Part 66: Mission 19 - Clash! Devil versus the King of Hell - Part 1

Mission 19 - Clash! Devil versus the King of Hell

This is a two-part mission; this first part is rather short, though, so Ill just deploy our best available team (and Trowa, to try to show off his best attack) and get it done quickly Ill save the vote, if necessary, to the other, longer, half.

Kouji greets the mechabeast army, saying that he and his Kaiser will be their oponents; Sadak, who is leading the troops, is less than impressed at our bravado considering our battered state.
Kogane is surprised to see him in command Mihiro wonders what happened to Ashura; Kazuma figures that his repeated failures must have earned him a jail cell somewhere.
Kouji sees no difference as, regardless of whos commanding, were not gonna lose (Sadak wonders if our boasts are empty or if were still holding on).

Well, Sadak came all the way here so lets not disappoint. Blade opens up against one of them underwater Doublas.

Sadly, nearly all our attacks are weakened by the water here but thats still decent.

Trowa is actually quite a good choice here because A) He can snipe nearly all mooks from a positive terrain and B) All his attacks have an A in water.

Volfogg is still Volfogg, though. He doesnt give a fuck about terrains.

He just wrecks shit up.

Kouji cant do well in water but that pier extends far enough that he can attack nicely.

Golions Melee attack has good ratings in water, too.

Good, good.

Enemy Phase!

Oh. Hell. No.

Thank you, Akane.
Another Fighter and a Death Hell Beastman attack but survive the counterattack.

The Draco comes after Golion which gives me a chance to show off something that Ive neglected thus far.

Golions Fire Tornado is his debuff attack and a beauty to use against powerful, accurate bosses itll reduce all their attacks damage by 50%.
Its also rather weak so its always best to use it via Support.
Golion is also attack by four more mooks, killing two Fighters.

Amidst all that, Fahra levels up and learns Mercy (which will do squat since Koganes Skill stat is rather low).

This here Garada is graceful enough to gun for Kouji.

Thank you very much.

Kouji levels up and gets Prevail L5, too.

Sadak takes a potshot at Golion but thats no problem.

Player Phase!

Volfogg doesnt crit-kill that weakened Garushia but thats why Hayato was nearby for.

Just to be on the safe side, Fahra casts Trust of Golion.

Meanwhile, Blade and Kazuma kill the Death Hell with the power of teamwork.

Blade finally learns Multicombo. Nice.

Water stages means we can say hello again to our old friend: Shin Getter 3.


The last mook is dealt with by Sousuke.

Next in line is the Draco Mechabeast; Kouji opens up with a Fire Blaster and, with its weapons weakened, the mechabeast can barely hit him.

Feel free to use all your SP here. Kazuma casts Fighting Spirit and moves in.

Oi! That was an 11% chance to hit

Next in line, Golion (with Fighting Spirit, as well) moves over.

Very good.

Bless uses his own Fighting Spirit and blasts the Draco.

We wont be able to kill it this turn but we can, at least, weaken it further with Trowa.

Not bad.

Enemy Phase!

The Draco wastes his attack on Kouji, who has Iron Wall cast.

Mazinpower activates as a result but this fights about to end.

Sadak decides to attack the Nadesico for piddly damage.

Player Phase!

Seeing how I never got around to showing it off last mission, lets finish the Draco with Trowas Full Open Attack.

The Draco is worth a Large Generator, mind.

Sadak's quickly gets annoyed at how our group keeps resisting despite being near-death.
Fahra yells out that it'll take more than the loss of our base to kill us.

Sadak gets further angry and commands the Drago to make us suffer.
It guns for Sayaka but she says her Venus isnt just for show and shoots it down.

She tells a worried Kouji that shes fine but Sadak wonders if thats true.
Very quickly, Venus A starts moving on its own and ignores Sayakas controls it moves to attack Kouji!

The attack catches Kouji off guard and heavily damages Mazinkaiser.
Akito doesnt understand what happened to Venus and Ines figures that there were nanomachines mingled with the explosion, which have infected her mech and given control to Sadak.
The Venus quickly runs off into Sadaks ship, despite Sayakas frantic attempts to regain control.

Sadak tells Kouji that, if he wants her to stay alive, hell accompany him to Dr. Hells island .
Our people know that its a trap, and so does Kouji, but he cannot leave Sayaka as a prisoner.
As he enters the ship, Sadak gloats over having snatched both Kouji AND Mazinkaiser.

He quickly moves to flee the field, dispatching a bunch of mechabeasts to prevent us from following.
He says that were free to come to Hell Castle, that is, provided that we can find the way there!
As he leaves, Boss mooks are wondering how were gonna get off this mess and Kazuma is being very vocal over the possibility of also losing Kouji and Sayaka.

When Kouji reaches Dr. Hell's base, he finds it certainly lives up to the idea of being the stronghold on an evil scientists.
He orders the doctor to come down and to face him or is he afraid?
Dr. Hell will not fall for his taunts, though, saying that hes already planned a fate worse than death for his nemesis.
Kouji cuts him off, saying that if he has time to throw those cheap threats around, then he should return Sayaka.
Very well, that was the deal, Dr. Hell says.

He sends Sayaka in the Venus which immediately targets Mazinkaiser.
Of course, this betrayal doesnt surprise Kouji at all.
Warning her that things are about to get rough, his plan is to stop Venus by force and rescue her; Dr. Hell calls for the show to begin and invites all guests to participate.

He's mass-produced those evil Mazingers and, while they lack Photon Power, their brute strength and numbers will make up for the difference.
However, he still has one more surprise for Kouji!

A newly made mechabeasts, created by combining Garada K7 and Doublas M2: the Garadoublas MK01.

Despair, indeed. The main problem with Hells plan (aside from the fact that he left his arch-enemy keep his GIANT ROBOT, that is

As before, dont be afraid to spend your SP and EN freely.
Slap Iron Wall on Kouji at every turn and theres no way hell die.

To advance the mission, we need to destroy the Venus.

Thats around the expected damage now.

Enemy Phase!

Venus A moves first and stays far enough from Kouji that he needs to rely on his Rocket Punches.
Nevertheless, with that morale gap, theyll hurt.

Being surrounded by this many mooks might seem intimidating but this is the Mazinkaiser!
Case in point:

Thats how it should be.
Repeat this for all other Ashuramazingers plus all three Drago that get killed in one shot.

The Garadoublas is a lil smarter, though. He hangs back outside of Fire Blasters range.

Range doesnt make much difference in this case, though.

Player Phase!

Were surrounded on all sides, so we cant move.
As such, Kouji casts another Iron Wall and keeps pummeling the Venus (do note that it regens around 30% HP per turn).

Enemy Phase!

You could kill the Venus right now but dont! Its in your best interest to be in your phase before it goes down.
All weakened Ashuramazingers get taken out, though.

The Garadoublas decides to move up closer.

Ive no Fire Blaster energy left but thats still plenty good.

Player Phase!

Before moving in for the kill, Kouji should still have enough SP for one more Iron Wall. Use it.

Flawless victory.

*Venus A transforms*


Here we go, the real meat of this mission. All our group is fully repaired and ready to go, which means its voting time!
As usual, there are 15 slots but one goes to Kazuma. Which leaves 14 slots for you guys to choose amongst:
- Shin Getter
- Tekkaman Blade, Blue Earth
- Akito, Ryouko, Izumi, Hikaru, Akatsuki
- Heero, Duo, Quatre, Trowa
- Hyoryuu, Enryuu, Mike, Volfogg (the Gao Machines are still broken, mind, so therell be no Gaogaigar today)
- Sousuke, Mao, Kurz
- Boss Borot
- Golion
Be sure to bold out your votes. The poll will close on Thursday afternoon, when Ill post the results, and I expect the following update to be ready by Friday/Saturday.
See you all then!