Part 3: The Ocean
In the previous update, Rex scoured the remains of his ship, the Slippery Pig, for anything that would help him to survive on this world he is marooned on. Fortunately, I went to great pains to ensure that we did every possible thing in the Pig, so now we will never have to go back there again. Sayonara, you pile of crap spacecraft!!
Seconds after entering the water, lasers burst through the water and strike the surface of Rex's ship.
LOG ON. Okay, that crazy woman is still up there. I'd better keep away from the surface and find another way to dry land. I hope I find it soon. This stupid rebreater is hurting my mouth. LOG OFF.
Nice to see that not only can Rex speak underwater, but his magic log also works underwater too. I'm pretty sure my version of Rex's log was destroyed when I tipped some drink on it, they must have not sent me the waterproof log.

Rex decides to check out the local plantlife.
it looks like something you would order from a florist on Mother's Day. Don't take it; get her some Bon-Bons.

Rex casts a final, sad glance at his former home.
It appears that the Slippery Pig has seen it's last flight. All that remains is the inner safety hull. The engines, weapons, and basically everything outside the environmental containment shell were either shot off or burned off during reentry. Of course being buried under a few hundred tons of rock is no picnic either. The ship has had it; you're just going to have to find another way off this planet.
That's pretty cold, man. Rex is grieving here!

Although it is considered a delicacy by some cultures, you personally find seaweed unappealing.
Rex is a man's man.

Rex decides to swim towards the unappealing seaweed.

This can't possibly backfire!
Plant Food (0:24) - Funnily enough, Rex was not even close to the first adventure game to include a "plant food" ending. It was probably the first to allow you to keep playing afterwards, though.

Being that there is literally nothing to do here other than die horribly, Rex decides to keep moving...

...and instead goes to the exploding mine/toxic waste section of the sea. What the fuck kind of planet is this?
You can't help but wonder what kind of sick society would pollute its own oceans. You are also surprised to see such a thing this far from New Jersey.
This game is edgy as fuck.

The dead fish is in fact the least dangerous object on the screen.
It reminds you of your last blind date.

I guess that toxic waste hasn't done the local wildlife any favours.

I like the way we have eat and smell options on every disgusting rotting foodstuff we find in this game.
While in the water, your mouth is busy using the rebreather. You don't want to risk drowning just to try to eat the dead fish.
If this was a Sierra game Rex would already be dead twice, once from drowning and another time from the fish causing his stomach to explode or something.

You can't smell the dead fish because your nose is currently full of water.

Darwin awards, here I come!!

Mine (0:16) - This is probably the most obvious way to die in this game.

This next area will probably contain mutant crocodiles or something. But it's okay because when they eat you you come back to life.

While swimming around, Rex is suddenly hit with a stroke of inspiration.

I love the way it turned the fish itself green. I like to imagine the fish's skin is transluscent and the glowing green burger has actually lit it up like a lantern.

Now that he has burgerfish on his side, Rex feels brave enough to keep exploring.

Millions of years ago these used to be rocks. Now look at them. They have become, well, ahh, older and wiser rocks. Isn't it amazing what evolution can do?
Somebody got paid to write these things.

There's another dead fish here, just in case you managed to miss the first one. If you try to pick it up, Rex has a go at you, asking why he needs another one. Because of course, taking more than one dead mutated fish is just stupid.
The next screen is best shown entirely as a clip, so here it is:
Fish food (1:05) - This puzzle is a good way to demonstrate the various difficulty levels. I'm playing on the hardest of the three. In the most basic setting, the fish is sufficient. In the second setting, the burger is required. In the hardest setting, you need the fishburger. Of course, you can pick up both fish and throw them away and then be fucked. There are a couple of gamebreakers like this in Rex on the hardest difficulty setting, but fortunately they are all generally fairly obvious when you fuck them up.

Rex swims into an underwater cave...

...and up to the cave entrance!

Finally out of the water, Rex stops to pay attention to rock formations because that's just the kind of guy Rex is.
As you can see, this is a bigger and more improved version of the smaller stalagmites.

To freedom!

Our first look at the surface of this planet (other than the probe on the beach I guess). It's quite pretty, actually. Though, is it just me, or.. is that a face in the rocks to the left there?

It's wonderful to see sky again after spending so much time under water. The clear blue sky appears to be free of hostile spacecraft.
Yeh, because swimming half a mile takes you to a totally different patch of sky.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's update, where Rex will begin to mark his territory in this strange new land!