much done as we can as quick as we can and go from there.

Not much in the hotel's main lobby right now. That guy doesn't have much to talk about, so we'll ignore him and do the sensible thing here.

Head right back upstairs to collect more hint coins, naturally. Having just left Flora, she doesn't have much to talk about right now either.

But we do have a puzzle in the middle of the room at least.

And it smells so nice!

While we're on the subject of flowers, tell me, Luke, have you ever heard this puzzle?
Yes, Professor, I have.

But this is also kind of true. well no it isnt
Anyway, nothing else here so we'll head on out and begin our search in Folsense in earnest.

The Elysian Box and the facts we need to solve the mystery of his death are close by. I'm sure of it.

Do you think whoever stole the Elysian Box might be hiding here as well?

It's still too early to tell.

For now, our best course of action is to search for anything connected to the Elysian Box.

Let's get to it then! Lead the way, Professor.
Okay, so hear me out here. The way ahead leads us back to the previous square for a moment.

Entirely so we can speak to this man. An important man, despite not having a puzzle.

Want to get stinking rich? In Folsense, making a huge fortune is child's play!

Let me guess, you two came here to get your hands on some of that Herzen money. Am I right?

What Herzen money?

Here's the story.

There was so much gold, you couldn't spend it in a lifetime!

Then, not too long ago, the old man croaked, and now his money sits abandoned in his castle.

How's that for an interesting story?

You may also have heard it referred to as Pandora's Box.

Pandora's Box? Isn't that a novel? I can't really help you, to be honest.
Well, yes. Several. Not the point here though; the point is that we got some more info out of this and can move on.
Deeper into the city we go, beyond the hotel and other assorted building...

You are to scour every inch of this place and bring it back to me as soon as you find it, OK?

Aw, come on, Unko! Do you really think it's everything people say it is?

I dunno... It kind of sounds like a load of baloney to me.

You're in no position to be lecturing me on this subject. Now, get out there and start looking!

OK, OK... No need to blow a gasket. I'm going!

It would appear that they, too, are out on the hunt for something.

Look, Professor! What on earth could that be?

Yikes! Take a butcher's at this crazy symbol on the cover!

Let's have a look. The symbol seems to be in the shape of a goat.

Well, whatever it is, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. But I do wonder what's written inside.

Say, Professor, maybe somebody in that antique shop over there can tell us something about it?

Excellent idea, Luke. Let's begin our investigation there.
This'll be in the second post to peruse at your own leisure, of course.

This too.

There's not really much outside right now, so we'll just grab these hint coins and head into the building on the left.

Ch-Chelmey? What are you doing here?!

Hmph! Took the words right out of my mouth, laddie. Wasn't expecting to see you two in a place like this.

After some fieldwork in Dropstone, I was able to deduce that this town and the Elysian Box are linked.

Dr Schrader had stockpiled quite the stack of research on the Elysian Box.

The criminal I'm in pursuit of more likely than not killed the doctor to get his hands on the box.

Wow, that's a solid bit of reasoning there! I didn't think Inspector Chelmey was that sharp.

Eh? Did you say something, lad?

Um, no, sir. Not a word.

Good, because I've got no time for idle chit-chat. Come along Barton, we're leaving.
That doesn't really explain how Chelmey got here, but I'm honestly kind of okay with that. It does seem unlikely, but I can imagine him somehow being on the Deluxe Carriage at the right time as well.

Also now that he's left, we can see and talk to this fellow.

I apologise, but we're not here to shop today.

There are a few things we'd like to ask you about, however. Firstly, there's this book we've found.

We were also wondering if you'd ever heard of an antique known as the Elysian Box?

The third?

Those two detectives you saw were just asking about it, and half an hour ago, there was a young lady.

She seemed interested in knowing whether anyone had been searching around town for the box.

Hmm... Can you describe this young lady?

Ah, and the officers, well, they said they were here on an official police investigation.

I'll tell you what I've told everyone today. I wish I could help, but this box you're after is news to me.

One of my customers, I forget who, mentioned something about the box having quite a history behind it.

Where might we find this museum?

Just look for the big building in the middle of town, on the north side.

The museum houses a wealth of documents celebrating the history of our town.

Oh, before you run off, did you mention that you'd also found a book?

Yes, that's right. Please feel free to take a look at it.

Would you happen to know anything about this symbol on the book's cover?

I must confess what drew my eye to the book was its locks. Old gadgets of this sort always fascinate me.

As a matter of fact, here, why don't we see if this one does the trick?

Think of it as my way of thanking you both for showing me something interesting.

Many thanks, my good man.
Naturally, despite being openable by "any old key," we can only use specific keys designed to open those nifty locks. Also they disintegrate upon use, because any keys works in any lock but only once. A very dungeon crawlery key design.

It certainly would have been nice, but we'll have to put the book aside for now.

It's time to pay a visit to the Herzen Museum.
Alright, let's go to the Herzen Museum!
...But as soon as we get outside?

Oh, but I just-

And before you say anything, I don't care who your old man is. No one's above the law!

In my eyes, anyone out chasing the Elysian Box moves to the top of my list of suspects!

No, you've got it all wrong...

Um, sir? If you wouldn't mind?

What is it, Barton? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?

Um, yes, about that, sir.

If the young lady was our culprit, she'd have no need to ask around about the box, in my opinion, sir.

Oh, is that so now, Barton? Hmph! I don't recall ever asking for your analysis of the situation!

T-terribly sorry, sir! Please forgive my momentary lapse in judgment! I'll just be going now.

Barton! Get back here this instant, you pilchard!
It is kind of nice seeing Barton finally say more than one line right before getting dragged off-stage. Also pointing out obvious errors with Chelmey's logic. Good job, Barton.


What was her name? Katie? No, that's not it...

I believe you're thinking of Mr Anderson's daughter, Katia.

Yes, that's the one. I wonder what she's doing here.

Okay, NOW we're going to go visit the Herzen Museum for real.
Puzzles Remix
Just study the four buildings carefully, and the answer will present itself.
Say, upon second glance, one of these buildings has the word "hotel" written on it. Do you see it?
Start by placing a rose in the lower-left corner of the room, then just take it from there.
If you know where one rose goes, placing the rest shouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge. Place your other roses so that their scent doesn't overlap with the rose in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
In total, you need to place seven roses to finish this puzzle.
Two puzzles isn't many and having a couple DLC puzzles consistently is probably better than dumping them all at the end anyway.
This puzzle may seem like a pain to solve, but if you follow the example given and visualize each of the steps, it's really not all that hard. Try sketching out each flip of the square using the Memo function.
Can you see any ones or sixes?