Part 13: Chapter XII: To Despise The Father

And meet Jainus' new look (and voice). Fun fact: in this series, each game has only one human and one high elf playable in every generation, the only two Agarest species with that distinction. Winfield (human), Ellis (high elf) in the first game, Eugene (human), Alice (high elf) in Zero, and Jainus (human), and Fiona (high elf) in this game.

The Wetlands are just south of the Yurle temple. Unlike the other two dungeons, we couldn't go there at all in the first generation.

Yeah...Schwarz has problems, especially with women. I'll talk more about him and the generation in general when this scene is over.

So, yeah, about Schwarz. He has absolutely gigantic issues with women in general. He says some truly horrible things to Eva and the Pillars (he doesn't show as much ire towards Fiona, thankfully), and deep down he knows he goes too far sometimes. His personality is mostly just acting out, because he knows he's stuck in a very specific cage. Since Weiss couldn't complete the resurrection of the god, it falls on Schwarz to do it, and no matter what, it'll end in his death. Otherwise, he's almost the exact opposite of Weiss: cantankerous, assholish, lecherous, and violent. He has a few redeeming moments, but make no mistake: Schwarz is a jerk, through and through, and makes no apologies for it. He also has a nasty case of wanting to seem aloof and unattached, when in fact he's by far the most childish and emotional member of the team.
But he's the interesting kind of asshole, because he's caught up in the duty of a life he had no part in creating, and all sorts of pressures and responsibilities are forced on him by being the vessel and the natural pressures of living. The second generation I think is the best generation in this game, because you have a new dynamic among the returning characters (Jainus as the father figure, Fiona as the heart), and the Pillars are all good characters in their own right, who have their own dynamic between them (did you notice there's very few scenes or moments when the Pillars talked amongst themselves in the first generation?), and between themselves and Schwarz.
Otherwise, a lot of stuff is going to go down in the second generation, I'll tell you what.
As far as bringing Schwarz up to speed gameplay-wise, I got him Satori as his first EX Skill (it increases evasion and accuracy), See All as his second, and this is what his skill line-up looked like after I was done (the second group of Rank 2 skill books is available now).

I also brought Fiona up to speed, since I haven't used in her a while, and we've lost four strong party members between generations. There's also the matter of finishing 20 battles with Schwarz, Jainus, Fiona, and Eva. As for enemy groups, the regular foes you encounter in the field have been upgraded, but enemies in dungeons like the Groza Mountains and the Aldo Plains haven't changed. New enemies will show up in new battle points, however. Also, since it's the start of the generation, we have a few events in town.
Now then, there's a few new points in the Aldo Plains leading to the first boss of the second generation (wrong about the details again). Here's the weird thing with this boss. I fought this guy at first with a team of Schwarz, Jainus, Fiona, and Eva, and when I wasn't getting my ass kicked, I was getting F ranks. Then I switched out Jainus for Jude, and I beat this boss black and blue. I don't know what happened. Jude is going for a more physical-attack based skill set, as well as an EX Skill called Readjust, which considerably improves accuracy. Verus Neo Ammit.

Okay, so, Ammit has three Werewolves as backup, and you'll want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Ammit herself doesn't that much going for her. Her physical attacks are pitiful at best, and her magic damage is so-so. Her evasion is pretty high, unfortunately. Also, she has magical counterattacks, so don't go hitting her with magic until Extinguish is up.

At the start of the fight, you'll want to take out both Werewolves as soon as possible. This means hitting them with a Black Hole right at the start (it has the same SP / Ultimate Point cost as Hazard Strike). Thankfully, with such a predicatable range you'll able to take out at least one Werewolf, and hopefully the other. That'll leave you alone with Ammit for a little while.

Like his old man, Jude's Original Skill, Breakthrough, gives him a pretty good chance of a rare steal. Make sure you boost the Crescent Moon Rock off this foe, because it's the best Attachment for increasing magical power at this point in the game, and bosses tend to have those as rare drops a lot. You can afford to be a little indulgent when it comes to enhancing scythes and rods and stuff, but don't get carried away.

Unbelievably, I didn't lose a single party member this time. Ammit seems especially vulnerable to physical attacks, as that Hazard Strike completely destroyed her. I got both rare drops, and that was just an amazing performance all-around. Jainus was dragging me down...somehow.

Honestly, the best result I could hope for. Hey, I'll take it, especially after Cerebrum and Neo Ravana. I get an even better result against the next boss, but first, a short scene. This scene is incorporated into the above video.

Before you continue hunting demons, go back to town and complete commission 81. Doing so unlocks the first set of Rank 3 skill books. This is where the EX Skills start getting interesting.

Take a look at that EX Skill. You know what that does? It blocks ALL damage equal to the total HP of the character using it. So, if your character had 5000 HP, and they use No Fear, all enemy damage is 0 until they break 5000. And that's per character, not in total. So, if Schwarz were to use this, he'd have a 5000-damage shield, just the same as Eva, or anyone else, would if she was in his formation.
It is amazingly helpful, but it has an enormous cost of 4 SP to activate. Still very nice, though. I opted to give Schwarz No Fear, Eva Unleash Magic (if her HP falls below 20%, and she activates it, her and everyone else's magic damage and defense goes through the roof), and Fiona Supernatural Power, which is a fairly boring boost to magic and magic defense while active, no HP requirements necessary. It cost me quite a bit of TP to outfit everyone with some shiny Rank 3 skills, but well worth it. Now Eva is an extreme danger to the enemy if her HP falls below 20% and it's her turn.

The next commission (that's not actually a commission), is in the Gai Desert, just a few battle points from the entrance. There's a few new enemies lurking around there, but nothing you should be worrying yourself over. As long as you have Eva and Fiona tossing out Black Holes, there shouldn't be much to worry about. Versus Neo Balrog

Well congratulations, you managed to KO someone on my team this time. By the way, I've heard Schwarz's line after he recovers from a KO, where he says something like "Temei", is just about the worst way you can address someone in Japanese. The game translates that KO recovery line like "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!". He doesn't get any more cheerful, folks.

I was pretty pissed my assault, combined with a Hazard Strike, just barely didn't kill off that Hydra (weird name for a plant), but hey, it is hosed next time I'm up to bat.

Well, Eva got KO'd and Schwarz got nailed with the Gaia Crusher. Things could be worse, though, and the Neo Balrog (it even has the whip! No Gandalfs present, unfortunately) has no more Original Skills to throw at us. Oh, and the Neo Balrog does have a physical counterattack, so once again, that's why See All is there. Truthfully, after a certain point a character's HP gets so high that No Fear will pretty much negate all counterattacks, but that won't be for a bit. Besides, See All is 1 SP while No Fear is 4.

Thunder Whip level 3. Yeah, the effects for Level 3 versions of skills can get pretty awesome, like a giant fuck off cannon of lighting here. The skill compilation at the end of this LP is going to be nuts, I can just tell.

It's hard to ask how that could have gone better. I utterly routed both enemies, got Blessing from Fiona in there, and very nearly Over Killed the Balrog. It's not a huge loss, though. He drops Seiryuu's Sword, which is a pretty damn sweet sword that you can get as a rare drop / steal from a regular enemy, so, yeah. Especially since we don't HAVE any sword users, and won't until nearly the end of this generation. Another post-battle scene.

Now, time to head for the Wetlands. We're going to be crossing the Graccean overworld an annoying number of times this generation.

The enemies roaming the overworld itself are Dragon Zombies and Cold Gels. Cold Gels are completely unremarkable, but you want to Over Kill a couple Dragon Zombies for a commission to be fulfilled shortly. As far as enemies in the Wetlands, there's Cat Ladies, Cold Gels, Werewolves, and Titans. While we can't exploit many element vulnerabilities, these enemies are all fairly simple and should be defeated without much trouble. As well, Over Kill as much as possible. Versus Neo Vapar

The Vapar is much like the Neo Ammit, in that it has high evasion, low physical defense, and very strong magic power. This guy somehow manages to be more annoying. I'm wondering if it might not have a good idea to take out the Vapar quickly and "worry" about the Cold Gels afterwards...oh well.

Oh hey, I managed to Over Kill a boss with the wonderful Hazard Strike. I used Breakthrough like 3 times against this guy, and didn't steal from him once. It was a fairly uneventful fight, but I did take a turn longer than the Ammit and Balrog fights. Oh well, I won't complain, especially since I got Blessing in there.
Oh, and I guess I should mention something. Group attacks, like Sonic Blast, Thunder Whip, Mugging, Meltdown, etc, etc. are all based on the character using it. If Jude had great accuracy, and Fiona horrible accuracy, then Sonic Blast would actually hit with Jude, but not Fiona. Everything about the skill, including its power and chance of hitting, is based on around the character using it. Just so you know.

Hm, mysterious. After defeating the Vapar, there's a few more battle points in the Wetlands. The most important enemy is the Ammit, who you have to defeat two of for a commission. Do so before leaving, so you won't have to make another trip. Once you're done in Graccea, it's time to return to town. The blighted race

Unfortunately, it's not even that. We gain no tangible reward from this scene.

This next scene, the final one of this update, also happens in the Hunter's Guild. Let's say it happened while on the way out, and Eva persuaded Schwarz to accept the commissions. Guns and Roses

Normally I'd make a bigger deal out of Eva smiling for once, but that's just creepy... Especially with the way she's talking.