Part 140: Zil Padon NPC chatter 2
Welcome back!
Thankfully, the Rafane and Mogay sections to the city aren't as big as the Alqada one.

: My father turned to stone, but I had no time to mourn. So I made my father a promise. If anything were to happen to him, I would take care of my mother. I made a man's promise to my father!

: Never forget that promise, Sonny.

: Many people were turned to stone, and then all the villagers fled and were scattered everywhere. My mother and I came to this town, but I wonder what everyone else is doing.

: How do you like the new song written by me, Rafane's most exalted music composer?

: Sounds a lot like what my Darlin would warble in the shower.

: Ah don't really know much 'bout music, but it's a good piece.

: I don't mean to brag, but after all, I am the best music composer of Rafane.

: Well, if they build some hotel where they live, what can we do. We Rafane can't understand what they're doing.

: and were turned to stone, like my husband. I did my best to run away with our son. Although we were pursued, we arrived here in Zil Padon. What should we do next? The villagers who survived split up into various villages and towns. I wonder what everyone is doing now. We have arrived in this city, but we don't know a soul. Even if we can live here, it's different than our village, and I'm worried it won't go well.

: I bought five jewels in one day. I must aim to take even greater care of my appearance!

: Wow, that's something. You must be really rich.

: Oh ho ho! Oh ho ho! Papa has plenty of gold and silver mines.

: Shucks. It's a bad way to manage finances. You can't call that a great thing.

: If you look at it that way, that's why being poor is no good. O ho ho! Being rich is the minimum condition for a Rafane mademoiselle. Oh ho ho!

: It's a big mistake if you think that the Mogay live just by peddling. Since city peiple simply throw things away, we can pick them up and sell them.
Yyyyyep, that's still their gimmick.
There is an obelisk fountain, though. That... that's something.

: THe sun is beating down today. It should get really hot. Pat pat....

: Pat pat, you say? That's a skirt isn't it?

: Oh yes, since I'm a man, it's natural to wear a skirt, right? Since Zil Padon is a desert town, day and night temperatures are totally different. To protect from nights that are too cold and days that are too hot, it's best to wear layered clothing. And considering what is fashionable, it is best for men to wear skirts. Moreover, this sweet-smelling perfume that I have in my hand makes it even more fashionable.

: What are you doing? Why are you staring at me like that?

: I know, that bandanna is the best! Say, what's it made of? Will you give it to me?

: No way. My beloved Darlin made this by hand. I would never part with it.

: They don't like easy-to-use jars. But they think all this gaudy stuff is all right. The Rafane people are different. You have no idea what they're selling. For now, this is the jar we brought, but can you sell such a strange jar?
And that's that for the exterior of the Rafane section. To the indoors!
I... what?

: If I had the medicine that the Mogay bring, I would be completely healthy! Aren't the Mogay also saying that? It's an illness that can be cured if you take the medicine properly.

: But compared to before, I've gotten much better thanks to the medicine that the Mogay have brought me. (cough cough) Now I'm able to get out of bed and walk.
Oh wow, Mogay medicine can even cure Terminal Anime Cough Disease!
Let's see what's going on in the upstairs apartment.

: I can't seem to think up a good melody. But I have such good lyrics. It's folklore handed down by the Mogay from long ago. It is a totally wonderful poem. "Lights of hope that keep the world turning are carved in the heart. Staring at the sky spreading yonder." This poem passed down by the Mogay is so sorrowful. Don't you find it mysterious? I want to write a song that does this poem justice, but I can't think up a good melody. "Lights of hope that keep the world turning are carved in the heart. Staring at the sky spreading yonder." Yes, there must be a melody that just matches the atmosphere of these words.
I'm tempted to make a joke about Grandia 2's soundtrack here.

: The two of us rent this room, but I am still half grown up. I can't find good work.

: Well that means you two are aspiring song-writers and painters.

: Is that so? Would you let me draw your portraits? It would be good practice.
We're given the option to say no here, but why would we?

: Really? Well then, who shall I draw?

How about a drawing of you, Milda?

: Y'all want me?

: Well, have at it then.

: OK. Smile. Yes, that's good. Hold it. Yes, just like that. Hmm. ... Good, I'm done! Look! What do you think of this?

: Oh, for a human, it's well drawn.

: What's that, Honey!? Y'all lookin' for a fight?

: It's just right, don't ya think?

Have yours drawn, Rapp!

: What! Me? All right. How's this feel for a pose?

: Ha ha. Make it a little more natural. Yes... that's better... well.... Like this. Hm... yes.... I'm done! Look! What do you think?

: Yup, I like the face. Why, it's lookin' better'n the real thing. Yer sure lucky, Rapp.

: Stupid. Since the real thing is good, the drawing is just fine.

: It comes from a handsome source.

Can we have you drawn, Feena?

: Me...? Well, since everyone's doing it.
This makes a bit less sense if you were to do something silly like start with Feena and work your way up the menu.

: Now draw Feena. Well, maybe we've lost the mood a little. Let's do it!

: Is it OK? How about a smile? Agh. That's a little tight. Relax. Hm. Ah. That light feeling is good! Just like that... hold it.... Hm... that's it. Finished! This drawing does have a nice expression! But you just drew that in yourself. You can't stand my artlessness.

: Thank you! You had a super good model!

: You're welcome.
Now that we've had the rest of the party drawn....

: Whew. Drawing three people can make you pretty tired. Would you mind if we did you later?

: Oh, we can't do that! I thought you would be drawing me too.
I still can't decide if this is another "bar -> cafe" thing, or if this was a fancy coffeeshop originally.
I guess I could grab a screenshot of the Japanese version here, but eh.
'sides which, it's all crazy moonspeak to me anyway.

: Gallant, intelligent... just like a young noble, right? Women will certainly go for him. ♥

: Is that so? Ah think Ah'd rather have a little more sturdy type. He seems like my Darlin. ♥

: oooo. I'm swooning. ♥ I'm in love too. ♥

: your eyes is just like the stars, sing a love song to me with your canary-like voice.
I... I guess this was a pun that just refused to translate?

: Oh, I love you. You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine. You'll shine for me forever.

: With those guys coming in, the quality of this store has fallen. The aroma of the coffee is completely ruined.
Well, I mean, this town is only slightly less racist than Cafu.

: No, we don't mean that.

: Stop... I don't feel like getting mad at all kinds of things, but... My sister Shelly and I are Alqada raised in Rafane. Externally, Rafane has the Alqada style, but everyone looks askance at us, and no one will be friends with us. The other Alqada see us as traitors and as having had a vulgar birth in Rafane. But we haven't done anything. The masters here treat us forthrightly. It's only fitting, but it makes me happy.

: What's that? What are you doing?

: What's wrong? Frightened?

: Not at all. Worried about something?

: Uh... but... I... I'm... I'm sorry. Well... I... no... it's nothing.
Great. So she ellipses everything she says, and her brother learned to speak by reading every thesaurus.

: Oh, I don't have a simple explanation. But, I do come from far away.
"I come from far away" is a pretty damn simple explanation, Justin.

: Is that so? You don't say. Well, stay a while. We have a welcome for you. I'm glad that you've shown interest in this store and this street. For now, how about a cup of coffee?
Honestly, I don't think I could go adventuring in a world without coffee.
Anyway, the Mogay section is up next!