Part 18: Session 14.25: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #2
Session 14.25: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #2
“Ah, good old pepperoni.”
Are we ready to get back to the game?
“Let me wipe my fingers…alright, go ahead.”
So where we left off,


Since it’s just a one-on-one combat between two warriors, I figured I’d show off the autocombat feature. I normally don’t use it even in warrior combats (you’ve seen how the AI is, after all), but since there’s no other target to waste her time on, we get to use turbo mode.

After Belle killed the skeleton, she noticed that its glowing blue eyes were actually diamonds. I assume you’ll want to keep them?

First you need to get up there, though.

Everyone else?

Very well. Once you reach the second floor, you notice a chest sitting in the corner.

A regular magic potion, an elixir of Courage, some shurin bulb poison, a fairly normal sword, a Skull Belt, and a scroll.

You already have a Belt of Might.

When you wear it, your Necrophobia drops by 4 points.

That’s because you haven’t seen the map for this floor.

Can we move on?

This is an incomplete map of the second floor. The north half is blocked by a door, one that we’ll only be able to unlock properly after clearing all the rooms. So what’s in all these rooms with pillars and sarcophagi?



A mysterious statue,

Not exactly; rather than being bull-like, the head is actually more like a dog. Also, it speaks [In game, too. It’s a bit surprising the first time it happens.]. “FIRE.”

No. In fact, it’ll only do that each time you approach it.

I wouldn’t put it like that, but it is just about that harmless in the end.
In fact, you can destroy the statues any way you feel like, and there are absolutely no repercussions for destroying it or not destroying it. The only difference is that you can’t get their clues again if you bust them up.

And, lest we forget, more combat.

Since you ask, yes, there are two holes, one in each ear, that look like the diamonds could fit inside.

I’m embarrassed to say that this puzzle threw me for a loop the first time, forcing me to reload a save in order to avoid wasting gems. At least when you get a gem right, it sticks in place.
The gems fit into place, and the door rises into the ceiling.

Not back through the door, no. You might find a way out sometime later, though.

Well…you’ll see.

Now this is the full map with the upper half revealed. As you can see in the larger image, there’s another statue near the center of the area. This one is blocked by the second dog door, this one needing green and blue diamonds. The exit itself isn't blocked by any diamond doors, preventing you from getting horribly stuck. There is a good reason to use them, though, unless you're cheesing your way through a second run.

Like the first statue, this one does little but shout a word at you. In this case, the word is “WASHES.”

Behind the door are two more statues and a rather suggestive slab of rock.

What? No, I meant it looks like it’s covered in dried blood.

Thank God…the first one says “BLOOD,” while the second one goes with “CLEANS.”

This room is a fair bit more difficult than you’d normally think.

No kidding. Okay, everyone roll for strength. *Rolls*

Hmph. When you open the door and enter, you are met by a horrible stench of decay. William is totally overpowered by it, and becomes ill. In fact, you’re so weak, you have to drop back a bit. Now, since these zombies are particularly disgusting, I’d like everyone else to roll against Necrophobia.

Damn…Well, Suzie, Belle is so terrified by the zombies’ appearance that she flees in a blind panic. Looks like this is going to be between Boxter, Kurzmann, vVhorpax, and Thorgrim.

Remember back when this many zombies could give my whole party a run for their money? What a difference some decent equipment makes.

This is the last door, past the stairs up (the curly bit on the left side of the map).

Sadly, the statues does nothing when you say that.

With a tremendous noise, the statue falls back. Inside its hollow pedestal, you discover a chest.

This chest is full of what I like to call HOT DAMN. It may very well be the single best haul in the game.

There’s an armband that lowers Acrophobia, another Skull Belt for Necrophobia, a strong magic potion, a miracle cure (it can heal massive amounts of damage and has a chance to cure disease and poison), 5 healing potions, 2 regular magic potions, another elixir of Courage, and a suit of Mirror armor.

Yep. By five full points. It also weighs slightly less than regular scale, although its defense stats are the same.

Oh yeah, that was my bad. Yeah, so it turns out that the suit of “scale” you guys picked up in the dwarven mine was actually a set of enchanted chainmail whose stats are exactly like scale, except that it weighs the same as chain. I only figured out the mistake earlier this week and told Suzie about it then.

Alright, fine, we might as well all take a break at this point. Hal, break out the Red Bull. Suzie, did you bring anything to watch?