Part 12
A much more sophisticated town
I think we shall fit right in here."

"You certainly can't fault the local royalty's taste in palaces, either."
"Eh, I've grown disenchanted with kings and their like. None of them have been very much help to us thus far."

"We'll just be leaving quietly, then."
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"It would be the fastest way to make new friends. Let's hit the streets."

he's quite a runner."

"Hey guys? I think I might have found a shortcut

"A secret door behind a secret door? I can't imagine how anybody would ever have seen through this shocking deception."

"Uh.. guys? I think I'm going to be staying here. You'll have to finish that whole quest thing without me."

"I wouldn't bet on that. We've kind of offed a hundred or so people to get this far and we're probably going to be doing a lot more of that."
"These guys would have been about as challenging as a knee-high fence."

"Okay, I think I like her."

"We would have it no other way."

"A magic shield
um.. thanks?"

"Wait, those squid obsessed jackasses have been around for a couple of generations? You're kidding me!"
"I guess we can try Tuern, but I don't see any reason why we couldn't just get a boat from here."

"I just want to know how they keep that water from falling down from between those pillars."

"I think this is leading us back to where the kidnappers were hiding
"I think the way I found was a lot less creepy."

"Y'know, as many places as we keep finding margoyles I think that maybe this wasn't the best area for people to come to."
An upcoming fight is a good reason to take a look at our new companion. She actually joins at a reasonable level and comes with some decent equipment as well. She can't hurt the margoyles, though, as that battle axe isn't magical. She's got pretty decent stats, as well.
"Please tell me that was a whale."
"I really hate the ocean."
"Well, it's not like we have another option for getting out of here
speaking of, it looks like a ship is coming in to port."

"We really should go to Neverwinter, since these are just ferries that only go to one or two places. We're going to need to hire a special ship if we want to go somewhere else."
"You're not fooling anyone
but you're not exactly wrong, either. Don't think we've forgotten about that meteorite ore."

"Yeah, it sounds like you're about to sail away with nobody on board and no gold either."

"Don't worry, we don't even know what half of those things are."

"We demand a refund!"

"Yeah, big words from the only person whose plate armor is magical!"

"Seriously, just
fuck the ocean. I never want to leave dry land again."
guys, it might just be me but these rocks look kind of purple."

"We should be so lucky
but if that's the case, the people in this house should know."

"You keep looking at me like you expect me to do something
but since they've probably got the only boats around here, you're probably right."

"They're kind of easy going here. I can dig it."

"Shame about their little Scrag problem, though."

oh Gods, I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth."
"Ah.. ah
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!"

"You should really be much more afraid of what's in front of you than what's around you."
The margoyles weren't mentioned in the into to this battle
but they certainly would explain the paranoia on the part of the guards. As you can see from the screen shot, hold person and our group is definitely a bigger problem for them than the margoyles could be.
"Wow, these guys can't spell any better than they can fight."
"I can make out the word hog
maybe they were planning a barbecue?"

"If the Kraken are running the show here, I don't think that lighthouse is for commercial shipping."

"Well, I certainly feel intimidated by it and I'm not ashamed to say so."

"Why is it that nobody's ever happy to see us?"

"Well, it's not like it's going to make life any more unpleasant for the villagers than it already is
besides, if somebody gets pissed they can always blame us."
Back at the base of the lighthouse...
"Something in here ree
oh gods, are those what I think they are?
"Yeah, they really need to tidy up in here."
I can't imagine what would motivate people to associate with living piles of trash or spend any time with them on a voluntary basis. They're actually weaker than the guards, as well, so really the guards should be using them as cannon fodder.
something about sauté
a recipe, maybe?"
"Well, if their intent was to keep anybody from bothering to read their secret message they've succeeded. We'll just kill them all instead."
"It'll be a blow for the non-squid obsessed people of the Savage Coast."

"Lucky for us that some of us actually know how to work a boat."
Character Snapshot

No real changes for our characters since we haven't been to a place where we can gain levels, and there hasn't been much in the way of loot to improve our equipment. Not to worry, though, as there'll certainly be some changes after we deal with the Kraken fortress.
Next update: We have fun storming the castle.