Part 16: Sins of the Fathers 16: Calling Uncle Wolfgang
Part Sixteen: Calling Uncle WolfgangAll right, its time for a plot dump! Lets ring that crazy old uncle and see whats what!

Gabriel then fills in Wolfgang on everything off-camera.

And so we begin interrogating our elderly Great-Uncle over the phone. Nothing really new comes up until we get to here:

They really should have inserted some German cursing here. There really is no better language to swear in. Maybe Klingon.

Uncle Wolfgang also fills us in a little on Tetelo and the Talisman she stole. He confirms that Tetelo controls the cult by possessing her female descendants and ordering the killings, and shes become an insanely powerful Loa thanks to the theft of the Talisman.

Soooo, the Schattenjägers are using the Light Side of the Force?? Anyway, Wolfgang tells Gabriel that the Talisman must be buried with Tetelos remains, but he has no idea where those remains are. He figures theyre either in NOLA or in her ancestral homeland. Gabriel fills him in on what Hartridge found out regarding that: The Republic of Benin. Wolfgang tells Gabriel to carefully investigate where the remains *might* be in Nawlins, but not to approach any of the cults sanctum locations without him.
So there we have it. Gabriels family secret is that he is descended from a line of witch hunting, undead busting, badasses. And yes, Uncle Wolfgang is pretty badass himself, although we wont find out just how badass for awhile yet. (Although you might recognize his voice actor as Alfred from Batman TAS among many, many other roles.) Going out into the main office of St. Georges Books, its time to check the news!


Um. Kay. That wasnt there before. Unfortunately, Gabriels the kind of guy who sees a big red button, hes just gotta push it. All it does is open the tomb however. But its pitch black inside, and we cant see shit because the doors close automatically behind Gabriel. Turns out that Gabriel has a flashlight in his room I missed picking up. Whoops.

So upon returning to the Gedde Tomb, this is all we can see at a time with our flashlight. Theres nine drawers, and some broken glass on the ground.

Most of the drawers just have the same thing in fact, eight of them do. Until we check the middle one.

Yes friends, Detective Mosely has been unceremoniously crammed into the Gedde Tomb. And apparently, someone realized that was kind of a stupid idea because Gabriel is knocked out from behind, and when he comes to, checking the drawer again

Being a good friend, we hold onto Moselys wallet for safe keeping. Nothing else to do here, we return to St. Georges.

Calling Uncle Wolfgang results in his maid or whoever telling Gabriel that hes unavailable. So, what to do, what to do well, the answer is actually already in our inventory. The phone book page.

Were goin to Germany.

But how to pay? Well .remember how we found Moselys wallet in the tomb? It just so happens that, well, his credit card is in there, and hes kinda dead now, so

Ok, I hate the pun name of the card, but I cant help at chuckle at Gabriel just nonchalantly using his dead friends credit card to book himself an international flight. Hes such a wonderful bastard.

NEXT TIME: To Rittersburg!