Part 37: Chapter 3B (3)

A deceptively simple map with four enemies including Liese herself, but the three regular enemies are Living Armor and Daemons. Enemies are far enough that with careful pulling you could fight them one at a time - the issue is getting that Sin.

I actually redid this map a few times because this first guy kept tripping me up. I could Dash Wylfred and Earnest over to hit him with all four characters, but I definitely wouldn't kill him enough for high Sin and it'd lure the Daemon over. Instead, I have Wylfred and Earnest hang back and Rosea and Cheripha take a few potshots at him.

It then moves in to attack Rosea.

And a gentle reminder that it does hit hard for this point of the game, yes.

Rosea and Cheripha move back, and Earnest comes in to join the party.

The problem always comes after you chip down an enemy and you're unsure whether or not to do a Soul Crush for the fear of killing it. One of those times when Cheripha's Soul Crush actually comes in handy for that minor chipping.

Let's hope it works out for us.

Hey, it's as good as I'm gonna get. It also drops two pairs of Metal Greaves, which will go nicely for Wylfred and Earnest.

The Daemon then moves in. It's also possible to lure him from the bridge with Cheripha.

I was debating whether to use Righteous Rush but ultimately decided against it. Hope it doesn't came back to bite me!

Wylfred moves in, and we cross our fingers.

For those playing at home, don't make the same mistake I did and use Rosea's Soul Crush first - for whatever reasons, Daemons seem to be extremely resistant to physical Soul Crushes when it comes to overkilling them, so you should use magical ones last to maximize Sin generated.

This is honestly a lot better than I expected. I'll just have to get a bit from Liese.

There's a long staircase up to Liese, with the last Living Armor in the way.

This one's easier to deal with, actually, since you'll actually be able to hit it from behind without worrying about a Daemon. I didn't really show it but the first one frustrated me a lot by blocking.

To clarify, we're at just about 270 Sin, so we need 30 from Liese.

What most people would do is climb all the way to the top to reach Liese, but I decided to try something different and move Rosea to here, which is just below Liese.

Then lure her down with Sacred Javelin. Incidentally, Lieselotte is resistant to Holy, almost as a gentle slap across Rosea's cheek. I'm actually not sure if she's weak to Darkness, but chances are you wouldn't be able to exploit it anyway.

Liese responds with a menu spell of her own, actually. We then move everyone slightly up the stairs and she comes down and attacks Wylfred.

Well, nice knowing you Wylfred.

Lieselotte Soul Crush
I guess part of the reason why people say Liese is the best character is her VA. She doesn't sound nearly as good in the Japanese version, I think.

We revive Wylfred next turn and set him up. I could try to chip her down with Cheripha and do a few more revivals... but I want to see if we can Overkill her enough in one round.

Place your bets!

Will it be enough?

It... looks like enough.

Yes! Validation!

There's this too I guess.

By the skin of my teeth I tell ya. I'm not sure I'd have it in me to restart if I didn't get double Sin.

Hey, new weapon for once. Wylfred could actually make use of the Frostbane now without another Swordsman in the party. The Holy Halberd has 55 ATK and 10% Holy, along with three attacks - weaker than Earnest's Partisan, but it does offer a third attack to make up for it. The Skrep is a junky broadsword, we seem to have a lot of them.