The Let's Play Archive


by ProfessorProf

Part 7: A new and definitely male character is introduced

Don't ask me, dammit! I'm trying to lay low!

"It's something like a... loophole or shortcut in space, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"However, super gravity is active within that tunnel, so an object would be completely crushed upon entering it. That's why we need something that would negate the effects of gravity. That is something called 'exotic matter'.
It's basically material which has negative mass and opposes the effects of gravity."

"With the use of exotic matter, the wormhole would be stabilized and allow the possibility of teleportation. However, there's another step required if you want to use them for time travel.
Imagine the entrance to the wormhole is in Akihabara, while the exit is in LA. Now, imagine the hole in LA goes to and back from the end of the universe at close to the speed of light. According to the theory of relativity, time slows down for objects moving at the speed of light. So, we can assume that the hole which returned to LA would be in the past.
And with those conditions, Hououin can enter the wormhole, and arrive at the LA of several years ago."

"...And Hououin would appear at the Akihabara of the same time period at which he entered the wormhole from LA's side. With this, the time travel is complete.
The things necessary for wormhole theory are easier to obtain than the ones for cosmic string theory.
1: The wormhole itself. Nobody has ever seen one.
2: The energy required to move a wormhole to and from the end of the universe at a speed close to the speed of light.
3: The exotic matter necessary to stabilize the wormhole. Nobody has ever seen this, either."

So... either of these requires ridiculous amounts of work and effort. Or, it's more like the very idea of time machines seems unrealistic.

"All of the time travel theories are nothing but thought experiments which will never actually advance beyond the area of theory and be put into practice. That is the limit we have with present-day physics. Though, I don't know how it will be after ten years.
And anyway, even if a method which allows easy travel to the past appeared, it would not be guaranteed that it's completely safe. That is due to problems concerning the principle of causality."

However, if someone traveled back from the future to the past, the mass of the time machine and the people on it would be extra.

"If you think that the law of conservation of mass only applies to macro-systems like the universe or micro-systems like atoms, you're mistaken. The law only applies to chemical reactions, and it's not being considered in modern physics at all. Something can be created out of nothing."

"Time paradoxes; specifically, the Grandfather Paradox."

The one where you go back in time and kill your parents before you were born...

"As long as this paradox does not have a proper solution, time travel is definitely not a possibility. The appearance of a contradiction would mean the collapse of the principle of causality, the crumble of the theory of relativity, and even the breakdown of all the laws of physics.
A paradox is a thought experiment, not something that can or does happen in reality. That means that even if something has only a 0.000001% chance of happening, it will never diverge from the original outcome. There might be loopholes like the multiverse interpretation and the principle of self non-contradiction, but personally, I find them too fantasy-like, so I would like to disregard them."

I'm grinding my teeth in anger. I avert my eyes from Makise Kurisu, who is still composed. Looks like I have nothing left but to admit that she is a genius.

After the 2 time travel theories she introduced at the beginning, she explained all the others in an easy-to-understand manner. In the end, it was an impressive lecture, to the point that it made me doubt that she's an 18 year old first timer.

I have to give it to her for responding to my malicious questions with sarcasm. That's some nerve she has... W-wait, why am I praising her?!

Leaving that aside, I saw that Makise Kurisu has died. However, she is alive. My memories are contradicting. Not only about Kurisu, but the things I talked about with Mayuri and Daru, as well...

My purpose here is to get exorcised.

I greatly doubt that the Makise Kurisu I saw was a ghost. Regardless, wanting an exorcism after seeing that is normal for a Japanese person. It's in our blood.

The area around the shrine is very confined. Regardless, I can hear the cries of cicadas from the few trees growing here.

"Oh? It's Okarin! Tutturu~♪"

In front of the shrine building, there are 2 girls. One of them is Mayuri.

...However, it's a mistake to call her a 'girl'. This is Urushibara Ruka.

The son of this shrine's chief priest. Yes, a son. No matter how you look at him, he looks like a lovely girl, but he's a guy.

He makes a quick bow to me.

His voice and behavior make him look like a female. Or maybe more feminine than a female.

Taller than Mayuri, and of a very slim build.

Looks good in shrine maiden clothing.

He's holding a broom, so I'm guessing that he was in the middle of cleaning.

It's so hot, even though it's almost evening.

The damn cicadas won't shut up.

"Rukako, what happened to the blade that I gave you?"

He's an acquaintance of mine, and I call him Rukako. I helped him when he was surrounded by a group of creeps in some mall, and we've known each other since then.

Rukako is taken aback by my sharp question. With a blushing face, he's fidgeting as if he's gonna start crying.

(When the translation goes into doublespeak mode like that, the text below is the meaning, and the text above is the pronunciation.)

"Right. I bought that for you so that you could control your powers."

"But didn't you buy that in Akiba’s 'Main Weaponry Shop'? I think it was 980 yen--"

"Mayuri! If you speak any further, you'll be erased by 'Them'! Don't ever talk about that!"

"Eh? Erased?"
"Okarin, thank you for worrying about me... but, who are 'They'?"

I ignore Mayuri's question.

"Y-Yes, I practice swinging once every day..."

"With it, you can master the Mind-Killing Demon (Seishin Zanma) style, and prevent the evil flames that sleep within you from burning you up."

Demon Sword Summer Rain is a fake blade, but that is because it is hiding its true form from the world. If it's in the hands of a skilled master, it will release its true power.

It is a cheap purchase that I got for 980 yen (tax included). However, even if it is fake, the police wouldn't let it slide if you were to walk around town with it.

"I am not Okabe."

"You're Okarin!"

"I'm sorry, Kyouma."

"It's okay, as long as you get it. Now, the password."

Ah, um, El... Psy... Congaryu...?"

"Wrong! It's Congroo, not Congaryu!"

"Yes! El... Psy... Congroo. I-Is that right?"

As I smile, Rukako smiles as well.

"Thank you very much!"

Loveliness that anyone could fall for.

"What a nice teacher-student relationship... Mayushii isnt a fujoshi, but this is somewhat exciting."

"Eh? Ma, Mayuri, don't imagine anything weird..."

Seriously. Though, the 'teacher-student relationship' part is true. I, Hououin Kyouma, with the use of my mind control, taught Rukako about the conspiracies and ruling structures of the world, and instructed him on how to fight them. The talk about the Demon Sword Summer Rain and so on are linked to that. He's the one who said that he wants to be taught many things, and as a master, I am greatly pleased with this disciple. However, he doesn't process what I say too quickly, and has the weak point of being too shy.

"I came to see Ruka! I keep asking him to come to next month's Comima while cosplaying Kirari from RaiNet, but he doesn't want to do it, at all.

"Cosplaying is too embarrassing for me..."

"But I just know that Ruka would look good in it.
"You'd become very popular as 'Too cute to be a girl', you know. Come on, let’s make a cosplay debut!"

Mayuri's hobby is making cosplay. Up until now, she has made over 30 costumes, but has never worn any of them herself. Apparently, she has chosen Rukako as her next target.

I don't really think that I understand why Rukako doesn't want to wear those clothes. I mean, he's already wearing shrine maiden's clothing, and it's not so different...

I sigh, and restrain Mayuri, who is urging Rukako to do it.

"Leave such trivial things for later."

"But for me, it's trivial!
Besides, Rukako, the reason I came to the shrine is to get an exorcism. Can you do it?"

"An exorcism? Then, you should be asking my father..."

"No, it's nothing that serious. I just need some peace of mind. So, bring the usual thing over here."

"Eh? The usual thing is... Summer Rain?"

"Wrong! Who the hell uses a demon sword for exorcism?! I obviously mean that thing!"

"Umm... uh...?"

"The rod thing with the white paper attached to it, the one that Shinto priests swing around."

"Ah, the Shide wand, right? I don't know if my father would lend it to me... I'll go and ask him."

Rukako makes a quick bow, and runs off towards the residence.

Mayuri is checking the time on a pocket watch that she took out of her bag.

Apparently, the name is 'Pockety'. Obviously, it's a name that Mayuri gave it. She has been carrying Pockety with her at all times, ever since elementary school.

"Well, it's almost time for my part-time job, so I'm gonna go now..."

"Okay, do your best. Are you going straight home afterwards?"

"Yep. See you tomorrow!"

I stop Mayuri, who was about to trot off.

"A scream...? When did that happen?"

"Noon today."

"I don't think I heard it."

"...Right. Okay, then, I understand."

"Bye, then! Tutturu~♪"

"Okabe, sorry to keep you waiting."

As if to replace Mayuri, Rukako returns. In his hand, he's holding the weird tufty thing.

"Huh? Mayuri left already?"