Part 40: Cradle of the Metal Gods
Last time, the Drifters infiltrated the Cradle of the Metal Gods.
Their mission: stop the plans of Siegfried and the Prophets (which is not a band name)
But then some little girl turned up and brought Malik's dead mother back to life and oh dear this isn't going to end well is it?
Update 40: Equivalent Exchange?
MUSIC: Preparations for the Valley of Bygone Days and Tomorrows
Upon entering the Cradle proper, the drifters almost immediately run into the Schrodingers.

Hi, everyone!

Was that you, who triggered the alarm?

Watch your tongue! We're the best of the best!

In any case, they are aware of intruders and have been put on alert. I do not think it would be wise for us to move about cautiously and discreetly.

So, you're thinkin' about bookin' on outta here then!

Let us split up. We both have different styles of teamwork and procedure...

You're right. It's better than moving as a big group, anyway. Let's engage the enemy from both directions!
The other team head out through one door, while we take the other one.

MUSIC: Fate Breaker
A neat little golden orb that acts like a free inn, restoring HP, VIT, ECN and summons.

A lot of the rooms in this dungeon have spotlights - if you're caught, you have to fight a battle and the room resets afterwards.
It took a while for me to remember this, but you can destroy them by standing under the light and firing the grappling hook up. For now, I just dodged the lights.

Standing on the pressure plate lowers the lever down to ground level, so Boone can hit it with the Steady Doll.
And the very next room contains a...

A big pile of brown goop, and a pretty simple gimmick boss.

It has two attacks: Diabolic Claw and Evil Gaze.
Diabolic claw makes it morph into a panther form and dive at the target. Damage isn't too threatening.
Evil Gaze causes Paralysis.

The problem is that it's immune to bullets and resistant to all magic. It's just too damn squishy.

Casting Refrigerate fixes that, solidifying it into its Panther form and making it vulnerable to bullets for a few turns. The rest is fairly rote.

The cloned mother is running for her life.

Who are you!? What did you do to my Malik!? You... You... FIEND!
She hammers on a door and falls through it when it opens.

Why do you reject me...?
The mother clone is probably the person I feel the most sorry for in this whole mess.

A number of switches with lights sweeping back and forth over them. All of them need to be hit and they disactivate after a few seconds, so you can't take forever.
... of course, if you know the trick you can just destroy the lights with the grappling hook.

As we leave that room, the entire Cradle is rocked by an explosion.

An explosion!?

What caused it!?

We have more pressing matters! We need to keep moving!
We're pretty much here to blow up the place anyway, what's one more explosion?

What is going on!? This can't be... The output level is dropping. Has the main reactor been breached?
Back to the good guys, and if you haven't figured out you can destroy the lights better do so soon, because this one doesn't move at all.

A lot of rooms like this show up - the lasers sweep left and right under the nets, but if Billy uses the sneakers to jump up he can swing himself right over them.
After that, who should we meet but...

I must carry out my orders and stop you in your tracks!
He starts to charge up his barrier, but...

MUSIC: Gun-Equipped Cavalry
Werner Maxwell rushes past us and puts up his own counter-barrier.
Seriously dude, are you just shadowing us everywhere?

Barrier for barrier!? I shall oscillate the frequency to counteract your interference...! Ughh.. .But... AHHHHHHHH!
The room starts to shake violently. Werner looks back over his shoulder.

What are you doing standing about!? Their nanomachine plant is right through that door! Go and stop them from transforming the planetary environment! You can do it!

Billy! This is something only you can do! Try to remember, Billy! The
<<power>> you used to stop the Yggdrasil System!

My power...?

Yes... Your power... Your existence... You are the one who holds the key to save Filgaia! Trust in that power once again!
Everyone runs around the barriers, but Pearl seems to be hesitant.

Before he can respond, an explosion sends them flying through the door. Pearl almost turns back.


No... What do you plan to do...?

Let us trust in your father... Your father has returned to life from the Yggdrasil disaster. He wouldn't fall to something like this.
Yeah, and he's done such a good job keeping that promise.
MUSIC: Fate Breaker

You're right... We have to rescue Maya and put a stop to their diabolical plan... We have to keep moving forward... I'm gonna give it my best... Let's all give it our best!
Moving on, there's this annoying room. Need to traverse this pit by hanging on nets and dropping onto the rapidly moving platforms. Not too bad, but platforming in this game is a little sticky so its easy to misjudge a drop and miss the platform.

Shortly afterward, there's Malik's lab. Looks like we're getting closer to the trouble-spot.
If you check the computer you can get a free heal off a medical device.

MUSIC: A Needle in the Heart, Broken and Washed Away
Soon, we find Melody and Malik standing over the corpse of the clone. Damn Malik, you got dark quickly. He's apparently wrecked the reactor too.

The main reactor is destroyed... Malik! You owe me an explanation!

Mama won't call me by my name... She... She... She called me a fiend, even though I am Malik... Something's wrong with Mama... That's why I destroyed it...
... you went nuts quickly too.

This is the result of reproducing memory? In that mother clone? But how was he able to reproduce memory all of a sudden?

I don't have time to concern myself with Malik - he has gone mad... I must find a way to generate power to the main reactor to supply enough energy to operate the Deus Ex Machina. I guess I have no choice... This may cause the Cradle to fall, but I shall transfer all existing energy into the Deus Ex Machina. Why does everything have to go wrong at the last minute...?
She turns, and sees the drifters.

You cannot blame us for that. What you are doing is wrong and distorted. Do you really think something so twisted will go according to plan!?

You... How dare you refute me!

MUSIC: Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Destroy... Everything must be destroyed! Hyah hah ha haha!

Malik! Don't lose yourself to the nanomachines! Maintain your composure!
Composure or not, it won't do him any good.
... there's nothing to say here. It's exactly the same as last time, only there's no Leehalt. So I'll kill Malik...

Destroy... Everything must be destroyed... I can't take this any more... Destroy the planet... Mama... myself...
That last one I can do. Now for Melody.

Why can't I get my point across...? I've come this far to change myself... Why can't people understand me...?
Could be something to do with going for the "batshit insane" look. Also wow, your hair is really clipping through the floor.

Yes... Everyone will one day break down and disappear... We all know that. That's why we're living the best we can today!
There's still more dungeon after the Prophets are taken care of. The lever to get out of this room is protected by a spotlight and we can't destroy the light, but the Steady Doll can reach the lever.

How is the Deus Ex Machina coming along?

We now have enough energy to operate the nanomachine plant. Most likely due to Melody's quick thinking...

And where are they now?

I last detected their life force diminishing before I lost contact... They may have retreated, or perhaps they're already...

They did not live up to my expectations...

Preparing to destroy the Cradle of the Metal Gods. Please head to the Deus Ex Machina. Once the nanomachines have fully defrosted, we will disperse them all over Filgaia.

Leaving so soon? But I still wanna play.

Hm!? How careless of me... I took my eyes off you with all the chaos...

I shall entertain her. In the meantime, continue to prepare the Deus Ex Machina.

MUSIC: The Lance of Palerider

Don't take me too lightly! You don't know what's coming!

Likewise... How insolent of you - a mere mortal challenging me to a duel.
The two swing and miss at each other for a while, until...

Maya brings out the gatling gun and unloads it into Siegfried's face.

Eat that! Taste good?

I see... I have underestimated your powers. Your ability to mentally synchronize with ARMs - the weapons of demons - is quite astounding...

Weapons of... demons...? What, the ARMs? What are you talking about!?

Your spiritual strength exceeds those of demons... This allows you to draw out destructive power from within the ARM... This is getting interesting... Please entertain me some more... A hero never dies... As long as he has the will to fight!

Hey... You healed yourself! That's not fair!

It's a shame, really... Not only will the energy from the Teardrop help raise nanomachines, but its sparkle maintains my existence! In other words, the sparkle of this planet becomes my power, and with it, I expel the planet's life force. Oh, the irony! This is like a comedy - with the life force playing the role of the clown! Hwah hah hah hah!

That Teardrop was supposed to be mine! I won't let you do as you please with it! (If I can take the Teardrop away from him, maybe...)

Even through all the modifications you have endured, I'm impressed you have made it this far. I applaud you. You deserve a medal... Accept my praise!
He uses a powerful attack, and when Alfred and co. find Maya some time later Siegfried is long gone.


Milady! Are you all right!?

I knew you would come... But... It sure took you a while.

We came as fast as we could!

I know... I'm just joshing you.

What's this stench? The stink of demons?

I have to go after him! I can't let him toy with me! My pride won't allow it!

Give it up, sis!

Give it up!? Determination can overcome anything! Nothing can stand in my way! He even said so himself... Demons are no match against my spiritual strength! Even if my body is battered, my heart will prevail! Now, follow me!
The Schrodingers march for the elevator, just as the Drifters arrive at the main control room. There are more rooms with nets and lasers and then they find themselves outside the base.

The entire structure shakes, and Pearl nearly stumbles.

What's happening!?
Sand starts pouring away from the a ruin as it starts to rise from the ground near the Cradle. Melody, having apparently fled to the surface, watches from the ground.

The structure's boosters fire, and Melody looks into the light.

Doc Winslet! Do you see me now!? Beauty is found within a fading, transient sparkle! This is my true beauty...!
Beauty is apparently char-grilled and VERY crispy.

We're too late!?

What is even worse is that this structure may collapse at any moment!

(This place is losing its power... Maybe it'll work...)

Come, Lombardia!
Lombardia is able to break straight through the forcefield, and everyone hurries to board her.

She starts to fly toward the floating ruin, but something breaks through the wall and attacks!


MUSIC: Higher than can be carried by wings
VIDEO: Lombardia VS Wyvern
It's time for Lombardia battles!
While in Lombardia, everyone retains their stats but their abilities are changed to Lombardia's combat options. You pick an action for each party member and they play out a lot like a regular battle.
The basic options are...

White Fist: Attack
Lombardia swoops toward an enemy and attacks them. Builds FP.

Gun: Missile Might
A swarm of missiles from behind. Does more damage than the basic attack but does not build FP
Shield: Defend
She also has Force Abilities and Arcana of her own.
Dragon ARM (works like Arcana)
Cerebral Matter (needs 10FP): Buffs Reflex and Evade
Epidermal Shell (needs 10FP): Reduces physical and magical attack damage
Mighty Might (needs 50FP): Doubles all damage for about five turns, after which Lombardia will overheat and you won't be able to do anything for several turns. This can be DISASTROUS.
Force Abilities
Self-Regeration (costs 25FP): Heals the user.
Draconic Gun Blaster (costs ALL FP): Lombardia's superweapon, and battle-ender. Someone brought up Shining Finger in the thread earlier, but since this is ranged and there was only ever one mecha show I really loved, I prefer to think of it as a Gravity Blast. At 100FP this will wreck practically everything, especially with Mighty Might active.

The clouds clear below Lombardia, revealing the wasteland below. Heat builds up in front of her mouth, and then...

BAM! Laser out of nowhere.

Followed by an enormous explosion that consumes the target.
Yeah, this will finish practically anything.

I can't believe something so massive can take to the air... This must be that ship from the land unknown that soars the heavens... I thought the Ark of Destiny was the only one... But to see one that's actually flying is just so... Daddy... Maya... You're all safe somewhere, right? Hold tight... We're going to take flight on our wings and chase after that [Metal God] that flew out of the Cradle...

Maintain the Deus Ex Machina's power at 75% and continue its flight! Our destination and course are irrelevant! Just stay out of their sight until the nanomachines mature. Deploy all Wyverns! Have them cover every square inch of the sky! Hwah hah hah hah hah!
Next Time: Stargazing
A Day A Day

Today is March 25, the Space Between Your Feet Day. When you spread your toes, you see a web between them, right? It's a reminder of our ancestors and how much we've evolved. You're not allowed to eat any birds, like chicken or duck today!

Today is March 26, the Day of Life's Lessons. A travelling salesman gave me a doll named [Lessons of Life] the other day as a gift. I kept thinking that this day was a day to bring out this doll and celebrate. Apparently, it wasn't so...