Part 207: Mission 13(New Game+) - The Fellowship of Funny Animals

Kazuma relates to the log that Wärters activities have been going on at full capacity over the past two weeks.
However, the Zondar, Dr. Hell, Radam or Eviluders havent performed any significant attacks and things are strangely tranquil.
Bless told him that this unusual calm could indicate that our enemies are preparing for a large-scale attack.
Of course, Kazuma hasnt been resting this whole time as Mao and Noin are constantly dragging him off for more training, leaving him exhausted on a daily basis; that said, today is everyones day off and, as such, he quickly apologizes for cutting this entry short but hes in a rush to make good use of this day.

We cut to the JSDFs Narashino Base, where Kaname is telling Sousuke that when he said he was eager to do something to make up for that Culture Festival mess, this was not what she had in mind
Her protests are interrupted by Kazama, whos ecstatic over seeing Birdmen and Arm Slaves up close like this Kaname yells that this is a JSDF festival, though, and CERTAINLY not the kind of event that high school girls would be interested in.
Sousuke doesnt see a problem, though, seeing how this still is a festival Kazama agrees and is especially interested in the display of old-school US Bombers.
Sighing, Kaname excuses herself saying this whole event doesnt interest her one bit, frustrated that she took a train all the way from G-Island for this.

Kyoukos attempt to have Kaname have fun and check out some of the festivals stands are interrupted by Mamoru and Hana calling out to her and Sousuke.
Kaname is glad to see them both, asking if the kids relationship is going well Hana half-says yes before freaking out and getting embarrassed; Kyouko thinks that the city is a long way and asks how the kids came over here.
That would be due to Mamorus father, whos acting as a guide to the festivals attendees (using his best engrish introduction, too).

Speaking of which, the current client is Fahra, who is wishing for everyone to have fun and enjoy the current peaceful scenario.
Kyouko asks who that is and Mamoru stammers that shes the princess of the COUNTRY of Altea, whos came into Japan to do some sightseeing; Kaname tries further selling the story saying that the news were talking about how the Princess was later going to tour the Space Development Companys building later, as evidenced by Shihomi, a company employee, accompanying her!
Their conversation is interrupted when the Golion team shows up, surprised to see that Sousuke and the others also came here.
Sousuke says that they should keep a closer eye on the princess, to make sure there arent any problems; still, even though they always guard her, Kogane says they all kinda hoped to allow her to relax a bit by coming here Fahra was looking depressed during the stay on G-Island.
The GGG folk were available to hold the fort, so they brought the princess over along with Kazuma and his sisters.

Kazama asks who these people are and Sousuke is in the middle of revealing their identity when Kaname slaps him with her paper fan and says theyre members of a famous rugby team, who come here to train!
Kurogane slowly concurs and figures these must be Sousukes friends; whispering, Sousuke asks what that was for and Kaname has to explain to him how revealing that Fahra and her entourage came from Space or that Kogane and the others are Golions pilots would cause major problems for them.
Kyouko catches them whispering and asks what its about but Kaname feigns ignorance.

Back to Fahra, Shihomi is offering her food from one the stands, hoping shell like it.
The princess is quite impressed with the festival the snow, the sweets, everything is so different from Altea.
Mihiro then brings her a scone of ice cream, with syrup, which Fahra proceeds to eat after being impressed by its appearance.
Kazuma tries to warn her not to eat it so quickly but its too late and the princess frowns in pain.

A worried Raibul approaches asking whats wrong but Fahra doesnt know her head suddenly hurts; Raibul quickly yells at people to call a doctor!
Kogane! Seize this ice cream salesman immediately! He may have tried to poison the princess!!, he yells.
It falls on Shirogane to explain to both her and Raibul the concept of brain-freeze, going as far as to explain how its derived from the brain misinterpreting the low temperature of the top of your mouth and causing its blood vessels to contract and swell rapidly.
Fahra now understands and will eat slowly but Raibul still thinks that this place, among the common masses, isnt a fitting location for an Altean Princess; Fahra wonders if she should be called that ever since Alteas ruin.
Regardless, theyve been living on Earth for a while and shed rather be just another person and not a princess as long as theyre here Shihomi is impressed with Fahras elegance.

Suzuishi and Kogane see that they were right when thinking that the Princess was feeling down and think shes been straining herself ever since the Galras attack.
Its clear to Seidou that, to this day, the events of Altea weigh heavily on her; Kazuma asks if them bringing her outside with everyone didnt work but Shirogane says that recreation will only work for a short while it wont heal the wounds in Fahras heart, though.
Still, he tells Kazuma that its fine hes sure that, despite this, them bringing the princess here to be with others will have helped a bit.
Kazuma tells him not to worry, as he also wants the princess to feel better, reminding himself of the Trailer Maxim: He who gives unto others, bestows on himself and compassion soon brings good fortune!
Of course, Mihiro mentions that, in Kazumas case, this trip was merely an excuse to avoid Mao and Noins training; Kazuma yells thats beside the point and quickly changes the subject, asking the Golion team what else the princess likes what foods, music, animals, etc.

Kurogane says that the princess does like animals and theres one that is her favorite: a Space Mouse, from Altea.
They tell Kazuma that there was a Space Mice family that lived in Fahras castle, the father mouse was called Platt and the mother mouse was Chichule, and they were Fahras only friends during her childhood she can even understand their language as if they were other humans.
Kazuma remembers hearing about a Mouse mascot of a certain amusement park; this is Sousukes cue to show up, having overheard their conversation.
He says he knows who theyre speaking of and he says it could be possible to get him to cooperate with us; Kazuma refuses, though, saying how hes suffered enough these past two weeks without getting involved with any of Sousukes usual craziness.
Shirogane thanks Sousuke for the thought but warns him: theres a suspicious man approaching Kaname right now

Its Akagi, who asks Kaname where shes from and, when she says G-Island, mentions that its the place where he was deployed at two months ago.
However, he mentions that his original base is from this area the Nerima branch (Nerima and Narashino are two wards of Tokyo, separated by some 20 miles) and asks if Kaname would like to see his Arm Slave.
He wants to show everyone here the splendor of the Nerima Red Dragons and introduces himself as the commander of the team; Kazama has heard of him as one of the best AS pilots in the Nerima base corps of soldiers and Akagi figures him for a fan, judging by his insight, but Kazama says its due to his father, who is a secretary at this here base.
Akagi knows Kazamas father and wonders why he didnt see it sooner, as the kid has the same meager appearance as his old man; Kazama stays silent but Kaname isnt about to accept this guys attitude, asking what right he has to insult her friend and his father?
Kazama tells her its fine, though, as the disrespect is common due to the Narashino bases constant string of contest defeats to Akagis Nerima base.

When Kyouko asks, Akagi says the its a mock AS battle between the two bases.
And, indeed, his Red Dragons currently hold the record for consecutive victories and they fully intend to keep their streak going today said battle starts in the afternoon and he hopes for us all to come see their magnificence!
Sadly, Kaname says she still hates Arm Slaves and anyone else thats stupid enough to get so hooked on them; regardless, Akagi says he hopes shell come if only to see his victory and excuses himself.

Kazama is way depressed and Sousuke notices it.
He tells the kid not to worry, though: there is already a strategy to resolve this whole situation and all it needs it to be put in action.
Kaname asks what strategy hes talking about but hell say later; for now, he would only ask that Kaname also bring Fahra and her posse to the tournament grounds in the afternoon.
As they leave, Hana notices that Mamoru seems worried hes feeling something nearby

Mission 13 (New Game+) The Fellowship of Funny Animals

The battle begins and Akagi and the Red Dragons quickly move on the offensive; executing their Red Stream Attack, they make short work of the opposing team, who are forced to retreat.
Akagi proudly yells at people to behold the Red Dragons magnificent formation!
Kyouko can only sigh that the Narashino team got defeated again but Kazama is already used to it; Kaname tells him to keep his chin up and to not let that smug idiot with the sunglasses get him down.
Of course, its hard not to do so after seeing yet another defeat; Fahra walks over to Kaname and asks if this mock battle was the reason she called them over but Kaname says that it was Sousuke who told her to extend the invitation.
Raibul thinks that, if thats all, then the princess and her entourage will be leaving, while Akagi prepares to deliver a speech.

*Bonta-kuns move forward*

All enemies are sporting weak-ass Bushnells, so lets have Lord High Bonta-kun go have words with Akagi.

Wouldve been a oneshot if it was a critical hit but its fine.

All other five Bonta-kun move forward, each one picking another Bushnell to leave weakened.
Of course, none of them get hit.

Enemy Phase!

All of Akagis cronies rush legit Bonta-kun but get swatted away, one by one.
Oddly enough, Akagi stays put.

Player Phase!

Victory to team Bonta-kun!

Itll be simpler if we just let them come to us, so well hang back this one turn.

Enemy Phase!

As the Bushnells draw closer, a couple get in attack range: one gets weakened while the other attacks Shin Bonta-kun and gets oneshotted.

Player Phase!

Truth be told, the Bonta-kun posse could clear the rest of this map on their own but lets see if we cant have GGG join in.
As they move forward, Mike sings to Gai.

Because why not?

The MP Bonta-kuns charge forward.
It should be noted that, due to the large amount of positive terrains in the area, those Bushnells can pull some decent evasion numbers (not accuracy, though).

Using the Melee attacks high accuracy modifier with the Bonta-kuns innate friendship bonus with each other is the way to go.
All five of them take out two weakened Bushnells and do good damage on three others; Bonta-kun, the 1st, leaves his alive with piddly HP.

Enemy Phase!

It seems like the games AI is hardwired to go after Bonta-kaiser as they all make a beeline for him.

These two EI-21 will fall shortly.
Except for those two and one Bushnell that stuck to a positive terrain, everything dies.

Player Phase!

Lets give GGG something lest they have wasted the trip!

Gai overkills stuff, as usual.

An MP Bonta-kun takes out the remaining Bushnell.

And Volfogg charges after the last EI-21.

And thats that!

We cut back to inside of the base, where Bonta-kun is standing proud before Kaname smacks him with her fan, telling him not to act to self-satisfied.
Taking the suit off, Sousuke tells her that things went a bit rougher but he was still able to help people; Kaname allows that he was right on the Zondar part but asks how he was helping people by attacking the Nerima Dragons?
Sousuke tells her that he learned of Fahras fondness for mice and, in that case, he thought that Bonta-kuns similarity to a mouse was just the way to brighten her mood.
Kaname starts to understand that, in Sousukes own way, he was worried about Fahra and she assumes that his business with the Red Dragons was for Kazamas sake?
Sousuke confirms.

Kaname is forced to apologize, saying that she misunderstood his reasons.
She sees that he brought Bonta-kun over for those two however, something soon strikes her as odd: why did he bring Bonta-kun here in the first place? Also, who were those other five Bonta-kuns?
Sousuke says that he had told her before: he was ready to sell his Mass Produced units and, as such, came here with the intent of selling them to the JSDF.
He went to Kazamas father, a secretary at this base, to get his permission to do so the condition for his support was that Sousuke would use todays mock battle as a way to showcase the usefulness of his units and it seems to have sufficed.
He says that the current state of affairs of both Japanese territory and the urban centers had to be rethought and, due to that process, the JSDF started considering new kinds of land warfare weapons to replace the Arm Slaves as the mainstream units Sousuke hoped his compact, person-sized model would fit the bill.
Perhaps, after some years have passed, the Bonta-kuns will take up the responsibility of protecting Japan his wishful thinking is interrupted by Kaname yelling at him not to make her country all weird without her permission (earning him another paper fan slap)!

Back at Akitos restaurant, hes being filled on what happened; sadly, he couldnt get the day off to accompany them on the trip.
Yurika sighs that she wanted to wear a Bonta-kun suit and asks Akito if itd be OK for her to wait tables in one; Akito figures she can wear it for today, seeing how hes having a personal battle with his food's flavor and needs all the help he can get.
As he Akito delivers the food, Kazuma is silent and Akito wonders whats wrong, adding that he doesnt need to restrain himself because its his treat; of course, from what Kouji told Mihiro, Akitos ramen isnt exactly the most delicious meal but Akito swears that hes making progress and that itll be better!
Kazuma decides to bite the bullet along with the Golion team and brace themselves as they dig in Shirogane thinks its good, saying that it clearly tastes like proper Ramen and Kogane says that it has depth that belies its simple appearance.
Koganes especially fond of how Akito use glutamic acid to enhance the flavor and the first class soy sauce made from Marida peas.

Yurika is quite surprised at Koganes culinary acumen and he quickly apologizes, saying that he got a bit overexcited.
Akito is glad at his praise, though, saying that its his dream just to perfect this simple ramen and Suzuishi is impressed, having figured that he indeed makes a better cook than a pilot Akito can only agree that the current situation is less than ideal.
Yurika figures they should prepare some ramen to-go, so they can give some to Fahra; Kogane says that the princess has been deep in thought since todays battle, trying to recover at least some of her courage.
Shirogane says that her problem will take a while to resolve, though, and asks for Akito and Yurikas support on this subject.
Yurika is glad to help saying that, as the captain, she wont stop until Fahras feeling better; Kazuma thinks he could do something too but Mihiro asks if he shouldnt be worried about something else.

As Kazuma thinks about it, Mao and Noin enter having been waiting for him to return.
Now, they can begin their training once again; Kazuma is a bit stunned but they confirm that his little R&R is done, which means he goes back to work.
Kazuma turns to the group and asks who it was that told them where he was and, of course, it was Mihiro who apologizes but says she thinks the training is necessary as itd be quite bad if the Valhawk was shot down because of his neglect.

Mao agrees with Mihiros insight but Kazuma begs them to spare him this hellish traning.
Noin and Mao arent listening, excusing themselves and dragging Kazuma off to the Bay Tower base; Kazuma asks why me but Mao orders him to march quickly as, today, theyll study the basic Pattern C tactics for dense forest zones.
Kurogane cant help but feel sorry for him but Shirogane thinks its worth it if itll keep Kazuma alive.
Yurika doesnt understand what was Kazumas problem, thinking what kind of man wouldnt want hang out with those ladies; Ruri tells Shirogane that he might want to find someone else to talk to Fahra about her problems
Looking over this mission, I think I may have been overzealous with my translation; still, I'd rather it have too much information than skim over an important detail.
Nevertheless, this took damn long to complete but I'm happy with the result.
I'll get back to updating the remaining mission soon but I'll be taking a few days to relax my head!
See ya'll soon!