The Let's Play Archive

King of Dragon Pass

by Haifisch

Part 179: Making Of The Storm Tribe 5

We're hell-bent on turning this into The Making Of The Lawyer Tribe, apparently.

Elmalandti keeps collecting clans for the new tribe. Sometimes the chieftains of these clans make unreasonable requests. Or they make contradictory demands: Issaries will join only if Uralda does, and Uralda will join only if Esra does, but Esra will join only if Issaries is kept out. Elmalandti tells them all what they want to hear. So when it comes time for a confederation moot, and they realize that he cannot please them all, the chieftains start to fight and blame Elmalandti.

-Leave the realm of the gods.
-Offer to fight each and every one of them.
-Wait for Ernalda to bring tribal regalia.
-"With a tribe, our magic will be strong."
-"With a tribe, we can fight common foes."
-"With a tribe, we will be prosperous."

The legends may be helpful here.