Part 68: Pathetic, disgusting, sick... Pick an adjective.
Welcome back. Last time, we reported in to the Bracer Guild about our mission in the castle. Afterwards, we prepared to attack the Erbe Royal Villa in order to rescue Princess Klaudia. This involved: Checking in on Nial (he's probably dead), checking in on Julia (she was missing, but only so she could make a dramatic entrance later), and assembling the bracers (apparently Kurt was the one who originally stole the Black Orbment from the Special Ops soldiers, and sent it to Cassius via the mysterious package that ended up in our hands in Chapter 1.) Now, it's time to rescue a princess!
Before we go, we've got a chance to do some last minute shopping, so that our assault doesn't go straight to shit. We're already outfitted in our sunday best, so there's not much to change. The only highlight is Zane switching out Attack 2 for a much more spiffy Attack 3.
We can also visit the Professor, which is always nice.

Its roots go back more than a thousand years, as I understand it.

Wait... Liberl's only been Liberl as long as the royal family's been around, so are you telling me the royal family is THAT old?!

They are. And I, for one, would love to tour the inside of that castle... see what ghosts I could dig up. You two got to see the inside of it yesterday, did you not? Tell me, what was it like?

Well, uh... It felt pretty old and historic, I guess...

There was definitely a lot to see in there. But we weren't really given much of a chance to see it. I'm afraid there's nothing we can really tell you that you wouldn't already know.

I see, I see... That's too bad. I suppose I'll have to wait until the castle is reopened to the public.

Once the operation begins, you won't have any opportunity to return to the city. So if you still have loose ends to tie up, speak now...or forever hold your peace.
We're good, let's get this done.


Let's review the operation.

Well, this is the Umber Monument rest area, so this should be the place.

The only real issue is whether or not Lt. Schwarz and her men can get here undetected.

Whoa! When did you get here?

Ha ha... Nice work staying hidden in Grancel.

We have quite a few sympathizers among the citizens.

We've finished our preparations. We can begin whenever you're ready.

All right...

We're waiting on your order, Estelle.

Huh...? MY order?!

You were the ones who originally received Her Majesty's request.

So, we're waiting on your command before we begin.

B-but...I...I'm just a rookie...

Ha ha... That really doesn't matter. I don't think you'll have a problem.

Just do it without shouting, okay?
...I'm not sure she can promise that.

We'll be there to help. We have no objections.


Have a little faith in yourself.

Don't worry about the trivial details. Just deal with things as they come.


This is a nice little moment. We've spent a lot of our time on the periphery of greater people and greater things (our roles in the Sky Bandit incident, and the Dalmore affair were greatly underplayed, and up until Chapter 3 we were mostly just brushing shoulders with the conspiracies of the world), so it's a nice feeling to have everyone acknowledge us and basically put us in charge.
Anyway, in the immortal words of Cloud Strife, let's mosey!
Music Stops
Special Ops: Isn't it time to change shifts yet?
Special Ops 2: Hey, lighten up, man. The Royal Guardsman could try to ambush us at any time.
Special Ops: There weren't more than ten escapees. If it turns out that the colonel's serious, we'll be able to round them up in no time.
Sergeant: We apparently have a lock on the Royal Guardsman! If we get there quickly, this will be our chance to wipe them out!

Sergeant: The airship's locked down. You'll never be able to use it!

Sergeant: If you obey the colonel's orders, you MIGHT just live through this... Or you can die, cursing your own stubbornness! Take this!
Sergeant: You can't be serious... You're not actually going to try standing against the Royal Army!

Sorry to disappoint you... but you've already been marked as criminals.

By order of the Queen, you will let us pass!
Royal Guardsman: We'll go ahead and lure the remaining forces into the front gardens! You can break into the villa while they're distracted!

Sounds good!

Aidios be with all of you!

Now's our chance to sneak in.


Roger that.

So, this is the Erbe Royal Villa... It's gorgeous... Certainly gives the castle a run for its mira.

Well, it IS a royal family residence.

Oops... Looks like the welcoming committee's here.

You don't need to know our names!

Words will serve no purpose here. Let's go!
Note that the music remains the same during fights this update. Mainly because Rescue is already the BGM for fighting the Special Ops.
Anyway, you should be well familiar with the Special Ops soldiers by now. We've got one of the Shadow Weavers, and two of the guns users. This fight really isn't a boss or a miniboss or anything like that, by this point in the game the Special Ops are no stronger than your generic monster encounter. And what do we do with generic encounters Zane?

Good man.

This place is huge. We'll just have to search it room-by-room.

If we just hang around here, you can bet we're going to have more company, and soon. Let's get a move on.
Man, you said soon, but I didn't think it would be that soon.
Joshua's a fan of moving, so he didn't take kindly to that.

It looks like there's still quite a few soldiers in the castle. They're patrolling the corridor in the central courtyard periodically.

Our only option will be to silence anyone who sees us.
The Royal Villa has a lot of rooms (8 in total). Some of them, like this one, are very fancy but otherwise very boring.

Every time we leave a room, there's a chance of triggering an encounter with a group of Special Ops soldiers. The odds seem to decrease every encounter, but this may just be confirmation bias on my part.
Anyway, one dead group of soldiers later...

Crap... We totally picked the wrong room!
Special Ops: Hmmm... What are you doing here?
Special Ops 2: *hic*... Ain't seen you before...

Good evening. We're with the Bracer Guild.
Special Ops: Huh...

No need to get up. Just enjoy yourselves and rest well.
There are four of them, but we automatically get a preemptive strike, letting every character get in an attack before they can do anything. They should be near dead by the time they get a chance to move.

Estelle is surprisingly deadly with her Mystic Stave. She has lots of options for physical attacks (Hurriance for circular area of effect, Comet for line-based area of effect, Pummel/Barrage/Hard Break for single targets), and while most have always been counterbalanced by being somewhat weak, that hardly applies anymore. Hurricane, for example, can do pretty much as much damage as a high level spell, except sans casting time.

They're too drunk to really know what's going on.

It's like some kind of bar, same as the one in the castle...
That depends. You willing to overlook some missing bottles?

We know that. You work at the villa, right?

We've come to help, at the request of Her Majesty, the Queen.
Raymond: Wha... R-really?! You're honestly here to save us!

Yes, so would you calm down, already?
Raymond: I thought I was done for when my reporter friend was taken away... I hope he's all right...

Reporter friend...?

You must mean Nial!
Raymond: ...You know him?
Estelle explained that Nial had gone missing and was still unaccounted for.
Raymond: Ahh, I see. Yes, I'm the one who contacted him. He came to get an interview with the princess, who is being guarded here... His passion for his work is hard to argue with, so I wound up sneaking him in and showing him the way.

But he was spotted, and taken prisoner?
Raymond: Yes...and much to my shame, it was only then that I realized the severity of the situation. I heard that Her Highness was being kept here, to protect her from any potential terrorist assault. But the truth is that she's being held prisoner by the Intelligence Division... I was so glad that she was coming that it simply had never occurred to me. I am truly unfit for my position...

Come on... No need to be so depressed.

Would you happen to have any idea where the prisoners are being held?
Zane: Yes... They've all been gathered in the Crest Room, which is the innermost chamber. It's a large banquet hall, used for events like the formal signing of treaties.

Got it.

All right, let's go check it out.
Hooray, Nial's alive. I never doubted him for a second.
Anyway, moving on.
...But empty.
Estelle setting all kinds of new damage records is just what I needed
There's a big door at the north end of the courtyard. At this camera angle though, the architecture of the place is kind of blocking it. Damn good for nothing architects, with their long-winded, disappointing stories.

Awww, no!

It seems pretty solid, and the locking mechanism is quite secure. We definitely won't be able to get in without the key.

Hm... Maybe we should go talk to that young chamberlain.
Raymond: it is locked, then. The key is normally in the possession of the Intelligence Division company commander... I believe he left when the terrorists showed up.


Which means that it was taken by the ones who ambushed Lt. Schwarz and her men...

Not good.There's no time to go back...
Raymond: Just a moment... There's a spare key to that door. It's here somewhere... If memory serves, I believe it's hidden somewhere in the Gallery...

Roger that. Gallery!

Let's hurry.
The Special Ops can also revive each other now, which took me by surprise because I don't think I've ever seen it before. Either way, sandbagging can't hold us back.
Estelle and company found something attached to its underside.
Found Spare Key.

This is it!

Now, we should be able to open that inner door.
Special Ops 2: Why do you look so familar?
Special Ops: That means you're with the Bracer Guild!

That's right.

I don't suppose we could persuade you to just forget you saw us?
Special Ops: Shut it!
Special Ops 2: We're defenders of an impregnable fortress. You want past us, you have to go through us!
We're up against two Heavy Soldiers, a new type of Special Ops soldier. They're simple men with a simple goal: Do lots of damage. Either through Heavy Edge, the area of effect attack pictured, or...

Attacking. And there goes Joshua. Again.
For shame, Joshua.

They're also rather tough, with a good 3000 HP apiece, and high defenses (expect around 500 damage for high tier magic, and 350 damage for physical attacks.)

At the end of the day, their simplicity is their greatest weakness. They'll rough you up a fair bit - as seen above - but they shouldn't be able to wipe you if you stay on your toes. Here, Estelle is healing everyone for 1000HP, so things are about to move back into our favor.

Joshua finishes the fight, not with Black Fang, but with Sever, his old S-Craft.

Yo! We're here to save your bacon!

Hello, Nial. You don't look in too bad a shape.

Are you serious?!
Girl's Voice: I never thought I'd see you here...


It's a pleasure to meet you. We're with the...Bracer...Guild...

So, we meet again, as promised.

Err... ...

Estelle... I sincerely hope you're joking. You ought to have recognized me sooner.

But not with the dress, and the hair, and the things...!

What happened?!

Pardon us, Kloe. Estelle doesn't know how to doubt people.

Hey! What the hell's that supposed to mean?!

Ha ha... There's the Estelle I know.

And, Joshua...? You'll still use that name for me?

Yes, since it seems to be the one you'd prefer. Would you rather I use your real name?

No... But thank you. I'm glad to hear it.

??? Okay, so what are you doing here, Kloe? And for that matter, why isn't the princess here...?

Uhh... She's right in front of you. That's the queen's granddaughter, Princess Klaudia.

Music Stops
This is the best possible way she could have reacted.

I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you...

I had planned to tell both of you the truth when we next met in Grancel... But then Colonel Richard had me 'detained'.

Uhh...but why? Why would the princess be hiding out in an ordinary school...?! And why did you have us call you [Kloe]...?

I'd like for you to keep calling me that. My real name is Klaudia von Auslese...

Kloe is a pet name that Jill came up with using bits from my whole name.

Really... Uh, then what about your hair?

Oh, this is just a wig. If I had the same hairdo as when I was on campus, it would probably just create trouble.

Can't believe I missed the connection myself. I've seen your picture often enough, and I remember you from the mayoral scandal in Ruan, but I never put two and two together...

Ha ha... I'm sorry. It doesn't seem that Uncle Dunan or Mayor Dalmore recognized me, either.
Not that the Duke recognizes anyone. It's honestly kinda worrying. He might have a condition.

Oh, yeah...and the duke's even related to you.

Oh! I forgot something important.
Estelle explained the whole story, including how they had come to rescue Kloe at the Queen's behest.

I see...

To all three of you...

I extend my deepest gratitude for coming to rescue me.

Aw, it was nothing. Heck, if we'd known that it was our Kloe in here, no one would've had to ask us!


Ha ha... No doubt.

You should save your thanks for Her Majesty, as she's the one who deserves them. She had no concern for herself... just that we should save you.

I think your safety will give her the strength to resist the colonel's demands.

Though doing so may endanger her life...

Yes... That is her way. If something is not done, then she is in grave danger...


What the--?!

She's General Morgan's granddaughter... He's imprisoned at the Haken Gate. I'd say they're taking her to keep him from causing any trouble.

Just as they did with you and Her Majesty...
Sergeant: This isn't just some idle threat! Every man in the Special Ops has a dream, and we will stop at NOTHING to achieve it!

And that's something you're PROUD of?!

I'll make you a deal, Sergeant. Please, take me as your hostage, rather than the child.
Sergeant: Ha... Not a chance. We've had just about enough trouble with you royals. I think the general's grandkid will suit our needs just fine. She'll be a valuable hostage, and we've got no problem with hurting her.

You're a monster...

I'd have said [coward,] myself.

Pathetic, disgusting, sick... Pick an adjective.
Sergeant: Heh. You can talk all you want. It's almost time for the patrols to return from the Royal Avenue. Then we can round up the Guardsmen and the bracers. Not bad for one night's work!
Woman's Voice: We already took your buddies out on our way over here.
(This is also the victory fanfare.)
Rianne: *sniff*

There, there... It's all right...

Hi, you two. Long time no see.


You came...
Sergeant: Dammit all... Who the hell do you think you are?!

Think of that as my special gift.

That's just cruel...

Hey, who fired that shot...?

...Olivier, I'd guess.
A game show like "correct answer" bell rings as Olivier says this.

Ha ha... And the drama turns into a comedy!

Nice seeing you again, Scherazard. It's been a long time.

Indeed, it has.

I never thought I'd find you in Liberl. But I was honestly quite relieved when I heard that you'd fallen in with Estelle and Joshua.

Ha ha. Well, I think you're overestimating my capabilities... like usual.

As for've only become more beautiful. I barely even recognized you.


Hmmm... I am suddenly brimming over with something akin to jealousy.

Am I merely a toy, to be used when convenient, and cast aside when boredom sets in?
Again, yes.

Hey, Olivier. Aina's been wanting to see you. She's hoping to go out for drinks again.

Forgive me. I have committed a grave offense.

I swear... None of you ever change.

I'm glad to see you, Schera. But I thought that the Royal Army had the checkpoints completely sealed off...

Yes...but we crossed Valleria Lake by boat. And docked at Grancel Harbor.

That's one way around a problem.

But how did you wind up falling in with the failed...excuse me, 'Traveling'...musician?

We ran into each other at the local guild branch. He was like a lost puppy, so I didn't have much choice other than to bring him along.

Ha ha ha... I simply couldn't allow such an amusing and interesting show to go on without me...

And may I ask who this fair lady is?

Oh, right. Introductions. This is the Queen's granddaughter, Her Highness Princess Klaudia. She's a friend of ours.

It is a pleasure to meet you both. Thank you very much for coming to help me.

Think nothing of it. I'm simply doing my duty as a bracer.

And I could scarcely consider myself a gentleman if I did not leap to the aid of a lovely lady of noble birth.

The honor and pleasure at this meeting is entirely my own.

Julia...! Sieg!


Ha ha, good. I'm happy to see you again.

Thank goodness you're unharmed... I was so worried...

The feeling is mutual.
Estelle and company went to confirm that there were no other hostages.

If not for my ineptitude, none of this would have come to pass... I merely wished to do whatever I could to assist you.

Please do not say such things. I'm just happy to see you alive and unharmed. Thank you for coming to save me.

Your Highness...

Not that I'm not moved by all this, but I have to ask...

Why is Sieg still here?
Because he's a falcon, and that's awesome?


Ha ha. He is Her Highness's escort, as well as a messenger for the Royal Guardsmen. After all, did he not deliver the letter to your hotel?

Oh! Th-that night!

I thought it might've been him. That must also be how you learned of Her Majesty's request...

Yes, I heard of it from Sieg. Her Majesty sent word through him from the Royal Keep.

But the Crest Room in which Princess Klaudia was held had no windows for Sieg to use... I was very worried when I was unable to make contact.

You just about gave me a heart attack, though, when you sent that message to us.

Sieg, that was just plain mean of you to leave that letter and not let us know it was you.


Ha ha... He says he's sorry.

Ha ha ha... It's okay.

By the way, have all the Special Ops troops been dealt with?

Almost all of the soldiers in the villa have been restrained. However, there are quite a few left in Grancel Castle.

Much of the Royal Army is under Intelligence Division control, even outside of Grancel.

But if worse comes to worst, we can always hole up here. Our little 'rebel army' can easily hold this place.

Whoa... I hadn't even thought about that.

It's a good point... We're technically fugitives now. We COULD stay here, but our best bet is to seek shelter elsewhere...or at least get Kloe to safety.


Perhaps we could seek asylum at the Imperial or Republic embassies?

Since they're considered foreign territory, it would make it very difficult for them to get her out.
I like how we consider these kinds of possibilities. Things such as political asylum existing, and being a viable option for our party, makes the world of the game seem less like a JRPG setting and more like a real world.

There's also that Special Ops ship that we seized in the last skirmish. We could use it to escape into exile. It wouldn't solve the whole problem, but it would buy us time.

That's true... We have to find some means of escape.



I understand the difficulties of the current situation, but would it be possible to make an official request of the bracers?


The hostages have been rescued, so I think it'll be all right. Of course, it depends on what the contents of the request are.

If so...I must ask you to do the impossible.

Will you help in retaking the royal castle and rescuing Her Majesty?

Y-your Highness...

I see... That's right. This time we have to help the Queen!

To be honest, I consider the question to be ridiculous, because the answer is obvious.

But, Your Highness...this is no small thing you're asking for.

Quite right... There's no chance that a frontal assault would work, even with the capabilities of everyone here.

I think that captured Special Ops ship has potential... But we're going to need some kind of seriously clever trick.

...I have an idea.

If everyone will please look at this...
Princess Klaudia produced a very old-looking map.

Hmm... What's this map of?

It's an ancient diagram of the sewers below Grancel. One of the things it lays out is the path that leads to the Castle Cellar.

How can we have lost contact with the Erbe Royal Villa?!

Most likely, it has fallen to an external force. Either the Guardsmen or the bracers...

Those interfering little... Were you not in command of that division, 2nd Lieutenant?!

It is a pity... But what's done is done. Obsessing about it now will accomplish nothing. Furthermore, we must strengthen the castle's defenses to ensure that Her Majesty is not taken.

I don't need you to tell me that!

The only attacks I should need to worry about are the ones that come from the sky!
Special Ops: Yes, ma'am!

Once that's done, scrape up troops from wherever you can find them-- anywhere in Liberl-- and send them to the Villa! Priority one is to subjugate the terrorists who deceived the royal family!

Hmph...of course it was. I've served with this unit for some time, unlike you.