Part 61: But most of all... you.
Welcome back. Last time, we faced off against the senior bracers in the semifinals of the tournament. We won, obviously
. Afterwards, we met up with Nial, who used his reporter magic to get some intel on the Intelligence Division for us. The highlights: Amalthea's name is Kanone, that's an unusual name Lorence's past is a blank slate, outside of time spent working in the Jester Division of the Jaegers, and Colonel Richard is looking for potential marriage candidates for Princess Klaudia. How festive. And by festive, I mean gross.

It is a shame to hear of Kurt's loss, but I hear it was a very good match.

Yeah, it was pretty intense.

I wouldn't go patting us on the back just yet, though. We weren't better than Kurt. Not by a selge!

True. We just got lucky. We had Zane, along with Olivier's guns and magic to cover for our mistakes. They're the only reason we've made it as far as we have.

You two are very humble. A rare quality, these days.

By the way, have you learned any more information?

Explained the details of Nial's findings to Elnan.

So...2nd Lieutenant Lorence is part of the Jaeger Corps...

Or more specifically, the Jester division... First I've heard of that name, definitely. I'd best look it up.

Do the guild and the Jaeger Corps have a working relationship?

Not at all. If anything, we consider one another to be business rivals. We make it our business not to interfere in matters of state, you see...whereas the Jaeger largely revel in such matters. They're often employed in border disputes, and have some quite...opposing viewpoints with us regarding the safety of the common man.
I love how the Jaegers are basically the Evil Bracers, except it's not at all hokey since a group of freelance mercenaries who will do anything... for the right price isn't exactly an unrealistic concept.

They don't sound very nice.

So I take it there's no chance of getting any information on this?

It would take several days to gather the necessary intel, however, so you wouldn't have it before the championship... Is that...all right?

Championship, shmampionship. This has nothing to do with the competition. So yeah, if you'd please...

Thank you, Elnan.

Also, regarding the colonel's hunt for Princess Klaudia's future husband... We've uncovered a few morsels of information which may have some connection.

Uh, okay...

The Erebonian crown prince will arrive in Grancel during the Queen's Birthday Celebration. We don't know his name...but we do know it's been ten years since any Erebonian royals have come to Liberl, so this IS fairly significant news.

I see. You're right, that DOES seem connected with talk of Princess Klaudia's marriage...

I don't actually know a thing about the Erebonian crown prince. The only imperial I've ever even met is Olivier.
God help Erebonia

The princess has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday. It seems much too early for her to be married. I suspect there may be politics at work here...

Whoa, sixteen?! Geez, we're only sixteen ourselves!

It is the appropriate age for a young lady to make her 'debut' in high society.

But unless we've reverted to a more repressed time, it is much, MUCH too soon for marriage...

Indeed. As I said, I suspect there is a political motive to this push for wedlock... And finding that motive will no doubt prove to be a most valuable endeavor.

Gotcha. If we can earn that invite to the castle, we'd be able to investigate much more easily.

Then we need to secure a win in tomorrow's championship.

Hmmm... As dangerous as this may be...
Received Grancel Sewer Key B.

Wh-what the heck is THIS to?

The sewers. We always keep a few on hand at the capital branch. Never know when they might come in handy. This one should open one of the access grates near the Grand Arena. There are some pretty strong monsters living down there, so I figured it might make for a suitable training ground.

Bring it! We could totally use the warm-up!

Thank you, Elnan.

I'm just doing my job. Make sure you don't head down there without some backup, though. If it's just the two of you, you're toast.

No problem there! We'll head on down with Zane and *sigh* Olivier after we meet up with them tomorrow.
Soldier: We're on patrol. Nighttime patrols have been increased as part of the counter-terrorism measures.
Soldier 2: So it's best to avoid going out after 9 o'clock, if at all possible. You two should go on home.

Don't you think that's a little obnoxious? What if you NEED to go out after 9 o'clock?
Don't worry, there's a procedure for that. It's called breaking curfew. It's always fun.
Soldier 2: It's the higher-ups who make the decisions, miss.
Soldier 1: Sorry to cause any trouble, but everyone has to abide by the rules. By the way, where is it that you two live?

We're staying at the hotel on the North Block. We'll be there for the duration of the Martial Arts Competition.
Soldier 2: Hmmm... Hold on a second... I could swear I've seen you two somewhere before...
Soldier: These kids are in the tournament!
Soldier 2: You know, now that you mention it...

Oh! Were you guys in the audience?
Soldier 2: Ha ha... Well, we were on security detail. That match today was pretty incredible.
Soldier: Tomorrow's the championship, no? We'll escort you to the hotel, so you can rest up for your big fight.


Very well. We accept.
Soldier: You've got to be kidding. We're big fans of yours.
Soldier 2: We're all in the same army, but I don't know... Those Special Ops types just rub me the wrong way, for some reason.
Soldier: No kidding. I just don't get what goes through their heads. Don't you think talking like this is a little disrespectful of Colonel Richard, though?
Soldier 2: Well, that's why we're putting so much faith in your participation.
Soldier: Good luck with tomorrow's match!

Ha ha ha... Thank you.

We'll do everything we can.

I don't think those guys know a thing about the colonel's plot.
That's just what they want you to think. Secret masterminds

They seem to think the Intelligence Division are just regular soldiers. Whatever info comes down the chain of command, they accept as the truth.

Hmmm... Well, I'd hate to make enemies of them, since they're rooting for us, and all.

Regardless of anything else, it'd be wisest not to stir up trouble with the rank and file soldiers. What do you say we stay in our room tonight and just rest up?

A rustling sound of sorts is heard from inside the room.

Did you just hear something?


(Be on alert when we go inside, and be ready for a fight if things don't look right.)


(I think we've got a trespasser. There might be explosives set, so be careful.)

(W-wait... You're kidding, right?)

(I need you to do exactly as I tell you, no questions. If you'd rather stay out here, that's fine with me.)

N-no way! I'm fine. Let's go inside!)

(...All right.)

Looks like he got away.

But that's strange... I don't get the sense that anyone's been in here. Nor does it feel like there are any traps set.

Y-you can seriously tell that kind of thing?

What...a letter?
Joshua broke the seal on the letter.

[Tonight, at the stroke of ten, come to the cathedral. Please, tell no one of this.]

...And that's it?

And what cathedral? That huge church over in the West Block? It's already almost ten o'clock now.


Hmmm... Well, it sure sounds suspicious, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

What do you think? Should we go for it?

Wh-what was that for?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell.

Look, didn't those soldiers just say that they were going to reinforce tonight's patrols? You can bet they'll be keeping a close watch on the West Block, too.

Oh, right.

Still, I hate to just pretend we never got it.

I'll go by myself, then.


It's easier for one person to stay hidden than two. I shouldn't have any real trouble getting to the cathedral unnoticed.


Listen, if all I'm doing is scoping out the situation, I can handle it on my own. I just need you to stay here--


I'm no less a bracer than you are. I can handle myself, and I won't slow you down. There's probably some cooler-sounding way to say all that, but I don't know what it is.

Estelle... That's not what I meant.

I know it's not that you don't trust me. I can tell you're worried about me... or more that you're worried FOR me.

What are you not telling me?

... How can you tell that I'm keeping something from you?
You're many things Josh, but subtle has never really been one of them.

I'm closer to you than just about anyone, Joshua. There's nothing you can keep from me...not for very long, anyway.


(...I'm impressed.)


All right. If you want to come with me, I won't try to stop you. It's almost ten now, though, so we have to hurry.


But I want you to promise me something. If anything goes wrong, you do exactly as I tell you. One wrong move could be fatal.

Okay... I promise.

Let's get a move on, then.

(If any of the soldiers spot us, we'll probably get led back to the hotel. We need to study their movements, and take whatever chances we can to get past them undetected.)
Oh boy. This part.
This is the worst part. We've got a stealth mission on our hands, except unlike in Leiston, it's neither short nor easy. If we want to get max BP, we need to get to the Cathedral without ever being spotted, which is far from easy. Fortunately, even when Falcom dips into bad game design they don't go all the way, so each time you get caught some of the soldiers disappear, making things easier. After getting caught a couple of times, it becomes trivial. You can also save wherever in Trails, so you don't need to do the entire thing in one go.
Anyway, lead the way, Estelle.
Not quite the cathedral, Estelle.
Ralph: I've got to get good seats for the finals tomorrow. I promised my wife I would. I was going to camp out at the arena, but the guards sent me home. So, I was planning on sneaking my way back and hiding... Please, you guys! I'll give you this book if you just keep quiet about me!
Ralph: We have a deal? Man, I hope I can get seats front and center for tomorrow...
And then we rat Ralph out in exchange for letting us go to the cathedral unhindered.
Sorry Ralph. It was for the best. The best being us.


I guess I misunderstood.


Hey...aren't you the nun from before? The one who was attacked on the scenic route?
Ellen: Thank you for what you did back there... I assume you got my message?

That letter was yours... But why would you do something so secretive-like just to say thanks...?

Ahh... Now I get it.

It was her all along.

Ellen: Ha ha... You're very observant, Joshua. Pardon me, then... Let me get out of these stuffy clothes.

It's been a long time, you two. I knew you'd come.

It's nice to see you again, Lieutenant. Last time was...back in Ruan, right?

Yes, it was. It hasn't been that long, but it feels like ages.

H-hey, hold on a second... Why are you in that getup? And why'd you call us here?

I'll answer your questions one at a time. First, the clothes... The Septian Church has long and deep ties with the royal family. Colonel Richard's little conspiracy has us on the run, and they've helped us stay hidden within the city.

Oh, okay...

The answer to your other question... why I called you here... If you win the final match tomorrow, you'll get invited to that dinner party at the castle, right? What I need you to do is to get in touch with Her Majesty, once you get inside.



I realize that it's a selfish request. But since we're basically fugitives, there's no way for us to make contact. You're the only hope we have.

Well, then... This is kind of unexpected.

Actually, we're participating in the competition specifically in hopes of seeing the Queen, anyway.

Joshua explained the request that Professor Russell gave them during the Leiston Fortress incident.

Really, now...

In that case, I have only one favor to ask of you.

When you speak to Her Majesty, heed her counsel.

Of course. That was the plan from the get-go.

That non-involvement rule still applies, even in a situation like this. But we'll do everything we can.

I'm grateful... Please, take this with you.
Received Julia's Letter.

What's this...?

Give this to the head maid, Hilda, and she'll know that you've spoken to me.

Her Majesty is probably under very heavy guard by the Special Ops men... ...but you can trust Hilda. With her help, you may be able to speak with Her Majesty.

Huh... She sounds like a heck of a lady.

Got it. We'll talk to her.

Thank you very much.

Ha ha... Pathetic, isn't it?


And this happened not long after I swore that I would give my life to safeguard Her Majesty from harm... You can't imagine how helpless I feel having to depend entirely on another's help.

You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself...

I hate to say this, but there is the chance that we'll lose tomorrow's match...
Maybe with that attitude there is

Ha ha... I'm certain that you'll do just fine. That Calvardian martial artist is extremely skilled... ...and you are both the children of Colonel Cassius Bright.

You mean you knew our dad, too?

It's not without reason that he was known as the finest swordsman in all the Royal Army.

Before he retired from service, I had a chance to be trained by him when he was a martial arts instructor at the military academy. If not for him, I would not be nearly as skilled as I am.

I-I can't believe that... Dad's never used anything except a bo staff.

I guess he must have given up the sword when he decided to become a bracer. His goal wasn't to kill his enemies... He wanted to improve himself and help those weaker than he...

That's why he chose the bo staff as his weapon...or so I imagine.

Really...? I didn't know that my use of a staff had that kind of significance...

I'm sure he hoped that you'd inherit that same kind of mindset. I think he'd be proud of you.


Colonel Cassius trained both of you. I have all the faith in the world that you'll win tomorrow's match.

Heh heh... Hearing you say that almost makes me think you're right.

We'll put everything we have into it.
There's a knocking on the door.
Man's Voice: Pardon us... This is the Grancel City Guard. Due to the terrorist threat, we will now be patrolling the main facilities. I apologize for the lateness of the hour, but do you mind if we have a look inside?


Quite all right. Thank you. Just a moment, please, and I'll open the door.
Schwarz: (You can get outside from there.)


(Please be careful.)

Yeah... I'm not sensing anyone. I guess the night patrols are finally done. Let's rest for a moment here, then head back to the hotel.


Ha ha... I'll bet.

I never would have imagined it to be Lt. Schwarz waiting for us at the cathedral.

Wait, so... ...she WASN'T who you were expecting to find there? Could it were thinking it'd be someone you'd known before?




Sorry. Forget I said anything. Gotta remember the rules.


I won't ask you anything about before we met until you're ready to tell me.

I try to be careful, but sometimes it just slips my mind.

... Estelle, I...

I think you've gotten a little stronger during our travels...


...and every person you meet has a personality, and a history, and a story to tell. Every one of them is just like us, living day by day...

Sometimes, I just have to remind myself that no one acts without cause. Nothing happens without a reason, or a motive...or an excuse. And it's only when I remember that that I start to feel like I might be able to reclaim the parts of me I've lost...


I'm probably just fooling myself. Tricking myself into accepting things I can't change. But even so...

I'm grateful for having someone with me... The sky... Dad...


So...I promise. Once this whole matter is settled, and if Dad comes back safely...

I'll tell you everything there is to know about my past.


Really. With the stars as my witness.



...'cause once you've told me what you've gotta tell me, then I'll tell you what I've gotta tell you!

Uhh...what? ...Oh, wait, is this about that thing you've had on your mind?


Heh heh... Gonna have to psych myself up for it.

Psych yourself up? Is it really something so...dramatic?

I mean, if it's THAT important, I really don't mind hearing about it now...

Absolutely not! It's a...delicate matter. And timing is crucial!

Though...I guess the situation DOES feel kinda right...but still, no dice! Not yet!

I don't get you sometimes, Estelle... I swear, you seem like you're ready to take on anything now. All because we've got a big talk planned! It makes no sense...

Of course I'm ready. Ain't NO WAY I'm lettin' those guys keep me from this talk...

Ruin their...?


You really are your father's daughter.

Hey, what's that supposed to mean? You'd better not be comparing me to a middle-aged man...

Yeah, I guess you're right. Somehow...I think we're going to do just fine tomorrow.
I really like this scene. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the nice music, maybe it's because it's kinda sweet, or maybe it's because Estelle unironically says girl power and pulls it off, but it just works.
Actually it's the girl power one. Definitely.
Next time: The finals finally.
Carnelia - Chapter 10