Part 19: Chapter Nineteen: Into the Mists
They returned to the depths of the Ocean Mist forest, where the Empire had recently abandoned a fruitless search for the Gardo.

The mists cleared on a very strange place indeed ahead.

They found themselves in a forest far removed from the rules of reality, where rocks and trees floated unsteadily in an endless fog. In some ways it came as no surprise that one of those strange lithographs was here.

And as the map had suggested, there was a Workshop deep within the mists.
Video- The Workshop of Poison

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Just wait for me here.
The workshop was undamaged, which made what needed to be done quite simple.

Azure Azoth: I agree.
This maintains the lower side of Eden. It should restore Aquitto Spring.

There was a larger issue to consider, though.

Azure Azoth: The other workshop was severely damaged.
It is of grave consequence that it was destroyed.

Azure Azoth: !

Only an alchemist like me could get inside to bust that door open.
Azure Azoth: Precisely.
The Azoth is the key to these workshops.
He is the only other being who can enter them.

This established, Felt returned to the others.

We should have Viese check on things in Eden.

I think we definitely need to stop by there.

But first, we have to reach North Grand.
Iris had a question for Viese meanwhile in Eden.

It turned out that Aquitto Spring, home of the Poison Mana, had indeed returned.

It appeared right before my very eyes.
I was so surprised, I dropped everything!

While on the way out to investigate, Viese stopped in to apologize to Yach for the other day.

Im just worried about my decrease in profit since the wholesale price went up.

I cant be hung up on my parents forever.
What I can worry about is my decrease in sales.
So if youre really worried about me, please buy more stuff.
Viese headed to the poisonous swamp of Aquitto Spring, but it seemed she was not in luck this time.

Jiptus: It looks like the Mana youre looking for isnt here yet.
Shes pretty fickle, so Im sure shell be back soon
Viese happened to be in the library at Eden Temple and caught Lutanus reading on the job.

And with a lot of books, I can tell they wont have what I want to know, but they hook me with other stuff
Dont you feel that way, too?

As Felt and his group returned to the normal area of the forest, they found someone was waiting for them.
Video- Tolena

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Tolena, one of the three Imperial Champions.

Who is she? Do you know her, Noin?

She is Tolena, one of the Imperial Champions.

I came to give you this.

Tolena handed them a letter.

System Message: Received [Tolenas Letter]!

See you later, Noin.

But there still arent any good people in the Empire.

And so they headed back to North Grand, where hopefully Tolenas pardon would get them past the checkpoint. Next time well learn what happened there.