Part 15: Chapter Fiveteen: Fire in the Wetlands
Their mission now clear, Felt and his allies left to find the Workshop Eizlen told them was within the cave known as the Source. The cave was behind a waterfall in a region known as the Wetlands.
And deep within that cave, they found a strange stone door.
Video- Paradies auf Eden

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In a flash Felt was gone, and reappeared inside the Workshop.

Azure Azoth: To be precise, these are known as the Paradies auf Eden.
These workshops absorb stone elements to create new lands.
Igniting this workshop will restore the Fire Manas holy ground.
The Workshop didnt seem to be damaged, it was merely inactive for some reason. Restoring it was the work of a few minutes.

Azure Azoth: In due time, these workshops will restore Eden.

But, if you believe that, you should have told me from the start.
Azure Azoth: I sensed it from the day I chose you.
Your abilities, your virtues
I am beginning to regret my decision to involve you in the first place.

Azure Azoth: You allow your emotions to sway your judgment. You are incapable of acting rationally.
You were aware of the threat that girl posed to us, yet you saved her.
And, you fail to grasp the severity of the Crimson Azoth.

Azure Azoth: You do not possess the proper insight to wield the Azoth effectively.
Even with my power you will be unable to destroy the Crimson Azoth.

Felt was one of those crazy sorts of people who seriously believed that good intentions will win the day despite all evidence to the contrary.

But, Im here to save Eden
To save Viese and everyone else there.
Azure Azoth:
Felt returned, successful but far from his final goal.

They returned to camp to plan their next move.

We might as well get some rest and head for Grand in the morning.
At least I restored the Fire Manas holy ground
I wonder what Viese is up to
Back in Eden they were in an uproar, as the Scarlet Temple had indeed reappeared.
Video- Rebirth of Fire

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The Shrine of Everlasting Flame has reappeared!

Gotta go. See ya later!

Anyway, it seems that something has happened to the Gardo Continental Drive that separates Eden from Belkhyde. Thats why parts of Eden disappeared. Now I have to find these workshops that support Eden and fix them.
Hard to believe, huh? Im not sure that I even believe it yet. But if it is true, then the Scarlet Temple should reappear soon. We dont know where all the other workshops are, but were working hard to find them. Please let Kreuz know about this.
It seemed the Azure Azoth was correct about the results of repairing the Workshop.

A disaster caused by the Crimson Azoth.
I dont understand how this all happened.
But Felt is right. I have to talk with Kreuz.

Viese noticed Klavia seemed if anything more upset than last time and stopped in to chat with her again.

Im a Sound Mana. Wonderful singing is supposed to come naturally to me!
But Im terrible at singing

Viese at this point was quite finished listening to this little pity party.

But if you persevere and keep practicing, you will get much better!
Besides, canaries and other Sound Mana might be practicing behind your back!
Its so sad that youre giving up on ever getting better

No Its okay
Im gonna start practicing. Thank you.
After that, Viese hurried to the Eden Temple to tell Kreuz what was going on.

And, it has reappeared here in Eden.

Im going to do some research on Belkhyde.
I may find some information that Felt can use.

You should begin your research at the Noir Historical Society.

Thats the building in the middle of town square.

But, if you use a Glow Lamp inside, you should be able to look around

Well, anything that will help Felt.

Im going to do it!
Ill just make a Glow Lamp and then Ill search inside.
Viese saw a familiar face on the way out of the Temple.
Video- Viese and Iris

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Its nice to see you again.

Okay. You can live with me as long as you want.

We should notify a responsible adult, but we can do that later.
Viese and Iris headed back to Noir together. She didnt have a recipe for a Glow Lamp, but luckily Yach did.

I found a lot more items back there.

Oh, and remind me never to vote for you.

Okay, well, please look at my new merchandise.
Theres a scroll that contains the recipe for Glow Lamp.
Its in [The Light].
Hed also tried out the Flay Hammers Viese had given him, with somewhat poor results.

But instead of getting precious metals or jewels, all I got was cheap ore.

I guess you learn something new everyday. At least it was a good workout.

Viese then took Iris back to the workshop.

But, you can stay here whenever you want.
Just think of this as your place, too. So come by whenever you want.

In order to make the Glow Lamp, though, Viese would need a pact with a Fire Mana. And next time, well find out how complicated a certain individual made what should have been simple