Part 4: Mandalia Plains

Who wants some backstory before we get into more story?

Basically, it's a fantasy Hundred Year's War.

Of course, a map of Ivalice looks a lot like Europe, so this is NotEurope vs. NotRussia geographically. Except that people from NotRussia have Spanish accents.

And now NotEngland is invading. Also, when you name your son after yourself, use Jr. and Sr. or something.

The Nanten and Hokuten were so good, apparently, that they out-competed the other guys. The other orders are vassals to either of these guys. Also, farmers rioting is a common event in Ivalice.

That king is the king we're stuck with for now.

Thierefforts weren't a success in Ivalice, as we're still dealing with the fallout.
The Death Corps? Fifty Years' War soldiers who didn't get paid so many times they realized the flaws of an aristocratic government.

Yeah, so a recurring theme here is that the king is a sickly ol' fart and he can't really govern. That's bad for an absolute monarchy.

Some king decides he's really the prince of another country and gets angry when they aren't immediately accepting. Several hundred thousand people die. The survivors don't get paid. They get angry at the entire nobility.
That's what we're dealing with now.

Attempting to leave Gariland triggers a cutscene.

It's a flashback.

A flashback within a flashback within a retrospective.

Balbanes is Ramza's dad and a really famous knight, even for a Beoulve. But, all we get to see is him on his deathbed...

Zalbag is Ramza's older brother and commander of the Hokuten. He's been named the Savior of Ivalice by the king for his bravery and accomplishments in the war. Not bad for a man who is only 28, huh?

Dycedarg, the eldest son at 40, was commander while Balbanes was fighting this illness, but one of his last wishes was to leave command to Zalbag. Dycedarg is accomplished in sword and sorcery, but now he serves as a high-ranking administrator under Duke Larg. He also has a wicked beard.

Alma is Balbane's only daughter and Ramza's younger sister. She doesn't have any neato accomplishments like the elder Beoulves have.

Ramza and Alma are children from Balbane's second marriage. A point not emphasized is that, while his first wife was a noble, his second wife was a peasant. A commoner. In this Pseudo-Europe, he committed a major faux-pas.

I left those there because they're really important for Ramza's characterization and motivation. Really important.

Another thing, is that Delita isn't actually a Beoulve. He's the child of poor peasants on the Beoulve estate who died in the plague. Balbanes, being the upstanding person that he is, took Delita and his sister Teta in.

After struggling to say these last words...

Balbanes finally leaves this world behind...

Anyway, we finally get to Mandalia Plains, only for a fight to start. There's a mandatory fight for stepping on every location but five.

BulkVanderhuge is the "boring guy who gets replaced" so he gets cut out of this fight. Fights with two guests only allow 4 characters.
Delita's one, and the next one will get introduced in a bit.

Some Death Corps thieves are considering what to do with the guy with a unique sprite.

Delita asks a lot of questions in this fight?

Oh hey, a choice! This choice has little story consequence, unless you spend 4 rounds in a battle that should only take one or two, but it affects how this battle goes.

Not only does this choice change the condition from saving that guy (read: Don't let someone who is surrounded get KOed, which is pretty hard) to just defeating all enemies, but it also increases the Brave of all my guys by 10 for this fight! What's more, for every 4 Brave or Faith you get in a battle, your base increases by one, so everyone will walk out of this with 2 more brave.

The guy, named Algus, has a sword somewhat keener than the broadswords and daggers Ramza's company holds. His Squire is another unique variety, this time holding knowledge of breaking equipment.

The thief can move far, and there's a possibility he knows Steal:Heart, which charms units of the opposite gender and makes them act in favor of the opposite side!

The thieves have also befriended a Red Panther, one of the wild beasts on the plain. His claws can poison if left unattended.

Though Algus's sword is sharp and his aim true...

He is still surrounded by a hostile enemy.

Fist Rockgroin might have something to do with it.

Eldena can now change into Wizard and Priest. Wizard and Priest are the two of the most unfair classes in the game.

Algus gets knocked out pretty quick, but the damage he does makes the job a bit easier.

Ramza could reach the Panther, but then he'd be isolated and have to take on two guys and a cat at once. He'll go the other way even if it doesn't earn any JP.

The Death Corps squires are so incompetent that it might not even matter, though.

Norma (or is it Eldena? They haven't done anything to make themselves that distinct yet) can't hit the enemy with a rock because Fist is in the way. Instead, she and Eldena (Norma?) use potions on everything. Everything.

Panthers have a wacky 23% evasion and Counter, which allows the Panther to swipe back at any* physical hit.
*Don't ask about the technical details.

Fist got roughed up by some guys, but he has my giant stockpile of painkillers to use.


Wish cuts Ramza's HP by 1/5 and heals an ally for twice that. It doesn't cost 50 gil like a potion and this fight is in the bag so I can do dumb things for JP.

The Reaper took only his soul, as his clothing is there for the taking.

Ramza scores the final hit on the thief, ending the battle.

Better yet, Algus isn't totally dead!

Alright, after that fight of chemists and squires acting, surely Ramza has got enough JP to learn-


Dammit, Ramza...