Part 191: 1344: Overcrowded Again

That went well! We get the secrets of a heroquest that I forgot to look up so don't ask, and we get twenty goods, and everyone likes us more now! Also the girl seems happy enough.

With Fedarkos gone, Korstardos takes over the role of clan bitcher about not having enough land.

I put old friend Randalyar back on the ring. His amazing skill at magic, combined with his worship of Chalana Arroy, will help him serve us well.

And the clan wants to split again.
Keep the deadweight around by string them along with lies and promises, and enjoy an unusually large military.
We don't need an unusually large military with Eurmal's Shield and the Klanth of Orlanth, we can just win anyway. Size down, get mean, give them some of our huge tracts of spare land.
We don't need an unusually large military with Eurmal's Shield and the Klanth of Orlanth, we can just win anyway. Size down, get mean, keep our land to ourselves and let all those who leave become the new hobo clan.