Part 154: Mission 43 - From the Depths of Memory - Part 2 (Includes Boss Analysis #14 - "OG Char Clone" Edition)
The Database isnt fucking around now, so lets have a look at their new toys:

The purple ones are called Stoma and the blue ones are Reus.
The Stoma is made out to be the slightly less bulkier of the two, in exchange for more movement range and mobility, while the blue one exchanges that for long-range attacks.
The Stoma only has two decently powerful attacks and only his Plasma Blaster Sword is post-movement, adding a Movement Down status; the one you SHOULD be worried about are the Reus Plasma Blaster Cannon that can apply the Range Down debuff which, as the name says, cuts your range in half - that quickly becomes VERY annoying.
The units are immune to status effects and their pilots have both Support Attack and Defend at level 1.

This will be our first real fight against Boss-man Applicant and youll see that this guy is a monster of a pilot.
Hes got a crapload of stats all across the board and his Arm Storer has a decent amount of HP mind you, his Armor is very low compared to what youd expect but, as always, that wouldve been to balance out his broken 2L size that wouldve applied a damage penalty to smaller units (which are pretty much anything that isnt Valguard or a battleship).
Also, as expected from Database units, hes immune to status effects and regens EN at 20%.

The Arm Storers got three attacks and, like Aria, they all apply status debuffs: both MAP(which is fucking HUGE, at 3-8 range all around the Arm Storer) and regular version of Latum Radius (the attack he used on Kazuma before) can put the Mobility Down effect and his strongest (and post-movement) attack, Linea Recta, can drain 50 EN each time it hits.

Finally, Applicant is loaded up his ass with powerful skills and then some. Have a look:
- Counter
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L8
- Infight L8
- Gunfight L8
- Support Attack L4
- Commander L3
- Multicombo L2
Conclusion: Be very careful with Applicant because its not difficult for him to MAP the crap out of your guys with his double movement and, with that Gunfight and massive stats, he can manage to really put the hurt on some unprotected Real Robots.
His small Armor and broken size mean that you can and should swarm (preferably while getting inside his MAPs blind spot) and destroy him in one turn to make sure he doesnt get to play around with that Prevail L8.

Most of our troops have spent their movement but Athrun can get close enough to attack.

Ah, well.

At least we get Athruns SEED going.
Everyone else moves in closer.

Enemy Phase!

The western Opus move and go after Gai.

Oh, come on
There were two other Opuses but those got close enough to be Meleed and didnt survive.

Two Opuses from the center group gun for Golion.

Thankfully, I had Seidou cast Iron Wall before moving.

The third center Opus goes for the Nadesico and they trade shots without killing each other.

As for the east side, one Opus goes for Athrun.

With SEED running, he can oneshot something like this, though.
Aria, Applicant and the other mooks didnt move.

Player Phase!

Valguard was a bit far away but its nothing Accelerate/Assail cant fix.

Damn my hubris I was sure I didnt need to use Full Accell Impact.

Kira chains both Golion attacks and takes them down.

As for Mike, hell give Tetsuya the last push he needs for 130 morale.

There we go.

Orgun and Hiver move on ahead and each destroys a weakened Opus.
Hiver is now in prime position to bombard the pack of Reus.

Aki moves ahead and takes aim for Gais surviving Opus.

Simple enough.

Athrun and Golion cut the first Stoma down to size.

Allowing Blade to finish the job.

I always liked this Dynamic Kill Blade just pulls a Voltekka out of his Tek-Lancer.

Saburouta kills the last Opus.

Finally, Lowe accelerates on over and gets crushing.
Yes, those three Stoma are accurate enough to deal some punishment but A) Lowes got a huge Prevail just waiting to activate and B) If he dies, hell just purge the Power Loader and keep going as the basic Red Frame.

Enemy Phase!

Here come the Reus. Thankfully, theyve chosen the best Super Robot to attack.

This first one missed, the other two failed to pierce Protect Wall (and status effects arent applied if the attack is fully blocked by a barrier).

As expected, all three Stomas are going after Lowe.

Still, he can handle it.
Getting his health this low means that he either dodges or parried the next two Stomas before destroying them.

Applicant decides to get off his ass but, thankfully, he only tries to snipe at Golion.

The Nadesico blocks both attacks.

As for Aria, she goes for Athrun and gets blasted in return.

Player Phase!

Time to plow the road.

Everything takes a big hit but there are no kills.

Which is why Blade will take it upon himself to create the kills.

Death all around but, thankfully, it fell barely short of killing Aria. Whew!

Well, there was this one Reus that was out of the blast range.

Problem solved!
Now, lets switch our attention back to Applicant and co.

Now, normally this would be a similar situation to Evil and Sinclyne when you kill either Aria or Applicant, theyll retreat and run off with their respective goodies.
However, they are close enough to each other that, using Zeal, Kira can position himself to MAP and kill both of them (I couldve done this with Blade but his MAP hits friendlies, while Kiras doesnt).

Mind you, Zeal is expensive. I needed to substitute Athrun for Lori and Loru, in order to use all of Lorus SP casting Devote (30 SP restores 10 SP to the target).

Kira has all the bonuses cast, so lets do it.

Aria is worth an A-Adaptor and a SP Usage -5%; Applicant is worth an Anti- Beam Coating M and a Support Attack +1.
Sousuke and Heero also had lines for Applicant:

*Transmission in.*

It was Zechs "Wind" Marquise and the Professor, along with Liam in the Junk Guilds new battleship: Re-Home.

As our people congratulate them on their new ship (Professor says that shes not the captain, though), Kazuma is especially pensive and Horis seems says hes thinking the same thing: Applicants tactics and his handling of the Arm Storer, they were exactly like Blessfield Ardyguns.

Inside the ship, Kisato gets the scare of her life when she sees a brain in the bridge.
Lowe and Mikoto wonder why the Professor would keep a tank like this

Said brain takes offense at their attitude, for he is the ships captain: Captain George Glenn, to be precise!
Our people are rather dubious that the legendary First Coordinator is here, considering that a Blue Cosmos-esque fanatic killed him years ago (Saburouta does say that his image is just like the Jovians described him, though).
Indeed its the real one but not a cyborg or anything: thats what the "GG" Unit, that Un Nou gave us, was; Un Nou was one of the last living members of the "Friends of George Glenn" group and was protecting George Glenn's gray matter.
Seeing how the First Coordinator was known as an expert pilot, Professor figured hed be much better suited as Re-Homes Captain, so she plugged him to the ships systems and allowed him to control it via his brain pulses enough so that George says he could make the ship dance better than he could now!

George is actually feeling a little nervous at meeting Saburouta the Jovian, remembering something about once giving them a disk with "Gaki Genga or something" to try to cheer them up.
Harry is a bit surprised that the Jovians Prophet is so nonchalant about giving them what formed the basis of their religion; Gai Daigouji cries that its Geki Ganger, not Gaki Genga.
Thats it, Daki Panda!, George says playfully; he eagerly looks at Quatre for a laugh (who does so, hesitantly) but Trowa and Heero, who are nearby, at the same as usual.
George claims he's hard at work mastering the one thing missing from his previous life: comedy; Kisato is a bit dazed to see that her long-time idol turned out so different than she expected and when George tries to lay a joke her way she leaves in tears yelling This is not my Georgiiiieeeee!.

Kouji finds it odd that Kazuma is not around to meet such a famous Spaceman.
Hes off talking with Horis with the most serious look on his face anyone has ever seen

Another is D-Boy, who getting a whole lot of praise from Noal and Yumi for kicking Evils ass so hard the guy mightve escaped but with his new Blaster Power, hell take him down for sure.
The problem quickly becomes apparent when D-Boy asks why theyre calling him that: his name is Takaya; the Space Knights remember they gave him that name right as he was starting to work with them.
Levin and others try to jog D-Boys memory but he brushes off their offers of help as he returns to his room.

Freeman had feared this would happen: the price for Blasterizing him and stopping the slow decline of his body is an explosive increase in strain, both physical and mental.
D-Boy is stable for now, but his life will come to an abrupt end in about two months, when his bodys cells will collapse over the accumulated strain.
Noal gets pissed that Freeman let him do such a dangerous procedure but Milly and Balzac know: D-Boy elected to undergo the procedure under the belief that he could defeat the Radam within those two months.
Freeman hadn't had the heart to deny him, considering that his life was already in jeopardy and D-boy wouldn't allow anyone else to carry that responsibility.

This is the best our science can offer: a little bit of extra time and no hope of saving him.
At best, our people can honor his choice and help him prevail in his fight against his former crew-mates and family; D-boy would surely not want his choice to cause grief for his fellow Space Knights, either.