Part 52: Frolf Means Frog Golf

Oh god, its so hypnotic

AREA MUSIC: Flandar Trail (Disc 1, Track 29)
We start off this chapter back on Flandar Trail, because we need to clear this area again before we can go on to the Lagnish Desert. Because padding, thats why.
Theres one thing new about Flandar Trail in game 2 which I didnt point out the last time we were here but want to point out now. In the second game, when you visit the Greede side of Flandar Trail, its snowing very lightly and the sky is all overcast compared to it being bright and sunny in the first game.
Its just a neat little hint of effort on Level-5s part, because thats about all that we can expect from them any more after going all the way through one game and about a quarter of the way through the second.

I didnt show this guy off even though there were a couple of them stalking around the winter sections of the Lost Forestor there should be now that weve cleared it.
This is a Fenrir, the ice elemental version of the Cerberus/Megalo Tigris/Rockhound giant dog enemy type. For a time I actually through Ahwahnee was just a really cleverly disguised ice pallet swap of this enemy type, but no, apparently there is a real ice-based one and Ahwahnee is its own completely unique enemy type.
Who would have guessed?

Theres also Ice Giants and Fire/Ice Lizards, Basilisks, Jackals/Blue Boars/Wild Boars, and our old friends Poison/Sleep Vespids stalking the trail again and making getting down to the desert another joyless slough.



After making it all the way down the mountain without Shit-for-Brains in the active party, its time to switch him back in because, sadly, were going to need him for the shenanigans ahead of us. Or rather, we need the White KnightLeonard himself, as always, is expendable.

Really? Its been a goddamn year and NO ONE has cleaned up the campfire from the first time we were here?
Fuck, Level-5 is a special kind of lazy developer, isnt it?

I mean, its not hard to do guys. The campfire setpiece is a single plopable item in the Georama. If I can place it, move it and remove it any time I want with the goddamn DualShock 3, surely you guys are able to do it with a bloody PS3 dev kiWHY THE FUCK AM I STILL ARGUING WITH THIS GAME?!

OVERWORLD MUSIC: The Continent of Nadias (Disc 1, Track 15)
Were almost home guys.
Hey, remember the last time we were here? Remember all the humiliating shit the toads tricked us into doing in order to appease their warty asses?
Guess whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

AREA MUSIC: The Lagnish Desert (Disc 1, Track 24)

Eh, fuck it.

CUTSCENE: The Toads Return

And here come the boys now.

And we get another shining example of Toad Heroism as they dive for cover behind a 98 lb. girl and a five-foot-nothing ignoramus.

Funny, youd think Grazel would want to make sure his soldiers knew Leonard by sight, but then again, Grazel is also a moron, so what do you expect?

CUTSCENE / BOSS MUSIC: A Worthy Opponent Draws Near (Disc 1, Track 8)

BOSS BATTLE: Ancient War Machine (no commentary)
Couple of chapters ago I made an Iron Man joke, now I get to make a War Machine one.
Paging Don Cheadle
Anyway, the Yshrenians take the only logical step when dealing the toads, and that of course is to employ a big fuck off tank on them.

This is one goddamn stupid looking tank. I suppose this thing is here to show you that Grazels Yshrenia has stepped up their excavation and refurbishing of the OG Yshrenias various bits of warmaking tech. Which is a stupid implication to make because it means Grazel is using 10,000 year old equipment against Balandor, Greede, and Farias relatively new equipment and
I need a moment to recover from the stupidity.
Moment over.
So the War Machine is surrounded by Yshrenian soldiers of all kinds, namely swordsmen and bowmen. The key is to waste all of them as quick as you can because they can really compound the damage the War Machine dishes out, particularly the archers, who can inflict various status effects on you.

Again, I love +Aftermath. Theres something disturbingly therapeutic about the way it just sends this schmucks flying across the battlefield. Usually because youre the one who gets sent flying across the battlefield most of the time by enemy attacks because this game hates you.

The War Machine has a couple of really nasty attacks that it rotates through. For example, here its in the middle of a headlong charge at the characters. This attack does big damage AND knocks you off balance for a few moments.
However, because the RNG rolled snake eyes, the attack misses Yulie so it just rolls right over her without any ill effect. Id like to think that she just phased through it Kitty Pride style or something.

It also has a charge attack with its turret.

The shell from the turret does decent damage to you, knocks you off your feet for a moment, and also inflicts one of a number of status effects including but not limited to Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Paralysis, and Knock Out.
It will also attack you for slightly less damage with the smaller turrets that you can see on its front wheels there.

But now its time to put the White Knight to use again. The War Machine is weak to blunt impact attacks, so the White Knights Shield Bash once again does wonders against it. Doubly so if youve broken it DEF stat beforehand.

The area you want to target on this thing is at the very back. It comes up as Engine Armour on the target list. Hitting it there does double the damage of hitting it anywhere else, but more importantly

Hitting it there causes the armour to blow off revealing the engine itself.

With its engine exposed, its even more vulnerable now. However, you need to have a direct line-of-sight to it in order to strike it now. You cant hit it through the body like you generally can other targets on other enemies.

So the War Machine goes into Nuh uhh, fuck you-mode. Because the game hates you. If you try to run around it to strike the engine from behind, the War Machine will wildly buck around like its a damn wild horse and scoot its ass end out of range.
And it will keep doing this endlessly causing you to run around in a circle around it like a jackass until you just give up and settle for hitting another part of its anatomy.

Or until it locks on to another character allowing you to get in close to it.

Pew pew.

More patented Level-5

You useless turd, Leonard.

But then it died anyway.

CUTSCENE: It Just Wouldnt be Albana Without You Pricks

He says, gesturing towards Leonard.

Sounds like a plan, gramps! See ya fuckers! Have fun in the desert.

So we jump forward from here directly to the Nordia Tunnels, because nothing at all happened in Albana that was worth recounting.
Nothing at all.


Yes, Yulie. There in fact is. Here, lets consult the map, shall we:

There, we dont even have to visit Albana at all. Problem solved.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Verruca (Disc 1, Track 28)

AREA MUSIC: The Lagnish Desert (Disc 1, Track 24)
As we come out of the cutscene, everyone but Yulie for some weird glitchy reason puts their weapons away. Yulie, however, remains in battle mode so the battle music begins playing for no reason, even though there arent any enemies around for her to target.

So she just crouches there wiggling her hips back and forth with her bow out. (And a nocked arrow passing clean through her hand, OW!)

She does this for nearly a solid minute. I just sat the controller down and let her go because it was hilarious to watch and I wanted to see what would happen first: her AI finally stopping it or me getting bored of watching it happen.

So with that moment of

All your old favourites from the last time we were here are back in full force. Golems, Fire Giants, Cerberuses, Red Scorpions, Killer Scorpions, Firespider Sprogs, Blood Boars, Killer Vespids, oh, and Skeletons now too, because Fuck You.


All the toads here have frog pun names, by the way.

So just like Croakeld said, suddenly map markers have appears in the south and north east portions of the map.

Were going to go after the north eastern ones first, because theyre closer and simpler to deal with.

The toad up here is being menaced by a Megalo Tigris and a group of boars, so you need to take all of them out before they will talk to you.
Dont worry, the toad is an NPC, so you dont have to worry about protecting it Which I wouldnt do if the game depended on it anyway.

So down in the south we encounter another squad of Yshrenian soldiers including a newly remolded Black Knave and a pair of Ancient War Machines.

Two more stars appear on the map. The one that were by right now is Leotoad, the other two are where the last two toads are.

Heres a nice shot of the remolded Black Knave that appears in game 2 exclusively. Its got a slightly modified head including a purple glowy magic bullshit thing behind its helmet grill now, and a pair of Frankensteins monster-esque bolts coming out of its black. I think theyre supposed to be exhaust manifolds or something.
Either way Black Knaves remain my favourite Yshrenian war machine in the design department. Mostly because they remind me so much of the Black Knight.

Wow, a toad with honest concern for another living creature. Just goes to show you that theres a black sheep in every family.


I feel like Im playing a Sesame Street game when I see a message like that pop up.

So now a new map marker appears on Albanas south gate.


Only because its the only way to advance this game forward


Pedro is understandably panicked by Leonard (and, sadly, Caesars)s jawdropping plot-convenient stupidity in forgetting that they have a pair of 20 foot-tall walking tanks at their disposal that would make mercilessly short work out of ten men and a hastily constructed watch tower.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Verruca (Disc 1, Track 28)
He starts muttering to himself and the camera shows a POV shot of him skulking away from Team Stupid.
Good on you, Pedro. Run the hell away from these idiots. Now.

He takes a deep breath in.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Attack (Disc 1, Track 11)

BOSS BATTLE: Yshrenian Army Detachment Boss Fight (no commentary)

So Gameplay Leonard does what Cutscene Leonard is too stupid to do and whips out the White Knight immediately at the start of the battle.

I said earlier that these Yshrenian Army Tents become enemy spawners, right? Well, that time has arrived. Theres four of them in the town square of Albana, and each of them pumps out one soldier every 10 seconds or so.

But they go down fairly quickly with a couple of +Divine Blades.

The soldiers and tents go down like nothing, so that leaves the Siege Tower as the only threat left standing.

Occasionally the turret will open up and the gunners stationed inside with take a few shots at you, but this thing is mainly here to be a damage sponge meant to draw your fire while other enemies attack you.

Its weak to impact attacks, so once again Shield Bash is invaluable in this situation.

When the tower goes down, its legs collapse out from underneath it and it tips over.

CUTSCENE: The Dons Gratitude

Mission accomplished?

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Don Phibianacci (Disc 1, Track 27)

Oh boy, here we go again.

I admit I actually laughed at that line.

Once again, another example of Level-5s attempt to make the Avatar more plot-relevant. This is the start of a plot thread that will resurface briefly from time to time until the very end of the game. But more on that later

Meh. Whatever. I got a thing. A really, really reeeeeeally awesome thing, in hindsight
...I drowned those two little fuckers in a fountain on the way out of town.
Don't tell anyone.