Part 46: Ep. 33: Planting The Seeds Of Doubt

Having instructed us in our scientific duties, Dr. F and Alexa get back to work. Let's look around the lab before we leave. Maybe we can blow something up!

Or not. Anyway, we're right here next to Alexa, so we might as well get to know her a little better.

On second thought, maybe we shouldn't. Sam quickly takes his leave. He's pondering the wisdom of waking up the good doctor when his phone beeps and does it for him.

Well, Dr. F is awake now...

Sam leaves the doctor to his nap, er, work--

--and heads up to the lofted area.

Oh, hey, TOBOR's come back! Without the engine, apparently.

Okay, wow, that's enough of that. Let's head back down the hill and look for signs of Morcubus' eeeeevil plans. On the way down, Sam confers with Buddy.

In that case, let's start in the junkyard, since it's the closest, er, establishment. Gabby and Barney have stopped actively beating on each other; they (and Grit) are just wandering around without a clear goal in mind. Sam catches up with Gabby first.

Sam doesn't like it all that much himself. Coming around the corner, he nearly collides with Barney.

Barney sighs, his shoulders slumping.

Ha ha, boy, wow, a plant in a junkyard, how silly. Sam can't be bothered to reassure Barney, though--he's got a dog to talk to!

It's the scintillating conversations that keep Sam going. Like this text from Roger:

Maybe Roger isn't the patient type. Whoops. Having exhausted the possibilities of the graveyard, Sam leaves...

... oh dear. Do we accept missions from Morcucorp employees? Is that one covered in the S.P.A. employee's handbook? While Sam wrestles with this question, he checks in with Esma.

... well... well fine we were going to talk to Brandi anyway <

This is suspicious enough to make Sam talk to himself.

Then, out loud:

Brandi turns around and calls to Esma.

Esma puts down the shovel, stalks over, and gets up in Sam's face.

Esma points at Sam and laughs.

As if to prove it, Esma busts out with a superb imitation of Morcubus' evil, grasping laugh.

Esma jumps.

Esma turns back to Sam.

Brandi hurries to Esma's side.
