Part 10: 4/15-4/17: A Serious Health Code Violation
Part 10: 4/15-4/17: A Serious Health Code Violation
Now Ann has a Persona. Time to go to work.
Music: Will Power

That dirtbag just sees women as sexual outlets! Dont make me laugh with that love bullshit! Cmon, Carmen! Lets give em hell!
This is Belphegor, and yes, that is a toilet. Hes one of my favorite SMT demons because all he wants to do is take a shit. Hes my friend and I love him.
Hes weak to fire, so he goes down real quick. Minibosses cant be talked to, so theres no reason to do anything but All-out Attack.

Pff, outside of school, that guys nothing but a pathetic loser!
Morgana also learns Patra, which cures Dizzy/Forget/Sleep/Hunger for one ally. Well go more into status effects later.
Music: Desire
Kamoshida runs away.

Whyd you come here, man!? And more importantly, how!?

Hey! Is that how you speak to a woman!? Are you all right, Lady Ann!?

Lady Ann
? Wait, what is this thing? Is it alive
? How can it talk? And
where in the world are we

J-Just calm gown. Everythings going to be OK; dont worry.

Huh? What are you talking about!? What the hell are you thinking!?
Yeah, in retrospect that probably wasnt the best thing to say.

Well, Im stumped
A search party will be coming for us soon. Theres no time to explain. We dont have a choice. Lets retreat for now!

We were just gettin fired up, and you had to go and get in the way
Rgh, fine...

You take the other side.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Whichevers not carbonated.

Uh, theyre both actually.


What about me?

Huh? But youre a cat.


Morgana, right? I really am talking to a cat
This feels so strange
Oh, sorry! Youre not a cat, right?

Its only natural that youre confused. Demanding that you understand all of this right after what you went through is asking too much.

Honestly, I still cant believe what happened
And that power
my Persona...

Its the will of your rebellion, Lady Ann. With it, youll be able to fight in that other world.

So if what you told me is true, we can make Kamoshida have a change of heart, right? Is it really possible
? Can we actually force him to confess his crimes?

The volleyball teams keepin quiet about this, while teachers and parents turn a blind eye. If guys like us try and complain, theyre just gonna shoot us down. Goin all in on this plan is the only choice we got.

Then let me help too. I want to make him pay for what happened to Shiho. He just keeps going like nothing happened, even after what he did to her
Ill never forgive him.

Wait, did you just say, let me help? You mean, you want us to take you along?

Dont act like Im going to drag you down. Werent you watching? I can fight too.

Hey, what should we do?
Ann is actually probably my least favorite party member in the game for a few reasons, including her overall lack of utility and her battle character design which manages to be both oversexualized and also just not that visually interesting, but, uh, sure, yeah, shell be great. I guess.

I agree as well. We are lacking in manpower, after all. Dont worry, Ill protect her.
This game needs an option to bust out laughing at that.

Even if you said, no, Id just go in alone.

Oh right, she can go by herself
I guess itd be more dangerous turnin her down
Rgh, fine...

Then its decided. Well, I hope we get along! Im going to make Kamoshida atone for what he did. Not just for Shihos sake, but for everything hes done. I wont let any more people suffer because of him. Ill do whatever it takes!
I sense a strong fighting resolve from Ann...
Music: Interrogation Room

It wouldnt be odd if you had someone that was proficient in deceiving the eyes of others
...If youre listening, then answer me!
I guess this relates to Ann because
shes a model? I guess?
Music: The Spirit
The Lovers Arcana represents relationships and choices, but also disharmony and inner conflict.
Ann learns Baton Pass from the first rank of her Confidant. This is a skill all of our party members will eventually learn at early ranks of their Confidants. It lets us pass the additional turn gained from a 1 More over to someone else who knows Baton Pass, dealing increased damage in the process. Its one of the best new additions to the combat in this game over previous entries. The only downside is that not knowing it is a severe hindrance to any new party members you havent progressed through the Confidants of.

Hey, give me your number and chat ID. And, um

Ill be counting on you, then. Same goes for you, Morgana.

The pleasure is all mine, Lady Ann.
Ann walks off.

And the innocence to cast herself into the jaws of death to achieve her goal
She cares about her friends, and shes beautiful to boot
What a girl! Shes captured my heart...

Im with Ryuji, this is getting mighty uncomfortable.

True. Our best option would be to make a secret hideout where we could discuss these things.

A hideout, huh
? I like the sound of that.

The school rooftop would work
It seems like nobody goes up there. For the time being, that will make the perfect hideout. I cant contact you from inside a Palace, so Ill stay in this world. That being said, Ill need someone to take care of me. Im personally nominating you. You should feel honored.

...Thiss all you. Theres no way I can at my place. Well, we now have our hideout, so lets meet there tomorrow!
Ryuji runs to board the train.
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
Hm? Whos this? Lets talk to her.

Hey, lay off the customers. Sorry if he was rude, Doctor.

...I dont mind.

Come on, youre getting in the way. Go on upstairs.

Come back again.

Oh, that customer just now? Shes the head doctor over at that clinic down the street. Rumor has it she gives pretty crappy examinations, and sells some weird homemade medicines on top of that. At least, thats what Ive heard. I havent been there myself. They should really just leave her alone. Its not like shes getting in the way of their lives

Hey, are we there yet?

Well, Ive gotta get home and start making dinner...

What the
!? What is this place!? Is this some kind of abandoned house

I was wondering why I heard meowing
What did you bring it here for!?

Not my problem. Look, this place is a restaurant. Animals are a no-go
Though I guess you might stay on good behavior if youve got a pet to take care of
But keep it quiet when were open for business. And dont let it roam downstairs, or Ill toss it out. Oh, and Im not gonna take care of it. Thats all on you.
Boy, you backed down quick.

He seemed pretty understanding for someone who keeps you cramped up in this dump. Then again, I suppose to normal people I just sound like a meowing cat.

Make sure you wash that dish. By the way
have you decided on a name?


Morgana? Huh
I was hoping Id get to name it.
Sojiros the fucking best.

And to be honest, this place is heaven compared to Kamoshidas cells. ...Remember how you guys asked me before about what I am? To be honest
I dont remember anything about my birth. I think the Metaverses distortions made me lose both my memories and my true form.

I already told you! Im an honest-to-god human! If I were originally just a cat, how could I talk!? It doesnt make any sense! Theres no doubt that the distortions were what caused me to lose my real self. Im sure that once theyre purged, Ill finally be able to get that self back. And I have a pretty good idea on how to do it too. Thats why I was in the castle in the first place.

Let me make myself clear: Your taking care of me wont be for nothing. Itll be give and take. Due to my knowledgeable and dexterous nature, I have a lot of intel on infiltration tools.

Whoa, I cant tell you more unless we settle on a deal. In exchange for you keeping me here, Ill teach you about these tools. How does that sound?
Still not too jazzed about living with this smug cat but Ill take what I can get.

I take it that means you accept?


Then its a deal.
Morgana seems rather happy...
Music: Interrogation Room

Theres even the possibility that you used special tools and had someone who manufactured them
...Answer me!
Music: The Spirit
The Magician Arcana represents action or skill, but also trickery and manipulation. Its generally associated with the beginnings of journeys, which is why its typically the Arcana of Your Dumb Friend Who Doesnt Know Anything in 3 and 4.
Morgana gives us the ability to craft infiltration tools, which are items that will help us out within dungeons.

By the way, the power you used in the Palace was seriously amazing. The stronger that power gets, the more reliable itll be as a trump card. All right, Im gonna stick with you wherever you go from today on. Personas are the strength born from ones heart. Depending on what kind of life experience you gain, I bet itll affect that power as well!

And if you become acquainted with capable people, you might learn various, useful skills too
This is all part of our deal, got it?

I expect great things from you. Dont let me down, OK?


Getting around in cat form sounds pretty inconvenient, though
Well, it is what it is. Ill just have to deal with being carried in that bag of yours.

I cant. Anyway, I wanted to let you know at least. See you tomorrow.

You guys send messages to each other with that thing, right? I want in too, so Im gonna have to ask you to type for me. At any rate
Is this really a place for someone to live in?
In addition to sitting on the couch, we can also talk to Morgana for some more flavor text related to what were currently doing.
Is this the stress of Kamoshidas threat weighing on me

.. While were riding the train, weve got some downtime. I wonder if we could put it to good use...

I havent been feeling well lately. My heads all foggy, and I have no energy
Ive tried every drug at the pharmacy, but nothing works. Do I have some new virus? ...Is this the onset of a psychotic breakdown? Wh-What should I do? Am I going to die!?

Calm down, calm down! Lets go to the clinic. Come on. Im sure the doctor can prescribe something thatll fix you right up!

Doctors have the best medicine, huh
Hey, wasnt that one customer back at Leblanc a doctor?

Thats not whats important here! Though she did have an interesting fashion sense
Anyway, it might be nice to have some strong medicine to use in the palace...
Music: So Boring

Dont text now. Were in class.

Whoa! You mean youre actually listening to all this crap?

Yeah, but none of it is really sticking today...

I know, right? Anyways, hideout after school?

Where exactly is this hideout?

The school roof.

Wait, we can still go up there?

Im gonna fine you if youre late!

You! Pay attention! Is that how you listen when someones talking to you!?
I feel a murderous intent
Mr. Ushimaru throws a piece of chalk that hits Maaku square in the forehead.

That looked like it hurt.

*snicker* He hit him right in the forehead...

Thats what you get for daydreaming! Kids these days have no respect for their elders.

Good grief
Looks like you need more
Proficiency to completely dodge that.
Considering that we havent seen even a single opportunity to raise Proficiency at this point, that check is unwinnable. Its entirely meant for New Game +, and even then it just gives you Charm, making it kind of pointless at that stage.
Music: Suspicion

Mkay, lets get goin!

Hold on, its still too early for us to head to the Palace.

But why? Dont we just gotta steal that Treasure thing?

Dont underestimate the dangers of that place. We need to prepare.

Aint that Persona shit we got enough to deal with it?

Thats exactly what I mean when I say dont underestimate it. Youll die if you mess up in there. So again, we need to prepare before we head in.

how exactly are we supposed to do that?

Im glad you asked, Lady Ann. First, well need to find better equipment for all of you.

You talkin about weapons? I know a kick-ass place!

In that case, you can handle that side of things. The only other thing would be stocking up on medicine. Fatigue is unavoidable in a Palace...

And where can we get medicine?

Dont worry, I know just the place. I hope you look forward to it, Lady Ann! Now then, Maaku and I have some business in Yongen, so lets head off for today!

Just come with me! I wont be able to get close enough by myself!
Music: Tokyo Emergency

The doctor who prescribes medication after a quick examination? She was sitting at the booth...

I just realized something. If shes the kind of doctor who gets sketchy rumors like that, maybe shell help us out. Shes somewhere in the neighborhood, right? Take me to her.

...Well, I guess thats the only choice we have. Well just have to go for it. All right, lets step inside.
Music: Butterfly Kiss

Hm? I feel like Ive seen you somewhere before...

Well, whatever
So, what are you here for today?

.. ...Fine. Please head to the exam room.

Im going to prescribe you some pain relievers, OK?


So lets go with sleeping pills instead. Sleep is the best medicine anyway. What type of pill do you want, a sweet-tasting one or a bitter one?
The plan is falling apart!

Is that right? And I bet you think you should have a year-long supply of them too.

...Im guessing youre here because you heard the rumors about me, huh?

Whos to say? But as a result, all I get are patients with ulterior motives now. I guess high school kids have it tough nowadays too, huh? Well, fine. Ill prescribe you some medication. But only medication that will help you recover your health. I guess its fine. You seem pretty earnest, and you dont look like youll be any trouble. This is my private practice. All the medicine I dispense is original. I have a license to make my own formulas. Youve likely seen them being sold at various hospitals. Its your responsibility to take care of yourself. So if thats OK with you, stop by anytime.

Great. Its nice that youre so quick on the uptake
Saves me the hassle. Youre a pretty weird kid, you know? I wonder what youre going to use the medicine for
Well, as long as you dont cause me any trouble, its not my problem...
This is where we can buy restorative items. Well be back later, but for now well just purchase a Revivadrin (revives a downed party member) and as many Recov-R: 50 mg (50 HP restore) as we can afford.
A strange man is waiting outside. He enters the examination room.

Do you have a cold? Stomachache? Athletes foot? Whatever it is, youll need to take a number...

...Enough of this!

Youre the only one who could have developed that type of medicine.

Dont play dumb with me. Rumor has it, its a drug so potent it can give a person unlimited power.

Really? Thats news to me.

Developing experimental drugs, medicine, and herbal remedies violates all health regulations. Are you attempting to create a super-stimulant? A drug like that will only become a social issue.

Youre really persistent, you know that? Im just a quack

The police may not be taking action, but I imagine the media will soon pick up on it. You intend to ruin my reputation again, huh? Youre a disgrace to the medical community.


Whats with the look? That was your mistake, was it not? I wont be responsible for your criminal actions. Dispose of that medicine immediately and resign. The name Tae Takemi will never--
My eavesdropping has backfired yet again!
Maaku leaves in a hurry.

Sounded like they were talking about something dangerous
Could that woman be hiding some extra strong medicine

I agree. If its that strong, it might come in handy at the Palace. All right, lets come back when that man isnt here. We shouldnt involve people who have nothing to do with this. Keep the Phantom Thieves a secret, OK? Anyway, great work! That went really well!

Sweet. Welp, lets figure out where to meet. You at least know how to get to Shibuya Station, yeah?

Hey, I cant make it. Can I trust you guys to check the place out for me?

You cant come?

Not tomorrow. I made plans to go see Shiho in the hospital.

Ah, gotcha. Dont worry, we got this. Well, seeya in Shibuya, Maaku! Ill be in front of the station!

We might be able to get our hands on some decent stuff if this store really has model guns. Well, we can leave that for tomorrow. Lets go home!

Once were prepared, lets take on the Palace. Thats where the real fun starts, got it?
No, for real dude, just give it another hour, the games gonna pick up I swear.

Oh, um
O-Of course Ive heard of it before. I just cant remember a time that Ive been there...
That seems reasonable, I guess.
But before we do that, lets check out our stuff.
This is where we obtain the free DLC items we picked up at the start. The important one is the healing item set, for reasons well see very shortly.
The next day...

Mkay, lets get goin. The shops over this way!
Ryuji runs over towards a nearby politician.

This politicians actually saying some decent things, but not many people are stopping to listen...

Eh, people give speeches all the time. Plus, politics are pretty boring, anyways. Were almost there. Just dont get lost in the crowd.
Following Ryuji to Central Street, he runs down a back alley.

Dont go into that alley. I saw a blond punk just head in
Poor Ryuji. Well, lets explore a bit before joining him.
That I am!

Looking for a part-time job? Its easy money! I can make a recommendation just for you.

Hey, youll lose track of Ryuji if you waste time with this guy.
Shut up Morgana, Im having a conversation with this nice man about a job opportunity.

Dont you want some pocket change? I can help you out.

Look, its easy, and itll net you tons of cash. Just follow me and well get you sorted out.

Hey, we dont have time for this guy. Were supposed to be getting weapons today, remember? Lets just go after Ryuji.

Oh yeah, now that were here
you know anything about military stuff? I guess worst comes to worst we can just ask the shopkeep what they recommend. Cmon, lets go.
Music: Layer Cake

Maybe we should try askin the guy behind the counter. And man, whod have thunk model guns would shoot real bullets in that Palace?

...I dunno, just buy whatever looks interestin to you.

Ugh, some customer service...

Fine, whaddya want? An automatic? A revolver?

Uh, automatic
? Dude, whyre you talkin about cars now!?

Listen, this heres an enthusiast shop. My regularsll be mad if I let a casual like you hang around.

Im not a freakin casual! I bought shit from here like, last week!

Huh, cant remember you.

You bastard...

And you? Lookin for somethin?

Th-That aint it! We just like how they look, is all!

you shoulda said before you twore enthusiasts. Im always up for helpin fresh faces. Some precautions first though. Dont go round pointing em at other people. Keep em in a bag or somethin if youre outside. Oh, and dont let the fuzz catch wind of you having em. I dont need them comin around here.

How bout that? Me too. Now, if you look close, youll be able to to tell thesere models. Real guns feel
different. Maybe someday Ill show you the real good stuff though
if you got the
Guts for it, of course. ...But for now, you get the beginner selection. Just sit tight, Ill bring em out.

Oh, and heres the cash for mine. Pick me out something good!
Time to shop.
But first, we need to sell something. This Soma from the healing item pack DLC fully restores HP and SP to all allies. Its incredibly rare and useful as SP is at a massive premium in this game and ways to restore it are few.
So, of course, were going to sell it for 50,000 yen. Moneys not a huge problem for most of P5, but at the beginning at least were going to be pretty hard up for cash. Not anymore.
So what are we going to buy with all the money we just got? Well, were going to buy a piece of armor for Maaku
and thats it. Well go back to the clinic and buy more HP restore items before heading back to the Palace, but for now were going to be pretty frugal. Were only buying this in the first place because like in P3 and P4, if the protagonist dies its game over, so we need to be careful. Were not even going to bother with physical weapons at this point, though its funny to think about why this airsoft guy is selling lengths of pipe for Ryuji to swing around.

Anyways, Ill have you do the choosin from now on. Get me the strongest-lookin one!

Apparently that subway driver from the accident was acting really odd during his testimony hearing.

You talking about that psychotic whatever thing peoplere going on about?

Yeah, I heard it completely alters your personality. The news is saying the driver couldnt even speak when they tried asking him questions.

Theres no way a preposterous story like that could be true. Oh and sorry, but were closing soon.

Hmph, how rude. This must be why you dont get many customers. Your coffees actually not half bad. The beans must be lamenting the sorry state of this store

Thanks for stopping in. Please come again.

Hmph. I only say this out of politeness, but
thanks for the coffee.

What do you want? If youre bored, go wash some dishes or something.

Shut it. Its all good as long as the shop doesnt fail. Im not gonna go wearing a fake smile.

Who knows? Maybe Ill end up living out on the streets.
Youre awful unconcerned about that prospect.

As long as Im here, the world leaves me be. No annoyances or troublesome people to deal with. Itd like my own personal hideaway. Id be kinda screwed if I lost it, but I guess you would be too. So, you better at least try and be useful around here. Anyway, Im leaving now. Dont cause any trouble.

Yeah. Shell get better, I know it. I just need to believe in her. But
Ill never forgive Kamoshida. Hes going to pay for what he did, no matter what.

We just need to assemble some infiltration tools. Clean off that desk back there so we can use it.
So, get materials from Shadows, craft infiltration tools, use the Proficiency you get from crafting to be able to craft more tools at once. Simple.

Everyone starts off a little clumsy. Dont be sad if it doesnt go well at first, OK?

Did you finish?
We got
Lockpick x1.

Great! We should be able to use this.
From making the Lockpick, we get
Proficiency +2. Its possible to get +3 but Im not savescumming for that.

We should be ready now. Were heading into the Palace tomorrow. Lets get some sleep.
Its all coming together. Weve got our medicine, our gear, and our full party, and were finally ready to head back into the Palace. But sorry, Morgana, because before we do that, its time to explore the world a bit. Next time, were going to see just how much shit there is to do in this game.