The Let's Play Archive

Robin Hood

by Miketopus

Part 3

Part 3

(Sherwood Forest:

So yeah, Sherwood Forest. I hope you guys like that song, because it's what you'll hear for about half of the game.

Notice that person in the corner of the foliage that looks like a Castlevania zombie? No need to Talk, just go bump into them to initiate dialogue.

- The rule of England has fallen since King Richard left to fight the Crusades. A wicked tyrant, Sheriff of Nottingham, is ruling the land with an iron fist. He steals all we have, and burns any villages which oppose him. No one has been able to stop him.

Pretty basic exposition from a nameless NPC. The Sheriff is controlling the land in lieu of the king, and we've got to put a stop to him. Really, is the story of Robin Hood new to anyone?

Throughout areas of the game, you'll encounter alcoves like this one in which you can find a few items like food, arrows, or gold. Naturally, that funky carrot thing is a quiver of arrows, which you can never have too many of.

Sometimes you'll also find keys, like this chest key here. Its use will become apparent shortly.

The guards make an appearance here, but they're not too numerous yet. They haven't improved at all since the Arab Dungeon.

I just wanted to point out the topography here. Notice how the tree is sort of diagonal? I think it was meant to lend a sense of faux 3D to the game. The only problem is, you usually can't pass behind a tree's foliage without hitting an invisible block, which defeats the feeling of true 3D. In this case, Robin wouldn't be able to walk straight up without bouncing off of the greenery with a silly little knock-knock noise.

A little ways into the forest, Azeem hears a noise. Let's check it out.

In a clearing to the north we find this... fellow... swinging and juggling a sword. He's not doing anything else, really, just standing there and showing off.

If you get too close to this guy, a battle will start, but notice that bow near his feet? I think you're supposed to grab it after the fight, but if you stand a little ways away and Take it from the menu...

Hooray! Free bow!

You'll want to give Robin the bow and almost never take it off of him. Arrows come in such ridiculous abundance that it should be rare that you'll run out of ammunition, and there's very little enemies can do to counter the range. Moreover, the bow gives you the ability to attack in all eight directions, rather than just the four primary ones using the sword.

Anyway, let's see what sword-clown has to say.

- I'm Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff's cousin. I'm so glad you came to see me! You saved me the trouble of finding you!

- ...Kill him, men.

Eh? What men-

Good gravy!

Melee 2 -

(In battle:

A nasty side effect of fights like these is that sometimes the enemy soldiers have bows too. Try to avoid line of sight with these guys, as they can take you down very quickly, especially if there's more than one firing at you.

Thankfully, you can also use your bow during these fights, and it is absolutely devastating against these guys.


Sadly, the chest key doesn't seem to duplicate, so we only have the one.

Guy is less than pleased, and takes his sword-juggling elsewhere.

And now Robin has a fancy new corset set of leather armor! Basic protection, though it weighs 20 units.

Just to the north of Guy's hangout spot is a chest, an apple, and a boy in a tree. Time for the Talk command to shine!

- This is my land, they have no business here.

- You obviously don't know Nottingham! My father, John Little, is now an outlaw, an outlaw for feeding his family!

- I had better go, before they return. Bye Locksley.

Foreshadowing of an awesome party member?


Yay potion!

Oh, and don't think you can go skipping this exposition either. If you try to go onward without investigating the clearing...

...You get swarmed by these guys, many of whom have bows and come in about triple the number you normally fight. You can kill them, of course, and each time you do you earn the same rewards as when you killed Guy's men. The battle will always start over if you keep trying to go on, though, so you can't just bull rush through it. Unless you feel like toting around an extra set of armor for Azeem, the rewards aren't in keeping with the effort.

See you next update!


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