Part 34: Rocketing Through Six (FRLG)
FRLG Part 4: Rocketing Through Six

I hope you like spinners, cause there's a lot of them!

Maybe you'll be able to tell where I'm going, but there's a lot of spinners, so probably not.

Figuring out how to get to the load of items in this place does require a bit of thinking.

If you have a friend (or a second GBA), then Porygon2 can now be yours.

While they would fetch a pretty penny, I've got enough cash right now.

C'mon, you can haggle better than that.


Lots of valuable stuff to nick.

What is it with the Rockets hiding neat balls?

Spinner slalom

Finally, Vegeta has been needing this all game. Sucks when good stuff is postgame.

Oh hey, it's an Admin! They have the exact same sprite as a regular Grunt, so, uh, they're real special.

Familiar Pokemon choice too, but eh, it's probably not someone very important. Like what kind of scrubby admin doesn't have a unique sprite???

This guy has a proper tough team and everything. But, well, he's still part of Team Rocket, so he's not that interesting.

Oh yeah, we still have this berk to deal with.

Let's see if this science boy is anything of note.

I hope you're not surprised he isn't.

He seems a bit upset, but hey, we've got the last gem, so back to Celio!

How crazy, we can now trade to RSE, the same generation! Yeah, this sidequest was kinda cool, but I'm glad they didn't attempt something like this again, it would've gotten old real fast having to keep completing the game just to trade to other Pokemon games.

Neat Bill trivia for the Fame Checker.

Here's the main reason for doing the gem quest, Timer Balls and Lava Cookies! While it is a bit late for Lava Cookies, there's still a fair few legendaries to use Timer Balls on, so this is pretty helpful.

Neat. I think I'll hatch one more Egg and leave it there, no need to complete the Pokedex after all.

With all the important necessary stuff out of the way, we've still got most of Six Island and all of Seven Island to go over.

Man we just keep going up in levels, surpassing the original Yellow and Crystal teams! And probably Emerald as well, let's be honest.

Mate you have no idea.

Hey. Phrasing. This is the size measurer for this game and if you break the record, you get a Nest Ball. It's the only way to get multiple and they are helpful to catch all the low level Pokemon around here, but Heracross is a pain to catch as is.

You ever seen a Sunkern that strong? Absolutely mental.

Bug infested forest, eh? Man, what a copy of Viridian Forest. Enough with the endless Gen 1 references already!

For whatever reason the area of Green Path extends to this bit, but here's a small forest.

There's also a boatload of trainers in this small space for whatever reason. You're right, I would usually skip over them, but I apparently did that already by just, uh, not recording a chunk of this area. Probably pressed the stop record button without realising, but hey, you didn't miss much.

There's some bugs to catch here, surprise surprise, with Ledyba being more common in LG and Spinarak in FR. Okay, now I can skip the trainers.

I dunno how they squeezed in so many, but they're there.

If you take this entire area as one image, like, uh, here, then you can see a weird pattern. What do you think it is?

We missed a couple level ups, but everyone is now at 52. Onto 53!

We've got plenty of healing items, so there's just no need.

Out on the other side. Let's see how green this place is!

Off to an auspicious start.

And that was Green Path! It has a lot of water in it... unlike Water Path, which had that large grassy island in it. Hmm. I mean, I guess Pattern Bush counts?

I think this is the last goddamn Swimmer in this game. It's a miracle.

Everyone's deciding to learn dumb moves at this time.

This guy might be in trouble... but at least it's one less Swimmer in the world.

Fishermen are okay. So long as they don't have six Magikarp.

We've travelled a long way. What's our reward? Is it a legendary? Please tell me it's a legendary.

Oh. It's just fuckin Altering Cave. How completely useless. Still, least it's actually well hidden compared to it being shoehorned into Route 103.

Alright Seven Island, what you got?

Ah, e-Reader house. Grrrrrrreat.

Sounds like something interesting is up north.

Let's see what we've got.

Oh hey, it's the Trainer Hill, but slightly different. Guess we'll go over them both at another time.

Tempting, but nah. Next time, we'll be exploring the last island and then seeing what the rest of the postgame has to offer.