Part 32: Chapter Thirty-One: Unexpected Delays
They returned to the Hidden Village.
The Beasts, at least, were doing well.

Chief: Thanks to your plan, po, our food shortage is over, po!

Chief: The humans have had their food returned, po.
So we can now mooch off them, po.
Thank you very much, po!

Chief: How may I help you today, po?

Chief: A path to the south, po. I know of one, po.
You saved our village, so we will gladly show you the way, po.

While traveling through the woods, they encountered an old acquaintance.

I was going back to restock items to sell.

I think theres some strange ruin from the Slaith Dynasty era

Poe, being a terrible individual, was busily making a costly and terrible mistake.


Theres a huge boulder in the way. Its completely blocking the road.
I was trying to think of how I can get there myself

Im sure he has a bomb strong enough to clear that rock.

That should be the small village northeast of here.

Which he continued to compound.

Viese, meanwhile, was creating a powerful medicine they found the recipe for.

It should be very useful. I hope Felt feels the same way.
Ill send it to him now.

I am revered as a Light Mana, but I cannot do anything by myself.

If I could, I think I would choose a different life to live

...If you just made a new item, you should send it to the Felt right away.
Bye bye.
Mitsue wasnt the only person they didnt expect to run into.
Video- Tolena

Watch the Story Unfold

Dont you know its dangerous for such an important person to wander around in the open?

Most people dont even know who I am.
???: Tolena!
Tolena was surrounded by Punis!

???: You thieves dare rob our fair lady Tolena!

???: No excuses!
And they were forced to battle the Puni bodyguards of Tolena.

Enforcer: We have sworn to protect Tolena with our lives!
We will destroy anyone who threatens our beloved Tolena!
Boss Battle: Puni Squad
The key to doing this is focused firepower. Blow the Punis up one at a time and theyre manageable. If you try to split your fire theyll heal a bunch and do a lot of damage, making this way more trouble than it needs to be.
The Punis were easily dispatched.

Why dont you listen? These are my F-R-I-E-N-D-S.
Do you understand?
Enforcer: Then Our efforts were wasted

Goodbye, Noin. Ill see you later!

You know Galahads boss. He is Tolenas father.
Thats why I know her.

It turned out their destination was the same, though they wouldnt encounter each other there. Rather, something much more interesting was in store for our heroes