Part 53: Run 2 - Part 1
The Hug Train rides again! Let's do this.
These first choices are mostly to start establishing what kind of Cinders you want to play. For much of this run, I'll be going with "good" choices, since they will make the Fairy like us more.

Here we read the book, for the same reason.

Since my father's death, Carmosa and her daughters treat me as their servant. 'Cinders, do the cleaning!' 'Cinders, go to the town!' 'Cinders, why isn't my dress washed yet?!' Ugh... I hate it so much! I'm sure today won't be any different.

At least I still have my books to take me away from this. The book I read last night was pretty aggravating, but not all romances are like that. I have some favorites. My 'sisters' took most of my other things. All the dresses and trinkets. But luckily for me, books hold no value for such 'practically-minded' young ladies. I must admit though, I've read them all to death by now. Carmosa would never spend a penny on something so 'unpractical'. So I'm stuck with what Father got me. Mostly fairy tales and legends he gave me when I was a child. I don't really believe in knights in shining armor or fairies anymore. But I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy reading about them.

Sorcery. Romance. Adventure. I bet that even in a hundred years it won't get old. Same thing as what I've read tonight really, but good writing and characters can make all the difference. So... which chapters was it...

I'm sorry, but I'll have to drag you out of that little fantasy world of yours.
The best character shows up, and things proceed as before, with Carmosa wanting to see Cinders to give her an errand We meet Gloria in the hall, who bitches at us a bit.

This time I choose "Well, actually..." to give us some derp points, but that wasn't the best move, since it decreases our relationship with Gloria. We can make it up later, at least. Gloria proceeds to mock us some more.

I decide not to even question this order, because what we have to do today is already going to piss her off mightily. Best not to make it worse.

And of course, here we choose to go to the Lake.

Still, there's something to this place. It feels enchanted. Maybe it's because it hasn't changed a bit since I was a little brat.

Of course! We must always keep the fairies appeased.

I wish I had brought something with me, but I don't really own anything that would make a proper gift, anyway. Well, it's the intent behind the gift that matters more than the actual gift. As long as I'm honoring the fairies, they'll appreciate it. That's what Father would say. I guess he really was a big child deep inside. I think I'll weave a wreath out of some of the flowers here. I'm sure the fairies would appreciate it.

Hmm... It's coming along nicer than I expected. It's been such a long time since I did anything like this. It feels a little nostalgic. It's funny how when we grow up, we start rejecting things we consider childish, only to return to them later with great joy. I think I'll leave this wreath under that old oak. That's where Father always left our gifts when we came.

Then we go into town, watch Perrault belt some bandits, and go visit Tobias. Since we definitely need to learn about the house and the will in this run, we ask him about the errand again.

And he refuses to tell us again, like a punk.

Time to turn on the charm.

Oh, it's 200 sovereigns?

That was the original estimate, yes.

Aww... it's that much, even for me?

I'm not sure what you mean.

You and I go so far back, and I've always thought there was something special between us. You know. A spark. I thought that with a relationship as close as ours, you'd treat me differently from Carmosa.

That may be true, but I like you more than your other customers do. Don't you feel the same way about me?

Wait, are you trying to charm me, Cinders? Because I think you're really overdoing the whole 'flutter your eyelashes' business.

It's not like I've had a lot of chance to practice so you better start appreciating my efforts!

Haha! I'm just trying to give an honest criticism here, friend to a friend. But sure, you are special to me. I don't suppose 175 sovereigns would satisfy you?

That sounds perfect! It's so sweet of you to lower the price for me.

They then proceed to share their backstories, like before.

Here we go to the inn, so we can put that massive charm to work on the Captain too.

Approach him!

I'm already spending time drinking beer at the tavern. I might as well just take the plunge.
This is actually a lot like the first conversation we had with him in the previous game, with Cinders asking him about the hostage situation.

Only we choose the really naive option this time. You can skip some and still end up with a "good" Cinders, but I wanted to show how cringe-inducing this is.

It was not my choice. They chose that path when they put an innocent life at risk.

I'm sure those bandits were just desperate and not thinking clearly. It's cruel to take someone's life just because of a poor decision.

That's a fair argument, but what would you have me do? Would you rather risk the life of the child, who did nothing wrong? Or better yet, should I leave the fate of the bandits and child to the crowd? What if they tried to break in and the bandits decided to kill the boy? Or maybe the crowd would have burned the house down, and everyone would have died slowly. At least by my sword, those men were given a swift death. It's my duty to uphold the peace. That is what I did.

For some reason he calls this an interesting way of thinking (and it is, if you find mental disorders interesting), then asks her name and chats with her a bit.

Sure, we have time!

I wonder if the gift I left at the lake is still there. It's probably silly to think that fairies took it, but I'm curious.