Part 22: Questing on the Side
In the Alternate History, we need Rosch to lead the Satyros army to war with Alistel. But without his gauntlet, Rosch has lost the will to fight.In the Standard History, we just came upon a gauntlet, so now it's time to return to Celestia and get Rosch back on his feet. But first...
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

The power of Mana Burst is now strengthened.

In addition to Turn Break, we can now use Mana Burst to use powerful attacks. I'm not going to have the chance to show them off in this update, but later I'll get a compilation video or some animated gifs together to show them all off.
Now we go to the Shattered Steel Arm node in the Alternate History, and talk to Sonja.
Music: The Garden Where the Celestite Lies

Alright, we need to get to Sonja's lab. So let's go way back.
I remember some people in the thread were wondering about the third branch coming off of this node. You guys are finally going to get your answer.
Music: Machinist Kingdom

Handed over Broken Limb


Obtained Force Core.

Okay, we can head back to Shattered Steel Arm and repair Rosch's gauntlet now, but while we're in the past, I've let quite a few sidequests pile up, and now is a good time to clear them out.
Our first stop is The Closed Mine in the Alternate History's prologue.
You may remember a painter named Kaizan in the Granorg inn. He wanted us to get him a rare pigment of green paint, made from Almakalite Ore. Unfortunately, the only man who knows how to make this paint died in an accident at the Alma Mine.
Immediately inside the mine is a building (we came here once before to recruit someone for the woman at the reception desk in Alistel Castle.), the artisan is in here.
Music: Blue Radiance (Extended by YouTube user: SilentWeaponsIII)
I change locations dozens of times in this update and I really don't want to go through and add all those links. I also really love Blue Radiance, but I can never link to it because I rarely show normal battles, so here's a version that plays for 15 minutes.

"Indeed... I just completed a great green pigment today."

"Ooh, you're a bit too late. I don't have any more. I sold it all to Mr. Kaizan when he stopped by here. It's not like I can make it again, either. I'd have to start by mining the ore again... And this is gonna be a battlefield soon! If you need some, go ask Mr. Kaizan for it. He's a traveling artist. I heard he's going to Alistel next. You should go see him there. But if you wait too long, he'll head off somewhere else, so don't waste time."
There's also a hidden chest in here containing an Impale Core. This is a part of Rosch's skill quest, but we can't use it yet.
Our next goal is also in The Closed Mine. Back in Granorg an aspiring chef named Hilster wanted us to get him some vegetables from Cornet Village (which we have done), and boar meat from Lazvil.

The boar starts the battle by using Kiai Charge 2-3 times. We need to take advantage of this and kill it before it gets a chance to attack, because...

We can't really survive if it hits us. Note that he hit us two or three more times, I just couldn't get all the numbers in a single screenshot.

After setting my turns so that we take up the next 10 actions, I had Marco cast Magic Boost on Stocke and Raynie to boost their magic attack.

After that, Stocke and Raynie spam fire, which the boar's elemental weakness. For defeating it we get a miniscule amount of EXP and Savory Boar Meat.

I should get it to Hilster, but first I'm going to stay in The Closed Mine and head for Alistel's inn.

Kaizan: Actually, it doesn't matter. You're distracting me from my work. Could you please leave?

Kaizan: I see... So he knows about the Almakalite ore? He must be pretty good. But I don't have much of it myself. I can't just give it away. Without it, I'll never complete my own work. I'm sorry for your artist friend. Tell him to give up.
Kaizan refused to give me paint to bring to Kaizan so I guess I need to go tell Kaizan that Kaizan can't spare any paint for Kaizan. Poor Kaizan, that Kaizan guy is a real jerk.
Awhile back a woman in Alistel Castle asked us to locate a Celestia Iris -- a flower that grows in Celestia -- for her. We found a Celstia Iris bud when we visited Celestia, so we can visit her in The Closed Mine and deliver it.

"I've never seen one before! It's still a bud..."

"I'll certainly do my best! If all goes well, I might be able to raise a whole field of Celestia Irises here. Thank you! I'll get right on it."
That's all we've got to do in The Closed Mine, so we travel forward to A New Mission, in Chapter 1 of the Alternate History.

"I never thought I'd see such a beautiful flower with my own eyes... I'm so happy. This is thanks for giving me the iris bud."
Obtained Thaumatech Orb
"I want to grow more and more of them. One day, I'll make the desertified places bloom with flowers!"
The Thaumatech Orb is an accessory increases magic attack and magic defense by 5.
In the future, we came across a widow whose husband died of an illness. We took his medicine from her with the intent to bring it back and give it to him before it's too late. This man is still alive in A New Mission, so let's pay him a visit.

"I've been coughing a lot these days..."
Give medicine
Handed over Anti-Poison.
"Huh? Is this for me?"

"Whoa, hold up. I'm not dying anytime soon. True, I haven't been feeling well these days... But if my wife got it for me, she must really be worried. Okay, thanks."

Way back when, we talked to a man named Cedric in Alistel. He wanted me to talk to Field Marshal Viola about the Prophet Noah, because she met him in the past. We talked to her about this while we were at the Sand Fortress, and she gave us her diary. This man is in Alistel in A New Mission.

Don't show the journal

Cedric: ...I-I see. No, don't apologize. I asked for the impossible. But, you know what? I have the chance to speak with General Hugo! It's possible that he finally sees the worth in my work! I'm planning to visit him in the castle soon!

"General Hugo! Please, show us the way!"
"The scion of the great Prophet Noah!"
"Long live General Hugo! Long live Alistel!"
That was the last Stocke and Cedric ever saw of each other. No one knows what became of Cedric after he went to speak with Hugo... And there is no way of learning it now. Not even a year later, Noah and Viola were completely forgotten by the public. Alistel's attention had been stolen, the limelight occupied by an actor named Hugo... Noah's voice will never be heard. Viola's presence will never be brought to light. Alistel now descends into darkness...
"A Voice Unheard"

Cedric: Her own diary!? Wow! Amazing! Please, show me!

Cedric: ...... It seems the intelligence within requires a certain resolve before I can face it. All right, I swear it. In the name of the Prophet Noah... ...and of Field Marshal Viola.
Stocke hands the diary to Cedric and he flips through the pages.
Cedric: So this is Viola's diary... Wow! It contains the words of the Prophet Noah in... detail... ...... I can't have this, can I...? I'll have to copy it by hand. This may take some time to write down...

Cedric: ...That's all of it! Thank you very much, Sir. As promised, I won't release any of this until the time is right. This is a token of my appreciation... I don't have a use for it... But you might.
Obtained Noah Amulet
The Noah Amulet is an accessory that raises Poison, Sleep, and Paralysis resistance by 4.
In To Granorg in Chapter 1 of the Standard History, a little girl asked us to buy her a replica of Eruca's ring while we were in Granorg. Eruca gave us her own ring to bring to the girl, so we proceed to To Granorg to deliver it.

Handed over Princess' Ring
Anna: Ooh, so pretty! It's so sparkly and... It's like a dream on my finger!

Anna: Wow... Heheh! She must be very kind. Just like the real Princess Eruca! Yeah! I'll take great care of it! Thank you so much! Oh, yeah! Here's a reward for you! I brought it from home. You should use it. It's just collecting dust at my house.
Obtained Rabbit's Foot
The Rabbit's Foot is an accessory that increases MP by 10 and luck by 15.
Also in Alistel is a researcher who asked me to find him information on how to grow Conuts. While we were in Cornet Village we obtained this information, and we can deliver it while we're still in To Granorg.

"Yes, that's right. Were you able to find any?"
"Wow, you're great!"
"Show my daddy! Hurry!"

"Well, I'd appreciate if you kept this quiet, but... The Conuts absorb Mana efficiently. Alistel's thaumachines are powered by Mana, and gathering a lot of it is a tough job. If my project is completed, we can mass produce the thaumachines and eventually win the war! So it's imperative that we learn how to cultivate the Conuts!"


"Much appreciated! I see... Aha... So that's what we have to do, is it? I can't thank you enough! Please accept this token of my appreciation!"
Obtained Mana Crystal
"All right! Time to get to work!"
"Good luck, Daddy!"

"I-It's no use! We're no match for that thing!"
"Dammit... Alistel and their damn thaumachine! We're completely outgunned!"
The scholar who learned how to cultivate Conuts had succeeded in using them to absorb Mana. With this breakthrough, the fuel problems of thaumachines were quickly resolved. Alistel's army routed Granorg and assumed dominion over every country in the continent. The war ended quickly. People were grateful for the new dawn of an era of peace. But the toll on the earth's Mana hastened the desertification. The land was covered in sand. It is only a matter of time before the sand consumes what is left of the world...
"Distorted Hope"



"You took on my research request and now you're not telling me what you found!? Unbelievable!"
"You're mean, mister!"

Now we travel back to To Granorg once again, and talk to the scholar.

"...... You mean to tell me... You want to save the world?"

"...Interesting... Rejuvenate the desert with Conuts... I see how that might work... Yes..."

"How can I say no? I can't turn down anyone seeking my expertise. Let's do it! I'll research this rejuvenation process!"

You gave him the Conuts Leaflet
"Aha... I see... Got it! Thanks for all your help! I'll get to it straight away! So the early stage of cultivation requires... Ahhh... All right..."
"Go, Daddy, go!"

Obtained Pandur

I like this sidequest. It's an interesting look into the twins' past. Before this I assumed they just always existed since the beginning of time.
The Pandur is a magic-based gun. It's much better than Eruca's current weapon, so it should come in handy when she's back in our party.
While we were in Alistel late in the Alternate History, we encountered a boy whose father had died at the Sand Fortress. The boy had hidden a keepsake of his deceased mother in an attempt to keep his father from going to war. We took the locket and promised to deliver it to his father.
The man is at the Sand Fortress, in The Valkyrie in Chapter 1 of the Alternate History.

"I have a kid. He's so sweet it's kind of a problem. He wouldn't stop crying when I had to go on duty. He wouldn't let go. It's kind of cute, but at the same time, I wish he'd toughen up a bit. Haha."

Handed over Keepsake Locket
"My amulet! I thought I lost it! I see. He was hiding it this entire time. Sheesh. That kid..."

"It's a nice idea, but I can't. I have to stay here. Now that the reinforcements are here, Field Marshal Viola will make a move soon."

"I know. But I can't go back. This fight is to protect my child. ...... I just thought of something. Can you wait here for a bit."
"If you ever return to Alistel, can you give my son this letter? It says that I can't go back, but that I'll fight my hardest to keep him safe."
Obtained Child's Letter

"Thanks. Please take this as a gift. Hopefully you can use it."
Obtained Death Pact
The Death Pact is for someone's skill quest. We'll get to use it sooner or later.
When we were fleeing Granorg, we ran across a man whose family sword was taken by Dias. Dias is in Granorg's inn in Aht's Prayer, Standard History: Chaper 1.

When I enter the inn, I bump into a little girl.
Claire: Eek! Are you all right, sir!?

Claire: I'm Claire. My parents are gone, so I have to work, just like my brother Pierre...

Claire: Thank you!
Claire continues down the stairs.

Well that was something, I guess. Onward to Dias' room!

Obtained Rose Sword

Claire: This way, Sir.

Selvan grabs Claire
Claire: Aaaaah!

Dias draws his sword and swings at Stocke, forcing him to jump away.

Accept invitation

Handed over Rose Sword

"Emergency! General Hugo and Lt. General Raul have been assassinated!"

"The perpetrator should still be in the vicinity! Don't let him get away!"

Sonja turns away from Stocke, and he flees the castle.
Stocke's assassination of the Alistel VIPs caused Alistel to lose the war. But... The conflict did not end. Granorg did not stop fighting until the nation conquered the entire continent. And when an end to the war was finally in sight... ...the desertification had already reached the point of no return.
"The World's Betrayal"

Dias throws a knife at Stocke, who ducks underneath it and flees through the door.

Selvan lets go of Claire.

Dias and Selvan run downstairs, and Claire exits the room.
Claire: Ah... Th-That was scary...
Claire goes back downstairs.

Shortly after meeting Eruca, we came across the corpse of a man. A nearby woman explained that he had risen up in opposition of Protea, and was cut down by the soldiers. This man is still alive in Aht's Prayer, so we go to speak with him.

"A morally bankrupt monarch can only bring about a bankrupt monarchy. This country is circling the drain. It's over... There's no hope... But someone... Someone has to do something..."

"Huh? Who the hell are you? Maybe you can sit there and accept this, but I can't. They need to know how fed up I am! They need to be shown the rage of the people!"

"I just told you how! I'm to, er, show my... ...... All right. You got me. I know I'm just trying to run away from all of this. I want to change myself, and change the world, too... I just don't know how."

Next we go to Castle Sewers in Chapter 2 of the Standard History, to deliver those vegetables and that boar meat to Hilster in Granorg's marketplace.

Hilster: Huh...? Th-These vegetables are... Thank you so much! I'll prepare these right away!

Hilster: This time I've made giant boar steak, with a Cornet style sauce. Please taste it.
"I wouldn't have expected you to attempt this dish. Nevertheless, I'll give a taste."
"...It can't be! This taste! It isn't possible for these two ingredients to have this kind of synergy! How did you do this?"
Hilster: I'll be honest. These people got the ingredients for me. But I was surprised. Both of the primary ingredients enter their prime at different times... Yet the two ingredients in this dish are at the pinnacle of perfection. It's supposed to be impossible. That's when I realized the true meaning of this dish.
Hilster: I don't know how these people could have made the impossible a reality. But I'm sure they did something extraordinary to get ahold of these ingredients. They're hard to come by to begin with, being separated by such long distances... I hoped that one day, the land would be peaceful enough to make them traded with ease... That's why we chefs have to keep refining our skill, so that maybe one day, that comes true.
"...You understood all of this. There is nothing more I could say. You'll start with the grungiest work in the castle kitchen. And don't even think about quitting!"
Hilster: Yes, Sir! Er... No, Sir!

"And more than that... I've come a long way as a chef. This is a token of my appreciation. I can't thank you enough."
Obtained Firelight Pact.
"I hope you'll try my cooking again someday. I'll be a better chef by then, so I'm sure it'll be tasty. Anyway, see you around!"
It's also possible to just bring Hilster the boar meat, and he'll obtain his own vegetables. If you do this though, he'll be forced to use unripe vegetables and his father will not be pleased.
Anyway, Kaizan is at the inn during Castle Sewers, so we pay him a visit to let him know that Kaizan won't lend us any paint.

"...I see. I figured this is how it would end. I'm sorry that I sent you on a fool's errand. ...... That settles it. Today is the day I hang up my brush. I'm retiring. This was to be my finest work, and now I can't complete it. So I may as well give up. ...... Here. You can have my last incomplete work as thanks for trying the impossible. It's unfinished, but it's all I have to offer."

We return to The Closed Mine to show Kaizan Kaizan's painting.
"You again. No matter how many times you ask, I can't spare that paint."

"What's this? ......! Who... Who did this? It's wonderful! I could only aspire to reach this level of skill. This passion came through a great sadness. The artist must have made great sacrifices."

"Who do you think I am? I am Kaizan! This painting seems to be missing a shade of green... Oh! I see. I understand now. Please, give him this, and tell him to finish this masterpiece."
Obtained Green Paint
After seeing Kaizan's painting, Kaizan has decided to give some paint to Kaizan, so we return to Granorg to give Kaizan the good news.
"Oh, it's you again. What is it?"

"I-I can't believe it! You actually found it! Thank you! Thank you very much! Please take this as a small token of my eternal gratitude."
Obtainted Firestar Pact
"I must go now. I must finish my masterwork! You can now brag that you helped Kaizan finish his masterwork. ...I am so grateful. Again, thank you."
Now we go to The Beastkind Forest, in the Second Chapter of the Alternate History. We need to be in Alistel, which means skipping a dozen cutscenes and fighting a bear.
We pay a visit to the boy whose father is stationed at the Sand Fortress.

"Sir...? Did you find my dad...? Were you able to give him the amulet?"

"You're lying! If my dad was alive, he'd be back home by now! And he's not back... So he's..."

"What!? He did!?"
"...... ......... ............ Dad says that I can't be sad, no matter what happens to him. He's fighting for what he believes in, and what he wants to protect... But listen to this part: 'As long as you believe I'm coming home, I want you to be a strong boy and wait for me. Show me that you have the strength to stand up for what you believe in...' ......... I'm going to stay strong, just like Dad! He's going to be surprised when he comes home. I'm not going to cry anymore!"

"Sir, thank you for the amulet, and the letter, and... and everything. This is something that means a lot to me, but you can have it!"
Obtained Celestial Oil
Celestial Oil is a rare and powerful MP restorative which cannot be bought.
The last sidequest of the night is also here in Alistel. The sick man from before.

"Look! When I took that medicine you gave me, my cough cleared right up! I've got you to thank for that!"

"Come on. You just said that so I'd take it. I didn't feel bad when you gave it to me! I asked my wife, and she said she never bought me any medicine. You're so modest! You saved my life. Here, please accept this!"
Obtained Slumbering Scroll
"Thank you for the medicine. It saved my life."
I said that was the last sidequest of the night, but I lied. We have to go back to A New Mission for a bit before we can end this.

We have two spear scrolls and one sword scroll to turn in here. Marco learns Sleep Cloud, which casts sleep on two rows of enemies.
Raynie learns Resist Boost, which temporarily raises the Magic Defense of a singly ally, and Sleep Break, which is a physical attack that may cause sleep.
And with that, we're finally done with sidequests (for now). This leaves our completed events at 103/236, so we're slowly making progress toward that sweet, sweet, 100% completion!
Next time we'll head back to the latest point in the Alternate History and talk to Sonja about getting those core parts installed into Rosch's gauntlet.