Part 1: Mission 1 - Embassy

The situation: A group of Indonesian militants calling themselves the "Darah Dan Doa", angry about U.S military presence in East Timor, have violently seized the U.S embassy in Dili, taking several of the staff hostage.
The mission: Acting fast before the situation gets worse, Fisher must enter the embassy to extract vital information from Douglas Shetland, a military contractor, before the militants get it from him.
Mission 1 - Embassy (Viddler/Polsy)
The subs might be slightly harder to read the first few minutes due to the tutorial pop-ups. It's only for this level though. If alot of you find it really hard to read them, I'll see what I can do to redo it.
Data, files and e-mails collected:
Subject: Agency File on East Timor / Indonesia
Uploaded: 28/03/06; 02:03:12
Source: Grimsdottir
On November 28th, 1975, East Timor declared independence from Portugal. Indonesian forces invaded nine days later and declared it their own, renaming it Timor Timur. Records are sketchy, but up to a quarter of a million Timorese civilians were killed over the next two decades in a "Campaign of Pacification," often with the covert support of U.S. intelligence. In the late nineties, U.S. intelligence withdrew support for Indonesian actions against the Timorese, and in August of 1999, supervised by the UN, the Timorese voted for independence from Indonesia. East Timor was born a democracy in May of 2002.
[Author: Grimsdottir]
Subject: Case File on D.P. Brunton
Uploaded: 28/03/06; 02:09:11
Source: Grimsdottir
Full name: Durmot Paul Brunton
Known aliases: gargoyle
DOB: 21/10/63
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Area of Operation: Washington, D.C.
Associations: NSA, Third Echelon
Relevant history:
Master degree in Computational Linguistics from Harvard
Publishes thesis, "Applied Cryptography and the Future of Privacy: in quarterly American Mathematician
Receives Bell-Jones grant for development of Group Strategic Positioning Software.
U.S. Army purchases GSPS software.
Founds Three Clicks Software Development Company.
Acquires level 4 security clearance from U.S. Army for proposed work with the CIA
Hired by the CIA to develop a public key encryption system for inter-agency communication.
Develops ROOT HOG system for CIA.
Security clearance raised for live technical / strategic support on FBI Operation EARLY WIND.
Enters "Civilian Boot Camp" program at MCRD Paris Island, South Carolina
03/02/01 - 07/09/01
Consults NSA on restructuring network in wake of January 22ND crash.
Becomes a full-time employee of the NSA. Technological Consultant for Inter-Agency Liaison.
Security clearance maximized.
Promoted to Inter-Agency Liaison for Third Echelon.
I like Dermot, but I sometimes think Lambert wants smash him. He's too enthusiastic for his own good, and I worry that he might be a dork trying to pass for a geek. Scary smart. [Author: Grimsdottir]
Subject: Case File on Douglas Shetland
Uploaded: 28/03/06; 02:03:12
Source: Grimsdottir
Full name: Douglas Wayne Shetland
Known Aliases: None
DOB: 18/04/59
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Hair: Brown/ thinning
Eyes: brown
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Area of Operation: Virginia, USA / Highly Mobile
Assocations: CEO of Displace, International
Relevant history:
03/09/77 - 24/05/81
Undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Alabama State University
28/08/81 - 01/06/82
21/06/82 - 16/10/01
U.S. Marine, rising to the rank of Major.
16/01/91 - 26/02/91
Laser sighting team leader in Desert Storm bombing campaign in Kuwait.
Umm QASR. First contact with Sam Fisher, then a Navy SEAL
Kuwait, Operation SCARBA TOOTH, second contact with Sam Fisher.
Author of essay, "A Better Fight," in the American Republic.
Ghazni, Afghanistan
Bagram, Afghanistan. A man under Shetland's command mistakenly shoots U.S. soldier Kelly Lewis. In the media furor following the "Bagram Incident," Shetland is removed from the field.
03/02/02 - 15/04/02
Bagram incident trial. Shetland found not guilty of all charges. Promoted to a 5-star desk job just shy of civilian work.
Shetland leaves the Marine Corps.
Shetland awarded over $700,000 in damages from counter-lawsuit to the Bagram Incident.
Founds DISPLACE, INTERNATIONAL, a Private Military Corporation.
Akhalts'ikhe, Georgia: Displace International spearheads Operation RIVER DOG. Zero American casualties. Six Georgian casualties. Georgian airfield and eleven aircraft captured.
You probably know more about Doug than we do. Could almost believe the two of you are competing for the title "World's Most Amoral Reluctantly-Aging Badass." [Author: Grimsdottir]
Subject: Case File on Ingrid Karlthson
Uploaded: 28/03/06; 02:12:29
Source: Grimsdottir
Full name: Ingrid Ruth Karlthson
Known Aliases: None.
DOB: 14/02/62
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 157 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Area of Operation: Virginia / East Timor / Highly Mobile
Associations: CIA Bureaucrat
Relevant history:
Assigned to the U.S. embassy to East Timor in Dili.
Looks like a pretty standard CIA desk monkey, with the exception of an incredible knack for languages. Security footage from the embassy shows her remarkably cool under fire. It looks like Sadono has separated her from the other hostages.
[Author: Grimsdottir]
From: mortified_penguin
To: Barhwani
Sent: 27/03/2006 03:29
Subject: discretion
Ashad's suggestion has worried me. Again: nothing is as important in this Thursday's work as discretion. No evidence. No loose ends. You have been paid, you are professionals. Failure will be met with punishment. Punishment will extend to family.