Part 188: Mission 50 (Moon Route) - Two Suspended in Time - Part 2
we barely get rid of Swords army of Alien Tekkamen and she calls a bunch more.
I guess its time to start MAPing

First things first, Izumi gets working on that weakened Radam Warship that I forgot to finish off.

Aki should be able to take that kill.

You go, girl.

Not many units left with their move but Valzacard is just close enough to MAP a trio of Tekkamen more importantly, hell get rid of a Command Aura.

Both Tekkamen die and the Warship takes a big hit.

Finally, Blade adds more damage to compensate for the 4000 HP that the warship will regen.

Enemy Phase!

I had hoped that Hikarus friendship bonus wouldve boosted her numbers higher than that

Doesnt matter, though.

Valzacard draws the attention of a couple of Tekkamen and rips them both a new one.

The Nadesico also gets its share of attention.

Four mooks attack, dealing not-insignificant damage but, despite the numbers being against her (50-60% chance to hit the Tekkamen), Ruri manages to hit all of them back nicely.

Theres also a couple other mooks that attack Gai but, just like attacking Valzacard, that is a HUGE mistake.

Sword chains Gai, Blade and Aki; for the sake of taking her Alert away, Ill be having Gai attack.

She tagged Blade with 9% hit rate

Player Phase!

Gai Daigouji and Dead strike a nice hit on a Tekkaman
leaving it with 39 HP

Fine, Mao can take it.

So there.

Kurz also does his part and is rewarded with a level and Support Request L2.

Get to it, Vesna.

Having used Cheer, she gains a lot of levels and learns Multicombo L3.

Clouseaus chain attack falls short of hitting one of the Aliens but he still nabs a kill.

Might as well pop Valor and have Youko finish this sumbitch.

Very good.

Ryouko quickly dispatches the second-to-last Alien Tekkaman

And Ruri will take it upon herself to wreck the final one.

And thats that.

Ruri and Harry take three levels and she learns Confuse.

Now, back to Sword.

: So, the imitation survives! But I will not let a mongrel like you sully Lord Omega's presence!

: That's why you fight for noble. I can't argue with that.

: But I'm a member of the Neo-Wärter, and I have a duty!
It wont take very long.

Blade doesnt need this kill but it wouldnt feel right if he didnt do something.

: Blade, the traitor...I will not allow you to make it to Lord Omega!

: Then why didn't you destroy me when you had the chance?

: That house is precious to Kengo...even if he can't remember it...

: Fong Li

: Wrong! I am Tekkaman Sword and I will eradicate all who stand in Lord Omega's way!
Been a while since I used that attack, huh? If only it wasnt so incredibly pricey

Aki will show her the power of LOVE!

: Tekkaman will feel my blade!

: I know you've dedicated your life to Tekkaman Omega...I'm putting my life on the line too!

: For my planet...and for the one I love!
Sword is worth a Super Alloy New-Z, a Support Request +1 and an Infight +1.

: Its over, Sword!!

: Urk
had to keep you here a while longer
Lord Evil will handle the rest

: Wheres Sh...wheres Evil?!

: Kengo
Im also useless
So, grant me one last wish
Sword charges after Aki!*

: !

: Chief!

: I was jealous of you

: Huh

: Kengo, who became Omega, lives for his mission and never once turned aside to pay attention to me

: However, you personally became a Tekkaman and chose to live for the same goals as Blade

: Sword

: And thats why Ill kill you! Ill burn whatever remains of my life to do so!

: Shes
going to self-destruct!


: Hold on, boy! Ill take it from here!!

: Old man!!


: Sorry but neither the man you love or the people you hate will be accompanying you to Hell

: Let me go! LET ME GO!!

: Urk!

: Sgt. Bernard!!

: Get outta there, Bernard! Hurry!!

: Bernard!!

: Hang in there, Tekkamen kids
this is all I can do

: I leave the rest to you
Earth is depending on you and your friends


: Pegas
I leave those kids to you

: Well, then

: L-let me go! LET ME GOOOOO!


: Sgt. Bernard

: This was
the place the old man chose to spend his life

: Damn it



: Pegas
? That song
is it


: Bernard
? Hes dead
Bernard is dead?!


: Bernard

: D-Boy

: How unsightly, Blade!

: Evil!

: So, Sword was defeated
Ill settle everything with you right now!

: Come, Takaya! Well fight where no one can get in our way!!

: Show the place, Shinya!

: Mr. D!

: Dont go after them, Yumi!

: But, Noal

: Aki, you go!

: But
If I go

: I know no one can get between those two

: But, at least
you should see their battle with your own eyes.

: Thats your duty, Aki! D-Boys risking his life for you!

: I understand
Ill go after D-Boy!

: Were counting on you, Chief

: Leave Evil to Blade and Aki well eliminate the remaining Radam.

: Win, D-Boy.

: Theres no way youll lose.

: The true enemys on the moon. We cant start without you

: Heh
this abandoned colony will be the stage of our final battle.

: Evil

: Brother, Im so happy. Right now, I can feel how wonderful it is to be alive.

: As expected, this battle was fate.

: Shinya, the fact that you and Kengo became Radam and that Miyuki had to die

: Do you think you can really blame it all on fate?!

: Im actually quite grateful. Thanks to my transformation into a Radam, I can settle things with you once and for all!

: Shinya!!

: Lets go, Blade! Thisll be our last battle!!
Have I mentioned how much I love W's versions of Tekkaman Blade songs? Because I do.
Secret Alert! 
Remember that Tekkaman Blade secret that weve been working at since the start of the game? Here is the last step: Blade must defeat Evil in 5 turns.

How easily this battle goes depends on how much youve used and upgraded Blade, of course.
Right now, Evil cant even touch our powerhouse Blade.

Dont be afraid to use your SP, too.

: Well, brother
arent we seriously trying to kill each other

: What?!

: Show me your true strength, brother
your Blaster power!

: Stop it!

: Aki

: We finally meet

: Youre quite brave. No wonder my brother is in love with you.

: You look just like our dead mother.

: D-Boy is your brother! Why do you keep fighting like this?! Do you hate him that much?!

: Hate? I dont hate him
in fact, I love him. I hate him, because I love him
its our blood destiny!

: Blood destiny

: Even if we never became Tekkakmen, wed still be destined to fight.

: We were once one and now were trying to become one again
thats what this battle is about.

: Stand down, Aki! This battle is between me and him!

: I understand, D-Boy
I dont think I would be able to stop you

: Then, at least
Ill witness this battle with my own eyes.

: Aki

: In that case, look well! Ill defeat my beloved brother right here!!

: Look, brother! I also managed to gain a new power!

: Blasterization

: Kengo tried to stop me from doing it

: But I wanted this power! I had to ask Sword for help
it was all to defeat you, brother!


: Fight me, brother! Take everything I have!!

Blaster Tekkaman Evil, as a unit, is rather similar to his original form the difference comes in the boosts he got from the Blasterization.
His pilot stats got an increase all around and you will find that hell be MUCH dodgier, even if you use Focus.

Like Blade, his attacks also gained a power boost and his Blaster PSY Voltekka will probably oneshot Blade if it gets a clean hit (unless youve upgraded his HP and/or defense but you probably didnt) of course, it is still quite inaccurate and has a steep morale requirement.

Evils Pilot Skills have all increased since our last fight:
- Sword Cut
- Counter
- Hit & Away
- Blaster Form (+10 points to all stats)
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L9
- Support Attack L4
- Commander L4
- Multicombo L2
Conclusion: Defeating Evil in the time limit becomes a race against your own SP because if you dont kill him by the time you run of Focus casts, it is VERY unlikely that youll hit him.
His Evasion is huge and itll be boosted further by his Prevail L9 which will also make him more resilient (meaning youll do less damage and his regen will slow the fight even more).
Normally I wouldnt recommend save-scumming but your best bet is to weaken him with a Tek-Lancer or two, pop Focus plus Valor/Soul, save and keep trying until your Voltekka hits (itll get as low as 40% hit rate, WITH focus).
Of course, you can always keep whittling him down with your Tek-Lancer but, if you miss enough times or dont get critical hits, youll run out of turns.

Ill extend the fight long enough to get him to show off his tricks and then move in for the kill.

: I feel... wonderful, my brother! This is the greatest moment of my life!

: Radam or human, it doesn't matter to me! My whole life has come down to this instant!

Evil is worth an EN Gigachip, a BP+1, and a Starting Morale +2.

: Well done, brother
As expected, I
was no match


: Shinya

: Brother
its like Ive been dreaming

: Shinya
youve turned back into yourself

: Look at your feet
that bug-like creature

: Is that

: The Radams true form

: A Radam is a parasite. It has no body of its own; you could call it an intelligent life-form comprised only of a highly-evolved brain.

: It can dominate any planet, under any circumstances, by possessing the bodies of higher life-forms.

: You were being controlled by that
! Had I found out about it sooner, I couldve turned you back

: Itd be useless because Im already dying. Thats why the Radam has abandoned me.

: Shinya

: Now, theyll inhabit the Tekkamen host bodies thatll be born all over the world.

Thank you, brother. For fighting me with everything you had.

: Dont talk anymore

: The strain of Blasterization damaged my body

: Still, I was glad to be able to have one last battle against you, using all of my power
Explosions can be heard outside

: What

: D-Boy! The Radam are attacking the colony!

: Of all the

: Its OK, brother
Ill go

: Ill fight for you


: Shinya!

: What are you waiting for, brother?! You must head to the moon right now!

: But

: I will help you
I will use whatever small amount of life remains in me to help your escape, brother!

: Shinya

: Go! You must stop Kengo that is all that I want you to do!

: Kh

: These small vermin
and what happened to us

: Its because of them
! All because

: D-Boy

: I am
going to the moon.

: Wait, D-Boy! Neo-Wärter will be joining us soon-

: Both D-Boy and Takaya Aiba have died here!!

: I am
Tekkaman Blade!

: Wait, D-Boy! D-BOOOOOOY!

This is the last thing I can do for you

: Thank you, Brother
and Im sorry


: Goodbye, Brother