Part 28: Episode XXVII: In the Name... of SCIENCE!
Episode XXVII: In the Name... OF SCIENCE!
Music: Memories of Dust (Quiet)
Were just going to go ahead and pretend none of that happened... 2B Player Four...? Five...? Im losing track. Anyway, youre next up to bat. Try not to eat any strange seafood, alright?
If youre wondering, any time we get a Bad Ending, the game just dumps us to the title screen and the world acts as if that never happened. So dont worry about the continuity here. Never happened. Speaking with Jackass again will once more net us the deadly Mackerel, scourge of the androids digestive tract. This time, well just sell that sucker for 500G. Thanks for the offer...
Ive seen people be baffled as to how they progress here for Jackass quest as they kept eating the fish and dying. You... just dont eat the fish, you damn idiot! The same fish you have to open the menu, which defaults to Quick Save the second you open it because youre in a save zone, to tab over to the Item menu and manually eat said fish. There are a lot of trollish things in this game I wont defend. You managing to not save for hours and get a bad ending eating that fish? Thats just entirely on you being a goddamn idiot! A huge fucking moron. You should be put in a registry that bars you from handling heavy machinery or procreating if that gag got you and you bitched about it on the internet. Thats something that should come up in a background check so I know to toss that resume in the garbage immediately due to extreme incompetence.
ANYWAY, beyond the aborted fish experiment, Jackass also has a proper sidequest if you dont eat the mackerel like a moron again.

We can now agree to help Jackass or carefully turn her down. Well... she only killed 2B the one time and she did warn us and flip on the most ominous music possible. Well let that slide. Lets help out!

OK. This quest is fairly short but it does have some important information and rewards. Lets follow Jackass up the ridge, shall we?

Jackasss Research is entirely a series of combat challenges that takes place in this little pit between the Desert Camp and the desert outskirts. Weve got to jump into the pit with the machine in question before the challenge begins. All attacking is straight up disabled until we jump down. No cheating science here.

Music: Birth of a Wish (This Cannot Continue)
All we have to do is take out a single Medium Biped. It has about five levels on us. But thats nothing for basic stock machines like that. Easily done! Now just to return to Jackass...

This quest has several stages to it and each one kindly gives out a modest reward. Lets continue onward to the next stage...

Well, if science is demanding we dont take any hits, who are we to argue? This time its three Medium Bipeds waiting to rumble. If 2B takes any damage here, Jackass will get pissed, set off the bombs she implanted in all the experiment test subject machines (she did that by the way) and well be forced to try again from scratch. But keeping our distance and wearing down the machines, before going in for the kill, makes this a simple affair.
Back to Jackass...

Err... Thanks? Really living up to that name, huh? So whats next here...?


Weve got a half dozen Stubbies and one Medium Biped, all sporting shields this go around and a thirty second time limit. This mission is almost entirely why we went and picked up Mirage last time we were in the Resistance Camp. Normally, this could be a trick proposition with just our default equipment. But charge up a Level 2 Mirage and let her rip in the middle of these jerks? Suddenly everyone is at 50% or below HP and all their shields are destroyed at once.
A few heavy swipes with our large sword will mop up the Stubby units and a few more seconds to wail on the Medium boy and this mission is over in short order. And hey, another level out of the deal. Spiffy!

Were almost done here. One last round to go for this quest. Whats the score, Jackass?


So these are actually some new versions of previous enemies. Here we have three shielded Stubby units and three Medium Bipeds (one with a shield.) This go around, the shielded boys all have special electrified fields on their shields. Electricity is an element some machine lifeforms will have parts imbued with occasionally. We briefly saw it in play with those shitty worm enemies back in the City Ruins crater. In the case of shield sporting enemies, if 2B should so much as graze their shields shell take damage and thus fail this data collection session. Attacking the shields with melee can be a problem since it moves 2B towards them and too close and welp.
Thats why we can once again just charge up Mirage to Level 2 and nip that whole shield business in the bud instantly. Now its just a matter of dealing with six normal machines and thats no big deal. Stubbies are already knocking on deaths door from Mirage and Medium Bipeds have the easiest telegraphed attacks in the game, so they can be punished accordingly.
Mirage is a REALLY GOOD Pod Program!

Music: Memories of Dust (Quiet)

Alright. Were helping out. For science. And we got a sack full of G and some decent experience out of the deal. Not bad.
Occasionally, quests will require 2B to return at a later time to advance to the next stage. This always means weve got to travel to another zone to let the area reset and the quest shuffle to the next point.
In this case, taking a brief pit stop back at the Resistance Camp will do the job. As soon as we step out of the transporter, 2B receives a new email. Lets take a look...
See! There you have it. If a quest seems to have stalled, just hop into the nearest transporter and pick an area away from the current one. It should do the trick. Quitting the game and reloading like Dark Souls will NOT work. Gotta change areas!
Back we go to Jackass at the Desert Camp. Shes once more returned under the tent with the resistance merchant. Lets see what shes cooked up...

And so we gain our ultimate reward for this quest: 5,000 G, 500 EXP, and 5 E-Drugs. Yeah, OK... We accidentally helped Jackass create some kind of powerful android narcotic and thats probably got to be frowned upon in YoRHa regulations somewhere... But, after all... It was for science. And 2B didnt die this time. So were doing fine.

And that concludes the Jackasss Research sidequest. All in a days work! We should get back to the mission now. Weve spent entirely too long dicking around on sidequests. But...
But well... Hmm... We did get a sample of these E-Drugs from Jackass. After all that effort, it seems like it would be a waste to not... at least try one. Ya know... for science...
I mean... whats the worst that can happen? 2B already died to a mackerel earlier today. Its not like it can go poorer than that. Here goes noth

New Music: Memories of Dust (Chiptune)

Music: Rays of Light (Quiet)





OK. E-Drugs might be a bad idea to take, kids. Dont get hooked. But... Jackass did mention those two YoRHa members scouting the desert oil oasis had taken interest in her E-Drugs. We should PROBABLY check in on those two, right...?


So if we ever wanted to go on another bad trip for some dumb reason, this drugged to shit YoRHa member is willing to deal at a reasonable price.
But pfft... You saw what happened. The drugs do give a random buff in exchange for other android senses going completely to shit for the 30 second duration. Its hardly worth ever using... Whod want to go through that mess again...?


Video: Episode 27 Drug Trip