Part 42: 7/24/11-7/26/11
7/24/11Yosuke was off today, so we headed to the Samegawa.

> You wandered here with a pensive Yosuke…
> Yosuke is holding something…

When I first got here, she insisted on taking it…
Back then… somewhere inside me, I thought I was above this place…
A lot of people saw me as the enemy, because Junes was going to ruin the shopping district…
But… when I met her, she told me, "Parents are parents. You're you…"
Even if she didn't really mean it… it made me happy.
Because of her… I started to think maybe this town wasn't all that bad.
But then…
It's a shame Yosuke will never really have his answers.

Why did she… have to… die…?
It pisses me off… It makes me mad!
I wanted to talk with her more! I wanted to get to know her better!
She's… not here anymore.
> Yosuke is sobbing out loud…

I wanted to forget about Saki-senpai. How's she not here anymore…
I wanted to forget that… I was living a boring life in the middle of nowhere.
When the murders started, I got excited…
I thought there was finally a point to me being in Inaba…
I thought I could forget Senpai was gone… and the fact that I was such a loser…
I jumped at the murders and never once thought about what I was doing…
I… didn't even take the first step…
I'm sorry… Saki-senpai. I'm sorry… Souji.
If he understands, though, he can try to do something about it.

> Yosuke is looking at you, his eyes red…

I need to get over the fact that Saki-senpai isn't coming back…
That when this case ends… I'll have nowhere to run…
And I won't have changed…
…You made me realize that.
> It seems you were able to act as Yosuke's crutch…
> You feel a bond between you and Yosuke…
Despite what he says, I think Yosuke's changed a lot.

I decided to mess with him a little.

> Yosuke is smiling through his tears…
> You stayed by Yosuke's side, then walked him home…
Nanako seems to want to say something, but I can't quite get her to tell me. I'll ask again some other time.
It rained again, though sadly not all day.

This rain's going to lift in the afternoon, but they said it's going to rain all day tomorrow.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to check the Midnight Channel… just in case?
The culprit is already wanted by the police, but he's someone the police can't handle to begin with.

Let's let everyone else know too, okay?
Exam results were in, I was pretty happy with the outcome.

Female Student: They posted the test results!

Oh well. Wanna check it out?
> You decided to check the test results.
> You got the highest score!

That's awesome! I'm just as happy as if I'd got the highest grade myself!
> Lunch break is almost over. You decided to return to class…
Oh, and Ms. Sofue had checked the grades too.

Ms. Sofue: It is through diligent study that we are bonded with ages past… Ahaha… Keep up the good work.
Now, a little something for you.
> Obtained Magic Mirror x 3.
Ms. Sofue: You know, for as long as time's wheel has turned, hard work has reaped its rewards. Ahaha…
I hadn't heard much from Yumi recently, I decided to head to the hospital to see how things were.

> You hear Yumi's voice coming from inside…

Oh, it fell out…
…I didn't peel it. This fruit came from a can.
You want me to cut it into smaller pieces? …Are you sure?
…Then I'll go throw this away.
This was about where she came out into the hall.

When I come to see him… he wakes up.
He should be in a lot of pain, but he won't take his medicine, because he says it puts him to sleep…
He says… because he doesn't have much longer… he wants to say awake as long as he can… So he can see Mom and me…
…He's so stupid.

That he actually was a kind man. He played with me so much when I was a child…
> Yumi smiles, lost in memory.

It's not fair…
Souji-kun… Thank you for coming…
I'm… I'm scared…
I'm scared to be alone… in that room, listening to him breathing…
It's so quiet… I don't know when he's just going to stop breathing, forever.
Poor Yumi.

So I'll do what I can now…
> It seems you were able to give Yumi some support…
> You feel that your relationship with Yumi has deepened…
I can't imagine what it would be like to have a family member dying like this.

…I'll see you at school.
> Yumi walked off, looking helpless. You went home.
Oh, and Nanako had made something for me while she was at school.

That's incredible!
Umm… I made this.
H-Here you go.
> Nanako gave you Paper Armband.
*giggle *
I somehow feel tougher just wearing it.

Also how the hell did Dojima already know? Scary guy sometimes.
Today was the last day of the term.

Guy With A Backpack: Summer vacation starts TOMORROW! Woohoo!
Bespectacled Student: Too bad it's raining. The forecast said that it was going to last until evening…
Well, it'll let up by tomorrow morning. I wonder if we'll have a nice, clear summer sky tomorrow.
Guy With A Backpack: Oh, well… It's not like I had any plans or anything.
I guess I could watch "Tanaka's Amazing Commodities" and see if there's anything I want.
I don't know what it is about that show, but I always end up buying something.
It's that one that goes: "Over the airwaves to yoooouuuu!" Have you seen it…?
Time passed so damn slowly.

*giggle * I'm excited about summer vacation too! I already bought my swimsuit.
Not that it's got that much material to call it a swimsuit… Hmhmhm.
Well, enjoy your summer vacation, everyone. Oh, and don't forget to do your homework, okay?
God she's disgusting. I decided to check in on Yumi one last time, I'm sure she'll be very busy in the summer with her father so sick. After that I headed home. It was raining at night once again…
VIDEO- "The Midnight Channel"

Click Here For Video!
> Something may appear on TV…
Not only did something appear on TV, but it was immediately clear.

> It's an extremely vivid image!
> A boy is standing with his back against a wall…
He was familiar, though I can't place from where.

Then try and catch me.
> Who was that…?

Who was that guy? I don't know him… Have you ever seen him on the news or some television special?
He seemed really gloomy… Like a zombie…

Teddie had some interesting thoughts on the Midnight Channel now that he'd finally seen it.

That guy's suppressed emotions are resonating with the other side, which are picked up by the TVs over here.
It's clear now that it's not being filmed by anyone. Mystery solved!
But that kid… He must already be inside the other world!
What're we gonna do!?

> You can sense Teddie's strong trust in you…

Nothing I hadn't already guessed, but it's good to know.

Hey, how could he be already inside!? What happened to the blurry image that we usually see in advance?
And did you hear what he said?
"Try and catch me"…
Now that I think about it, he looked like a high schooler… Hey, could he be…?
Nah, I better not jump to conclusions. Let's meet up at headquarters tomorrow. Alright, later!
I didn't need Yosuke to finish that statement. Chie called right after that.

I was just talking to Yukiko! Was that…?
> You recapped your conversation with Yosuke and Teddie for her.

> …You decided to go to bed early.
None of us wanted to jump to conclusions, but I think we all understood: That was the killer.
Next Time On Persona 4: Mitsuou Kubou