Part 69: Post-Mission 19 Intermission (Includes Unit Analysis #9 - "Greater" Edition)
A rather small update today seeing how the next mission doesnt have a Prologue, which means itll go straight into Part 1 and Ill need time to set it up. As always, your top aces:
BP Upgrades:

Tetsuya has finally joined and he comes packed with BPs to spend. Ill build him like Kouji: 12 points in Melee, 5 in Armor, 3 in Accuracy.

Kouji has also gained quite a bit of points from his stampede over Dr. Hells troops. He gets 3 points in Melee, 1 in Armor and 1 in Accuracy.

Duo takes 2 in Melee and 1 in Evasion.

Ryouko gets 2 in Melee, 1 in Shooting.

Blade still needs to balance it out: 1 point each in Melee, Shooting and Evasion.

Finally, Volfogg gets 2 points in Melee, 1 point in Evasion (Ill probably focus solely on Melee now seeing how the Hero skill adds to his Evasion I added these 5 points just as a safety net).
Skill Parts:

The only piece we got last mission was this Infight from Ashura. It goes to Ryouma.
Unit Upgrades:

Great Mazinger is a really good unit. As such, Im spending around half our cash to build him up to Kaisers level (In other games, Kaisers upgrades wouldve passed on to Great but noooo ).
He gets a 3 points boost to HP, EN, Armor and Weapons.

Sousuke also gets a power-up to his weapons.

Blade gets a point in EN and Weapons.

Izumi, Hikaru and Ryouko get an extra point in EN.

Finally, Valhawk/Valstork get a point in HP and Mobility.
Unit Parts:

Tetsuya is an even bigger energy-hog than the Kaiser simply due to the fact that his rocket punches arent as good/abusive and he needs to rely on EN-using attacks to hit farther targets. As such, he gets the EN Chip whichll reduce his EN consumption by 10%.

Heero also relies mostly on his Twin Buster Rifle so he takes the extra Large Generator for +50 EN.
With all that out of the way, lets have our Unit Analysis for our newcomer Tetsuya Tsurugi and his Great Mazinger:


Great Mazinger is the upgraded Mazinger and it shows. Its bulkier and stronger than Koujis original unit and Tetsuya is also a great pilot.
Of course, its not going to beat Mazinkaiser (but, truthfully, there are VERY few units that do) in resilience and raw power but its certainly no slouch its got nearly as much HP and Armor and Tetsuyas Melee and Defense stats are as high as Koujis.

Great Mazinger has powerful weapons (and, as you know, also has the Mazin Power buff for +25% damage) but, unlike Kaiser, its range is somewhat limited: if an enemy attacks you from over 5 range, youre forced to counter it with Thunder Break which will DEVOUR your EN before you realize it (it takes 50 EN per shot thats 1/5th of Greats total).
Do note that its strongest attack, Great Booster, has only 1 shot so use it wisely.
Its (small) issues aside, youll still want Great Mazinger out simply because it has such great synergy with Kaiser. Its got 3 combined attacks of low-ish EN costs and huge power (Double Rocket Punch, Double Kaiser Blade, Double Burning Fire) and, combined with Mazin Power, means itll destroy anything short of a boss.

Here are Tetsuyas Pilot Skills:
- Sword Cut
- Prevail L3
- Strike
- Invincible
- Iron Wall
Conclusion: If you use Mazinkaiser, youll want to deploy the Great Mazinger for those great combination attacks. Hell, even if you dont use it, hes still very competent.
Try your best to keep him close to enemies in a way that he can counter with his Drill Pressure Punch to avoid having to was EN on constant Thunder Breaks.
He has a friendship bonus with Kouji so keep them close to increase Accuracy and dont be afraid to spend his huge SP pool on eventual Iron Walls (like Kouji, thisll put him in a state of near-invincibility).
If his limited-ish range annoys you, there are always High Performance Radar parts to increase it by 1 though thatll mean its a part-slot not being used on increasing HP/Armor or EN.
As I said above, theres not prologue to next mission so Ill get working on part 1 as soon as possible.
There are several old friends to welcome back
See you all next time!