The Let's Play Archive

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

by Cooked Auto

Part 5: Mission 5 - Displace

Mission 5 - Displace

Location: Manhattan Garment District, New York City, USA

Displace International has been protecting Zherkezhi, who contracted Lacerda to kidnap Morgenholt. It must be determined if Displace is merely protecting Zherkezhi, or if they also involved in the plot to acquire the Masse Kernels.

Displace (Viddler/Polsy)

Displace (

60 Second level recap
Displace (Viddler/Polsy)

The plot thickens! And we're halfway through. Only 5 missions to go.

Mission Objectives

Primary Objectives
Exfiltrate to the Primary Extraction Point.


Exfiltrate from the roof using the fire stairs on the south side of the top floor.

Don't kill anyone.


Displace must not discover that intelligence operations are active against then, Killing anyone during the mission will result in immediate mission failure.

Find information linking Displace and Zherkhezi.


User 'MNEDICH' has removed files relating to the Zherkezhi protection detail from the central server. Check his personal computer in his office on the top floor.

Access the central server in the server room.


Access the central server to determine if Displace is complicit in Zherkezhi's possible crimes. Find a way in through the R&D section.

Retrieve the server access algorithm.


Recover Displace's central server access algorithm by hacking the laptop of the executive in the meeting room or checking for a back-up in the training area.

Secondary Objectives
Discover the real identity of Milan Nedich.


Third Echelon's files draw a blank on the name Milan Nedich, Displace's VP of protection services. Find out what his real identity is.

Opportunity objectives
Insert tracer programs into Displace's division servers.


Grimsdottir will be better able to monitor Displace's activities if you can insert tracer programs into the small servers in each of Displace's divisions.



WNM News Wire
To: Subscriber
Date: Thu, June 28th, 2007
Subject: Billionaire wins billion dollar lottery.

Pennsylvania steel magnate Brody Masterson-Woods III was today announced the winner of the 1.1 billion dollar stupid ball lotto, the largest jackpot in US history. He already has a net worth of 68,4 billion.


From: Hantz Center Maintenance
To: Displace_All
Date: Sat, June 30th, 2007
Subject: Power System Evaluation

We have completed our technical evaluation of our on site generators We expect limited power access to the entire building, and have upgraded the surge protection to protect the building when the city restores the power, we expect immediate restoration of all systems without interrupt..


From Gordon
To: Julian
Date: Sat, June 30th, 2007

Subject: Julian... For Tom's visit, I've changed the door codes between the ops room and the main lobby. The new code is 8136. It's the same for both doors.


WNM News Wire
To: Subscriber
Date: Fri, June 29th, 2007
Subject: Mason: 'National Guard stretched thin'

Defence secretary Frank Mason was quoted as saying the National Guard was stretched 'impossibly thin'. With National Guardsmen supplementing regular US Army forces in eleven countries overseas, the recent emergency deployments in five states have 'seriously impaired their ability to defend the people'.


From Gilley
To: Matthew
Date: Fri, June 29th, 2007
Subject: Meeting room code

Matt... I got the code to the VIP Meeting room. 2346. Talk to some of the guys and see if they know the office code. Don't let Milan found out. I got a bad feeling about that guy.
